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Glossary of VSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the VSAv20250214 database(s) held in the VSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the VSAv20250214 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
w1ab_map catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE w1 artifact code value int 4      
w1ab_map_str catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE w1 artifact string varchar 13      
w1ba allwise_sc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1. float 8 arcsec    
w1ba wise_allskysc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w1ba wise_prelimsc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w1cc_map allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W1. This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W1 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact. int 4      
The elements of the binary array are: S 0 0 0 O H 0 P D. The leftmost bit, S, differentiates whether the band-detection is believed to be a real detection contaminated by an artifact ("0") or a spurious detection of an artifact ("1"). The remaining bits are set to "1" to denote contamination by different types of artifacts according to the letters:
  • D - Diffraction spike. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a diffraction spike of a nearby bright star on the same image.
  • P - Persistence. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a short-term latent (persistence) image left by a bright source.
  • H - Halo. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by the scattered light halo associated with a bright star.
  • O (letter "o") - Optical ghost. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by an optical ghost image caused by a nearby bright source on the same image.

For example, a measurement that is believed to be a spurious detection of a diffraction spike and scattered light halo has a binary bit map value of "100001001" and w?cc_map=265.

w1cc_map catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE worst case w1cc_map from AllWISE int 4      
w1cc_map wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W1.
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W1 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact.
smallint 2      
w1cc_map wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W1
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W1 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact
smallint 2      
w1cc_map_str allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion string. This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W1 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o. Lower-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band is believed to be real but the measurement may be contaminated by the artifact. upper-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band may be a spurious detection of an artifact. This string is "null" if there are no artifacts that affect the measurement in this band. The value that appears in first element of the cc_flags string is the left-most character in w1cc_map_str. If w1cc_map_str is "null", then the corresponding cc_flags entry is "0". varchar 9      
For example, a real detection that is contaminated by a diffraction spike and a latent (persistent) image has a w?cc_map_str="dp". A spurious detection of a diffraction spike that is also contaminated by a latent image has w?cc_map_str="Dp".
w1cc_map_str catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE worst case w1cc_map_str from AllWISE varchar 20      
w1cc_map_str wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W1.
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W1 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o.
char 9      
w1cc_map_str wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W1
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W1 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O
char 9      
w1conf allwise_sc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W1 sky background annulus, in digital numbers. This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w1sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps. float 8 dn    
w1conf catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE frame sky confusion based on the UNC images real 4 dn    
w1conf wise_allskysc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W1 sky background annulus, in digital numbers.
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w1sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1conf wise_prelimsc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W1 sky background annulus, in digital numbers
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w1sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1Cov catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE mean coverage depth, band-1 real 4      
w1cov allwise_sc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W1. This column gives the mean pixel value from the W1 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source. float 8      
W1cov may differ from the integer frame coverage value given in w1m for two reasons. First, individual pixels in the measurement area may be masked or otherwise unusable, reducing the effective pixel count and thus the mean coverage value. Second, the effective sky area sampled by a pixels in single-exposure image varies across the focal plane because of field distortion. Distortion is corrected when coadding to generate the Atlas Images. Therefore, the effective number of pixels contributing to a pixel in the Atlas Coverage Map may be slightly smaller or larger than expected if there was no distortion. Third, the values of w1m may be artificially reduced for sources that are covered by saturated 3-Band Cryo single-exposures.
w1cov wise_allskysc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W1.
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W1 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1cov wise_prelimsc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W1
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W1 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1dmag wise_allskysc WISE Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W1.
Single-exposure measurements with w1rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1fitr catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE fitting radius, band-1 (clipped at 999.99) real 4 asec    
w1flg allwise_sc WISE W1 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE standard aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
Standard aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise ususable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag value is the integer sum of any of following values which correspond to different conditions:
  • 0 - nominal: no contamination
  • 1 - source confusion: another source falls within the measurement aperture/li>
  • 2 - bad or fatal pixels: presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture (bit 2 or 18 set)
  • 4 - non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - corruption: all pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative; in the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null"; in the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
  • 16 - saturation: here are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - upper limit: the magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
Note about upper limits:
 threshold = 2 * RMS if ( f < threshold) then     if (f < 0) then       upper_limit = threshold     else       upper_limit = f + threshold 
where f is the flux of the source, RMS is the source flux uncertainty. The upper limit is reported in the WPRO and standard aperture MAG columns; the reported uncertainty is set to 9.99 mag.
w1flg wise_allskysc WISE W1 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg wise_prelimsc WISE W1 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_1 allwise_sc WISE W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_1 wise_allskysc WISE W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_2 allwise_sc WISE W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_2 wise_allskysc WISE W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_3 allwise_sc WISE W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_3 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_3 wise_allskysc WISE W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_4 allwise_sc WISE W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_4 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_4 wise_allskysc WISE W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_5 allwise_sc WISE W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_5 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_5 wise_allskysc WISE W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_6 allwise_sc WISE W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_6 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_6 wise_allskysc WISE W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_7 allwise_sc WISE W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_7 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_7 wise_allskysc WISE W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_8 allwise_sc WISE W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1flg_8 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1 int 4      
w1flg_8 wise_allskysc WISE W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flg_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1flux allwise_sc WISE The "raw" W1 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This value may be negative. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w1flux catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux, band-1 real 4 dn    
w1flux wise_allskysc WISE The "raw" W1 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1flux wise_prelimsc WISE The "raw" W1 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1flux_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux, band-1 real 4 dn    
w1frl wise_prelimsc WISE Fraction of W1 pixels affected by latents
This column gives the fraction of all W1 pixels in the stack of individual W1 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by the presence of a latent image produced by a bright source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1frtr wise_allskysc WISE Fraction of W1 pixels affected by transients.
This column gives the fraction of all W1 pixels in the stack of individual W1 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1gerr allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. CAUTION: A w1gerr value of 9.999 indicates that the measurement uncertainty is very large, or the uncertainty could not be computed. In either case, the w1gmag measurement should be considered highly suspect. float 8 mag    
w1gerr wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1gerr wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1gflg allwise_sc WISE W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w1gflg wise_allskysc WISE W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag, w1mflg.
smallint 2   -9999  
w1gflg wise_prelimsc WISE W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w1gmag allwise_sc WISE W1 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w1rsemi, w1ba, and w1pa. float 8 mag    
w1gmag wise_allskysc WISE W1 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w1rsemi, w1ba, and w1pa. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1gmag wise_prelimsc WISE W1 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w1rsemi, w1ba, and w1pa real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1k allwise_sc WISE Stetson K variability index (Stetson, P. 1996, PASP, 108, 851) computed using the W1 profile-fit fluxes measured on the individual single-exposure images. This column is null if there are <3 single-exposure measurements available in W1. float 8      
w1k catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Stetson k index for variability; band-1 real 4      
w1M catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO, M , band-1
M == number of flux measurements for a given source
int 4      
w1m allwise_sc WISE Integer frame coverage. This column gives the number of individual 7.7s W1 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible. This number can differ between the four bands because band-dependent criteria are used to select individual frames for inclusion in the coadded Atlas Images. This column is null if there is no frame coverage in this band at the position of this source. CAUTION: The value of w1m may be lower than expected for sources that were covered by saturated 3-Band Cryo single-exposures. A sign of this is if w1m differs significantly from w1cov. int 4      
w1m wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame coverage in W1.
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s W1 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w1m wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame coverage in W1
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s W1 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible
bigint 8   -99999999  
w1mag allwise_sc WISE W1 "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in w1mcor. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE standard aperture mag w/ correction applied real 4 mag    
w1mag wise_allskysc WISE W1 "standard" aperture magnitude.
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag wise_prelimsc WISE W1 "standard" aperture magnitude
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_1 allwise_sc WISE W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 5.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8      
w1mag_1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_1 wise_allskysc WISE W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 5.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_2 allwise_sc WISE W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_2 wise_allskysc WISE W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_3 allwise_sc WISE W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_3 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_3 wise_allskysc WISE W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_4 allwise_sc WISE W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 13.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_4 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_4 wise_allskysc WISE W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 13.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_5 allwise_sc WISE W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_5 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_5 wise_allskysc WISE W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_6 allwise_sc WISE W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 19.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_6 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_6 wise_allskysc WISE W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 19.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_7 allwise_sc WISE W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_7 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_7 wise_allskysc WISE W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_8 allwise_sc WISE W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 24.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W1. float 8 mag    
w1mag_8 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mag_8 wise_allskysc WISE W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 24.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mag_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W1
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
W1mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE W1 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
w1magP catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO repeatability mag; band-1 real 4 mag    
w1magp allwise_sc WISE Magnitude computed from the inverse-variance-weighted mean of the profile-fit flux measurements on the w1m individual W1 frames covering this source. This differs from w1mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w1mpro is computed by fitting all W1 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is "null" if w1m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w1mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources. float 8 mag    
w1magp wise_allskysc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W1 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source.
This differs from w1mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w1mpro is computed by fitting all W1 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w1m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w1mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1magp wise_prelimsc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W1 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source
This differs from w1mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w1mpro is computed by fitting all W1 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w1m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mcor allwise_sc WISE W1 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w1mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. float 8 mag    
w1mcor wise_allskysc WISE W1 aperture curve-of-growth correction.
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w1mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mcor wise_prelimsc WISE W1 aperture curve-of-growth correction
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w1mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mCorr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ WISE w1mpro measurement corrected for Galactic dust extinction {image primary HDU keyword: W1mCorr} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1mCorr wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ WISE w1mpro measurement corrected for Galactic dust extinction {image primary HDU keyword: W1C} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1mCorrErr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ W1 profile fit photometric measurement uncertainty {image primary HDU keyword: w1sigmpro} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mCorrErr wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ Error on WISE w1mpro measurement corrected for Galactic dust extinction {image primary HDU keyword: w1sigmpro} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1mJDmax catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE maximum mJD; band-1 float 8      
w1mjdmax allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W1 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w1mJDmea catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE mean mJD; band-1 float 8      
w1mjdmean allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W1 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w1mJDmin catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE minimum mJD; band-1 float 8      
w1mjdmin allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W1 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w1mLQ catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE -log(Q), Q = 1-P(chi-square); band-1 real 4      
w1mlq allwise_sc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W1 flux. The value is -ln(Q), where Q = 1 - P(χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9. float 8      
The Q value is the fraction of all cases to be at least as large as that observed if the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is that the flux is emitted by a non-variable astrophysical object. It may be false because the object is a true variable. It may also be false because the flux measurement is corrupted by artifacts such as cosmic rays, scattered light, etc. The smaller the Q value, the more implausible the null hypothesis, i.e., the more likely it is that the flux is either variable or corrupted or both.
w1mlq wise_allskysc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W1 flux.
The value is -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(Χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9.
int 4   -99999999  
w1mpro allwise_sc WISE W1 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W1 flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in W1, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. float 8 mag    
NOTE: A special exception to the upper limit conditions described above applies if the W1 value of ph_qual is "Z" (e.g. ph_qual LIKE 'Z%'). In these cases, the value of w1mpro corresponds to the actual flux measurement, w1flux, or is null if w1flux is negative. This occurs for 106,140 sources in the AllWISE Catalog and 54,900 sources in the Reject Table, all of which are confined to a narrow strip of ecliptic longitude.
w1mpro catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux in mag units, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1mpro wise_allskysc WISE W1 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W1 flux measurement has SNR<2.
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W1, but no useful brightness estimate could be made.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mpro wise_prelimsc WISE W1 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W1 flux measurement has SNR<2
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W1, but no useful brightness estimate could be made
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1mpro_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux in mag units, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1Ndf catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE No. degrees of freedom in var chi-square; band-1 int 4      
w1ndf allwise_sc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W1. int 4      
w1ndf wise_allskysc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W1. bigint 8   -99999999  
w1NM catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO, N (of M), band-1
M == number of flux measurements for a given source; N == number of M sources that have SNR >= 3
int 4      
w1nm allwise_sc WISE Integer frame detection count. This column gives the number of individual 7.7s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W1 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures. int 4      
w1nm wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame detection count in W1.
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W1 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w1nm wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame detection count in W1
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W1 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures
bigint 8   -99999999  
w1pa allwise_sc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W1. float 8 deg    
w1pa wise_allskysc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W1. real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w1pa wise_prelimsc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W1 real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w1rchi2 allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the W1 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). real 4      
w1rchi2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO reduced chi^2, band-1 real 4      
w1rchi2 wise_allskysc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement.
This column is default if the W1 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected).
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1rchi2 wise_prelimsc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement
This column is default if the W1 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected)
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1rchi2_pm allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion estimation. This column is null if the source is not detected in W1, or if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. real 4      
w1rchi2_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO reduced chi^2, band-1 real 4      
w1rsemi allwise_sc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1. float 8 arcsec    
w1rsemi wise_allskysc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w1rsemi wise_prelimsc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w1Sat catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE fraction of pixels saturated, band-1 real 4      
w1sat allwise_sc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W1. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W1]~8 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of charged particle strikes, or if the source is covered by 3-Band Cryo single-exposures that began to saturate because of rising temperatures. float 8      
w1sat wise_allskysc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W1.
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W1]∼8 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1sat wise_prelimsc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W1
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1sigflux allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W1 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w1sigflux catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-1 real 4 dn    
w1sigflux wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W1 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1sigflux wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W1 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1sigflux_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-1 real 4 dn    
w1sigm allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE standard aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude
This column is default if the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_1 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 5.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_1 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_1 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_2 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 8.25" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_2 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_2 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_3 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 11.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_3 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_3 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_3 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_4 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 13.75" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_4 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_4 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_4 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_5 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 16.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_5 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_5 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_5 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_6 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 19.25" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_6 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_6 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_6 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_7 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 22.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_7 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_7 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_7 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_8 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 24.75" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigm_8 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigm_8 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigm_8 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigmpro allwise_sc WISE W1 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the W1 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. float 8 mag    
Note - In a small number of cases where the W1 value of ph_qual is "Z" (e.g. ph_qual LIKE 'Z%'), the W1 source flux uncertainty was not measurable because of the presence of a large number of saturated pixels from 3-Band Cryo frames covered the source. In these cases, this column is null, but the w1mpro column will correspond either to the actual source flux, w1flux, rather than the 95% confidence upper limit, or will be null if w1flux is negative.
w1sigmpro catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigmpro wise_allskysc WISE W1 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.
This column is default if the W1 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigmpro wise_prelimsc WISE W1 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty
This column is default if the W1 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigmpro_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigP1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO mag population sigma; band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigp1 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W1 fluxes measured on the w1m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is "null" if w1m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigp1 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W1 fluxes measured on the w1m individual frames covering this source.
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w1m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigp1 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W1 fluxes measured on the w1m individual frames covering this source
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w1m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigP2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO mag uncertainty of the mean; band-1 real 4 mag    
w1sigp2 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W1 fluxes (w1magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This is equivalent to w1sigp1/sqrt(w1m). This column is "null" if w1m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w1sigp2 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W1 fluxes (w1magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source.
This column is default if w1m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigp2 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W1 fluxes (w1magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source
This column is default if w1m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w1sigsk allwise_sc WISE The uncertainty in the W1 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". float 8 dn    
w1sigsk catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE frame sky background value uncertainty, band-1 real 4 dn    
w1sigsk wise_allskysc WISE The uncertainty in the W1 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1sigsk wise_prelimsc WISE The uncertainty in the W1 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70" real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1sky allwise_sc WISE The trimmed average of the W1 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value. float 8 dn    
For profile-fit photometry, the sky background is measured on the individual single-exposure images that are used for source characterization. For aperture photometry, the sky background is measured on the Atlas Image.
w1sky catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE frame sky background value, band-1 real 4 dn    
w1sky wise_allskysc WISE The trimmed average of the W1 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1sky wise_prelimsc WISE The trimmed average of the W1 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70"
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w1snr allwise_sc WISE W1 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w1flux) to flux uncertainty (w1sigflux)in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w1flux is negative, or if w1flux or w1sigflux are null. float 8      
w1snr catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE S/N ratio, band-1 real 4      
w1snr wise_allskysc WISE W1 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.
This value is the ratio of the flux (w1flux) to flux uncertainty (w1sigflux) in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w1flux is negative, or if w1flux or w1sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1snr wise_prelimsc WISE W1 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio
This value is the ratio of the flux (w1flux) to flux uncertainty (w1sigflux)in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w1flux is negative, or if w1flux or w1sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w1snr_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE flux S/N ratio, band-1 real 4      
w2ab_map catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE w2 artifact code value int 4      
w2ab_map_str catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE w2 artifact string varchar 13      
w2ba allwise_sc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2. float 8 arcsec    
w2ba wise_allskysc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w2ba wise_prelimsc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w2cc_map allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W2. This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W2 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact. int 4      
The elements of the binary array are: S 0 0 0 O H 0 P D. The leftmost bit, S, differentiates whether the band-detection is believed to be a real detection contaminated by an artifact ("0") or a spurious detection of an artifact ("1"). The remaining bits are set to "1" to denote contamination by different types of artifacts according to the letters:
  • D - Diffraction spike. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a diffraction spike of a nearby bright star on the same image.
  • P - Persistence. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a short-term latent (persistence) image left by a bright source.
  • H - Halo. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by the scattered light halo associated with a bright star.
  • O (letter "o") - Optical ghost. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by an optical ghost image caused by a nearby bright source on the same image.

For example, a measurement that is believed to be a spurious detection of a diffraction spike and scattered light halo has a binary bit map value of "100001001" and w?cc_map=265.

w2cc_map catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE worst case w2cc_map from AllWISE int 4      
w2cc_map wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W2.
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W2 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact.
smallint 2      
w2cc_map wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W2
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W2 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact
smallint 2      
w2cc_map_str allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion string. This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W2 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o. Lower-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band is believed to be real but the measurement may be contaminated by the artifact. Upper-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band may be a spurious detection of an artifact. This string is "null" if there are no artifacts that affect the measurement in this band. The value that appears in second element of the cc_flags string is the left-most character in w2cc_map_str. If w2cc_map_str is "null", then the corresponding cc_flags entry is "0". varchar 9      
For example, a real detection that is contaminated by a diffraction spike and a latent (persistent) image has a w?cc_map_str="dp". A spurious detection of a diffraction spike that is also contaminated by a latent image has w?cc_map_str="Dp".
w2cc_map_str catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE worst case w2cc_map_str from AllWISE varchar 20      
w2cc_map_str wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W2.
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W2 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o.
char 9      
w2cc_map_str wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W2
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W2 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O
char 9      
w2conf allwise_sc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W2 sky background annulus, in digital numbers. This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w2sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps. float 8 dn    
w2conf catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE frame sky confusion based on the UNC images real 4 dn    
w2conf wise_allskysc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W2 sky background annulus, in digital numbers.
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w2sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2conf wise_prelimsc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W2 sky background annulus, in digital numbers
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w2sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2Cov catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE mean coverage depth, band-2 real 4      
w2cov allwise_sc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W2. This column gives the mean pixel value from the W2 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source. float 8      
W2cov may differ from the integer frame coverage value given in w2m for two reasons. First, individual pixels in the measurement area may be masked or otherwise unusable, reducing the effective pixel count and thus the mean coverage value. Second, the effective sky area sampled by a pixels in single-exposure image varies across the focal plane because of field distortion. Distortion is corrected when coadding to generate the Atlas Images. Therefore, the effective number of pixels contributing to a pixel in the Atlas Coverage Map may be slightly smaller or larger than expected if there was no distortion.
w2cov wise_allskysc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W2.
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W2 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2cov wise_prelimsc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W2
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W2 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2dmag wise_allskysc WISE Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W2.
Single-exposure measurements with w2rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2fitr catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE fitting radius, band-2 (clipped at 999.99) real 4 asec    
w2flg allwise_sc WISE W2 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE standard aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg wise_allskysc WISE W2 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg wise_prelimsc WISE W2 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_1 allwise_sc WISE W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_1 wise_allskysc WISE W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_2 allwise_sc WISE W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_2 wise_allskysc WISE W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_3 allwise_sc WISE W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_3 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_3 wise_allskysc WISE W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_4 allwise_sc WISE W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_4 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_4 wise_allskysc WISE W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_5 allwise_sc WISE W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_5 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_5 wise_allskysc WISE W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_6 allwise_sc WISE W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_6 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_6 wise_allskysc WISE W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_7 allwise_sc WISE W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_7 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_7 wise_allskysc WISE W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_8 allwise_sc WISE W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2flg_8 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2 int 4      
w2flg_8 wise_allskysc WISE W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flg_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2flux allwise_sc WISE The "raw" W2 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This value may be negative. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w2flux catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux, band-2 real 4 dn    
w2flux wise_allskysc WISE The "raw" W2 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2flux wise_prelimsc WISE The "raw" W2 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2flux_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux, band-2 real 4 dn    
w2frl wise_prelimsc WISE Fraction of W2 pixels affected by latents
This column gives the fraction of all W2 pixels in the stack of individual W2 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by the presence of a latent image produced by a bright source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2frtr wise_allskysc WISE Fraction of W2 pixels affected by transients.
This column gives the fraction of all W2 pixels in the stack of individual W2 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2gerr allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. CAUTION: A w2gerr value of 9.999 indicates that the measurement uncertainty is very large, or the uncertainty could not be computed. In either case, the w2gmag measurement should be considered highly suspect. float 8 mag    
w2gerr wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2gerr wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2gflg allwise_sc WISE W2 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w2gflg wise_allskysc WISE W2 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag, w2mflg.
smallint 2   -9999  
w2gflg wise_prelimsc WISE W2 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w2gmag allwise_sc WISE W2 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w2rsemi, w2ba, and w2pa. float 8 mag    
w2gmag wise_allskysc WISE W2 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w2rsemi, w2ba, and w2pa. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2gmag wise_prelimsc WISE W2 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w2rsemi, w2ba, and w2pa real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2k allwise_sc WISE Stetson K variability index (Stetson, P. 1996, PASP, 108, 851) computed using the W2 profile-fit fluxes measured on the individual single-exposure images. This column is null if there are <3 single-exposure measurements available in W2. float 8      
w2k catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Stetson k index for variability; band-2 real 4      
w2M catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO, M , band-2
M == number of flux measurements for a given source
int 4      
w2m allwise_sc WISE Integer frame coverage. This column gives the number of individual 7.7s W2 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible. This number can differ between the four bands because band-dependent criteria are used to select individual frames for inclusion in the coadded Atlas Images. This column is null if there is no frame coverage in this band at the position of this source. int 4      
w2m wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame coverage in W2.
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s W2 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w2m wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame coverage in W2
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s W2 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible
bigint 8   -99999999  
w2mag allwise_sc WISE W2 "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in w2mcor. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE standard aperture mag w/ correction applied real 4 mag    
w2mag wise_allskysc WISE W2 "standard" aperture magnitude.
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag wise_prelimsc WISE W2 "standard" aperture magnitude
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_1 allwise_sc WISE W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 5.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_1 wise_allskysc WISE W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 5.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_2 allwise_sc WISE W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_2 wise_allskysc WISE W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_3 allwise_sc WISE W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_3 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_3 wise_allskysc WISE W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_4 allwise_sc WISE W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 13.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_4 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_4 wise_allskysc WISE W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 13.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_5 allwise_sc WISE W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_5 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_5 wise_allskysc WISE W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_6 allwise_sc WISE W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 19.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_6 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_6 wise_allskysc WISE W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 19.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag. -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_7 allwise_sc WISE W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_7 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_7 wise_allskysc WISE W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_8 allwise_sc WISE W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 24.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W2. float 8 mag    
w2mag_8 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mag_8 wise_allskysc WISE W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 24.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mag_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W2
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
W2mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE W2 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
w2magP catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO repeatability mag; band-2 real 4 mag    
w2magp allwise_sc WISE Magnitude computed from the inverse-variance-weighted mean of the profile-fit flux measurements on the w2m individual W2 frames covering this source. This differs from w2mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w2mpro is computed by fitting all W2 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is "null" if w2m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w2mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources. float 8 mag    
w2magp wise_allskysc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W2 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source.
This differs from w2mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w2mpro is computed by fitting all W2 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w2m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w2mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2magp wise_prelimsc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W2 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source
This differs from w2mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w2mpro is computed by fitting all W2 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w2m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mcor allwise_sc WISE W2 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w2mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. float 8 mag    
w2mcor wise_allskysc WISE W2 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes.
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w2mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mcor wise_prelimsc WISE W2 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w2mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mCorr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ WISE w2mpro measurement corrected for Galactic dust extinction {image primary HDU keyword: W2mCorr} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mCorr wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ WISE w2mpro measurement corrected for Galactic dust extinction {image primary HDU keyword: W2C} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mCorrErr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ W2 profile fit photometric measurement uncertainty {image primary HDU keyword: w2sigmpro} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mCorrErr wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ Error on WISE w2mpro measurement corrected for Galactic dust extinction {image primary HDU keyword: w2sigmpro} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2mJDmax catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE maximum mJD; band-2 float 8      
w2mjdmax allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W2 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w2mJDmean catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE mean mJD; band-2 float 8      
w2mjdmean allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W2 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w2mJDmin catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE minimum mJD; band-2 float 8      
w2mjdmin allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W2 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w2mLQ catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE -log(Q), Q = 1-P(chi-square); band-2 real 4      
w2mlq allwise_sc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W2 flux. The value is -ln(Q), where Q = 1 - P(χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9. float 8      
The Q value is the fraction of all cases to be at least as large as that observed if the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is that the flux is emitted by a non-variable astrophysical object. It may be false because the object is a true variable. It may also be false because the flux measurement is corrupted by artifacts such as cosmic rays, scattered light, etc. The smaller the Q value, the more implausible the null hypothesis, i.e., the more likely it is that the flux is either variable or corrupted or both.
w2mlq wise_allskysc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W2 flux.
The value is -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(Χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9.
int 4   -99999999  
w2mpro allwise_sc WISE W2 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W2 flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in W2, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. float 8 mag    
w2mpro catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux in mag units, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2mpro wise_allskysc WISE W2 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W2 flux measurement has SNR<2.
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W2, but no useful brightness estimate could be made.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mpro wise_prelimsc WISE W2 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W2 flux measurement has SNR<2
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W2, but no useful brightness estimate could be made
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2mpro_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux in mag units, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2Ndf catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE No. degrees of freedom in var chi-square; band-2 int 4      
w2ndf allwise_sc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W2. int 4      
w2ndf wise_allskysc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W2. bigint 8   -99999999  
w2NM catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO, N (of M), band-2
M == number of flux measurements for a given source; N == number of M sources that have SNR >= 3
int 4      
w2nm allwise_sc WISE Integer frame detection count. This column gives the number of individual 7.7s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W2 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures. int 4      
w2nm wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame detection count in W2.
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W2 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w2nm wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame detection count in W2
This column gives the number of individual 7.7s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W2 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures
bigint 8   -99999999  
w2pa allwise_sc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W2. float 8 deg    
w2pa wise_allskysc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W2. real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w2pa wise_prelimsc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W2 real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w2rchi2 allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the W2 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). real 4      
w2rchi2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO reduced chi^2, band-2 real 4      
w2rchi2 wise_allskysc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement.
This column is default if the W2 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected).
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2rchi2 wise_prelimsc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement
This column is default if the W2 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected)
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2rchi2_pm allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion estimation. This column is null if the source is not detected in W2 magnitude or if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. real 4      
w2rchi2_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO reduced chi^2, band-2 real 4      
w2rsemi allwise_sc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2. float 8 arcsec    
w2rsemi wise_allskysc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w2rsemi wise_prelimsc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w2Sat catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE fraction of pixels saturated, band-2 real 4      
w2sat allwise_sc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W2. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W2]~7 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of charged particle strikes. float 8      
w2sat wise_allskysc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W2.
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W2]∼7 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2sat wise_prelimsc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W2
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2sigflux allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W2 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w2sigflux catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-2 real 4 dn    
w2sigflux wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W2 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2sigflux wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W2 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2sigflux_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE fit WPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-2 real 4 dn    
w2sigm allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE standard aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude
This column is default if the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_1 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 5.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_1 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_1 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_2 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 8.25" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_2 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_2 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_3 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 11.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_3 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_3 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_3 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_4 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 13.75" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_4 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_4 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_4 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_5 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 16.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_5 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_5 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_5 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_6 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 19.25" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_6 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_6 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_6 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_7 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 22.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_7 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_7 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_7 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_8 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 24.75" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigm_8 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigm_8 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigm_8 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigmpro allwise_sc WISE W2 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the W2 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. float 8 mag    
w2sigmpro catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigmpro wise_allskysc WISE W2 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.
This column is default if the W2 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigmpro wise_prelimsc WISE W2 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty
This column is default if the W2 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigmpro_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigP1 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO mag population sigma; band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigp1 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W2 fluxes measured on the w2m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is "null" if w2m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigp1 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W2 fluxes measured on the w2m individual frames covering this source.
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w2m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigp1 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W2 fluxes measured on the w2m individual frames covering this source
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w2m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigP2 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE WPRO mag uncertainty of the mean; band-2 real 4 mag    
w2sigp2 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W2 fluxes (w2magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This is equivalent to w2sigp1/sqrt(w2m). This column is "null" if w2m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w2sigp2 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W2 fluxes (w2magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source.
This column is default if w2m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigp2 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W2 fluxes (w2magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source
This column is default if w2m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w2sigsk allwise_sc WISE The uncertainty in the W2 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". float 8 dn    
w2sigsk catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE frame sky background value uncertainty, band-2 real 4 dn    
w2sigsk wise_allskysc WISE The uncertainty in the W2 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2sigsk wise_prelimsc WISE The uncertainty in the W2 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70" real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2sky allwise_sc WISE The trimmed average of the W2 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value. float 8 dn    
For profile-fit photometry, the sky background is measured on the individual single-exposure images that are used for source characterization. For aperture photometry, the sky background is measured on the Atlas Image.
w2sky catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE frame sky background value, band-2 real 4 dn    
w2sky wise_allskysc WISE The trimmed average of the W2 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2sky wise_prelimsc WISE The trimmed average of the W2 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70"
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w2snr allwise_sc WISE W2 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w2flux) to flux uncertainty (w2sigflux)in the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w2flux is negative, or if w2flux or w2sigflux are null. float 8      
w2snr catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE S/N ratio, band-2 real 4      
w2snr wise_allskysc WISE W2 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.
This value is the ratio of the flux (w2flux) to flux uncertainty (w2sigflux) in the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w2flux is negative, or if w2flux or w2sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2snr wise_prelimsc WISE W2 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio
This value is the ratio of the flux (w2flux) to flux uncertainty (w2sigflux)in the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w2flux is negative, or if w2flux or w2sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w2snr_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE flux S/N ratio, band-2 real 4      
w3ba allwise_sc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3. float 8 arcsec    
w3ba wise_allskysc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w3ba wise_prelimsc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w3cc_map allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W3. This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W3 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact. int 4      
The elements of the binary array are: S 0 0 0 O H 0 P D. The leftmost bit, S, differentiates whether the band-detection is believed to be a real detection contaminated by an artifact ("0") or a spurious detection of an artifact ("1"). The remaining bits are set to "1" to denote contamination by different types of artifacts according to the letters:
  • D - Diffraction spike. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a diffraction spike of a nearby bright star on the same image.
  • P - Persistence. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a short-term latent (persistence) image left by a bright source.
  • H - Halo. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by the scattered light halo associated with a bright star.
  • O (letter "o") - Optical ghost. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by an optical ghost image caused by a nearby bright source on the same image.

For example, a measurement that is believed to be a spurious detection of a diffraction spike and scattered light halo has a binary bit map value of "100001001" and w?cc_map=265.

w3cc_map wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W3.
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W3 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact.
smallint 2      
w3cc_map wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W3
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W3 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact
smallint 2      
w3cc_map_str allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion string. This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W3 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o. Lower-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band is believed to be real but the measurement may be contaminated by the artifact. Upper-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band may be a spurious detection of an artifact. This string is "null" if there are no artifacts that affect the measurement in this band. The value that appears in third element of the cc_flags string is the left-most character in w3cc_map_str. If w3cc_map_str is "null", then the corresponding cc_flags entry is "0". varchar 9      
For example, a real detection that is contaminated by a diffraction spike and a latent (persistent) image has a w?cc_map_str="dp". A spurious detection of a diffraction spike that is also contaminated by a latent image has w?cc_map_str="Dp".
w3cc_map_str wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W3.
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W3 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o.
char 9      
w3cc_map_str wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W3
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W3 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O
char 9      
w3conf allwise_sc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W3 sky background annulus, in digital numbers. This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w3sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps. float 8 dn    
w3conf wise_allskysc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W3 sky background annulus, in digital numbers.
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w3sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3conf wise_prelimsc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W3 sky background annulus, in digital numbers
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w3sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3cov allwise_sc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W3. This column gives the mean pixel value from the W3 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source. float 8      
W3cov may differ from the integer frame coverage value given in w3m for two reasons. First, individual pixels in the measurement area may be masked or otherwise unusable, reducing the effective pixel count and thus the mean coverage value. Second, the effective sky area sampled by a pixels in single-exposure image varies across the focal plane because of field distortion. Distortion is corrected when coadding to generate the Atlas Images. Therefore, the effective number of pixels contributing to a pixel in the Atlas Coverage Map may be slightly smaller or larger than expected if there was no distortion.
w3cov wise_allskysc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W3.
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W3 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3cov wise_prelimsc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W3
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W3 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 8.25" centered on the position of this source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3dmag wise_allskysc WISE Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W3.
Single-exposure measurements with w3rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3flg allwise_sc WISE W3 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg wise_allskysc WISE W3 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg wise_prelimsc WISE W3 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_1 allwise_sc WISE W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_1 wise_allskysc WISE W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_2 allwise_sc WISE W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_2 wise_allskysc WISE W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_3 allwise_sc WISE W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_3 wise_allskysc WISE W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_4 allwise_sc WISE W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_4 wise_allskysc WISE W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_5 allwise_sc WISE W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_5 wise_allskysc WISE W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_6 allwise_sc WISE W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_6 wise_allskysc WISE W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_7 allwise_sc WISE W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_7 wise_allskysc WISE W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_8 allwise_sc WISE W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3flg_8 wise_allskysc WISE W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flg_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3flux allwise_sc WISE The "raw" W3 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This value may be negative. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w3flux wise_allskysc WISE The "raw" W3 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3flux wise_prelimsc WISE The "raw" W3 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3frl wise_prelimsc WISE Fraction of W3 pixels affected by latents
This column gives the fraction of all W3 pixels in the stack of individual W3 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by the presence of a latent image produced by a bright source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3frtr wise_allskysc WISE Fraction of W3 pixels affected by transients.
This column gives the fraction of all W3 pixels in the stack of individual W3 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3gerr allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. CAUTION: A w3gerr value of 9.999 indicates that the measurement uncertainty is very large, or the uncertainty could not be computed. In either case, the w3gmag measurement should be considered highly suspect. float 8 mag    
w3gerr wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3gerr wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3gflg allwise_sc WISE W3 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w3gflg wise_allskysc WISE W3 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag, w3mflg.
smallint 2   -9999  
w3gflg wise_prelimsc WISE W3 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w3gmag allwise_sc WISE W3 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w3rsemi, w3ba, and w3pa. float 8 mag    
w3gmag wise_allskysc WISE W3 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w3rsemi, w3ba, and w3pa. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3gmag wise_prelimsc WISE W3 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w3rsemi, w3ba, and w3pa real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3k allwise_sc WISE Stetson K variability index (Stetson, P. 1996, PASP, 108, 851) computed using the W3 profile-fit fluxes measured on the individual single-exposure images. This column is null if there are <3 single-exposure measurements available in W3. float 8      
w3m allwise_sc WISE Integer frame coverage. This column gives the number of individual 8.8s W3 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible. This number can differ between the four bands because band-dependent criteria are used to select individual frames for inclusion in the coadded Atlas Images. This column is null if there is no frame coverage in this band at the position of this source. int 4      
w3m wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame coverage in W3.
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s W3 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w3m wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame coverage in W3
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s W3 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w3mag allwise_sc WISE W3 "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in w3mcor. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag wise_allskysc WISE W3 "standard" aperture magnitude.
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag wise_prelimsc WISE W3 "standard" aperture magnitude
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_1 allwise_sc WISE W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 5.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_1 wise_allskysc WISE W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 5.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_2 allwise_sc WISE W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_2 wise_allskysc WISE W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_3 allwise_sc WISE W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_3 wise_allskysc WISE W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_4 allwise_sc WISE W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 13.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_4 wise_allskysc WISE W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 13.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag. -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_5 allwise_sc WISE W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_5 wise_allskysc WISE W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_6 allwise_sc WISE W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 19.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_6 wise_allskysc WISE W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 19.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_7 allwise_sc WISE W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_7 wise_allskysc WISE W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_8 allwise_sc WISE W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 24.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W3. float 8 mag    
w3mag_8 wise_allskysc WISE W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 24.75" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mag_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W3
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
W3mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE W3 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
w3magp allwise_sc WISE Magnitude computed from the inverse-variance-weighted mean of the profile-fit flux measurements on the w3m individual W3 frames covering this source. This differs from w3mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w3mpro is computed by fitting all W3 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is "null" if w3m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w3mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources. float 8 mag    
w3magp wise_allskysc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W3 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source.
This differs from w3mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w3mpro is computed by fitting all W3 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w3m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w3mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3magp wise_prelimsc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W3 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source
This differs from w3mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w3mpro is computed by fitting all W3 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w3m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mcor allwise_sc WISE W3 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w3mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. float 8 mag    
w3mcor wise_allskysc WISE W3 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes.
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w3mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mcor wise_prelimsc WISE W3 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness, w3mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mjdmax allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W3 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w3mjdmean allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W3 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w3mjdmin allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W3 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w3mlq allwise_sc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W3 flux. The value is -ln(Q), where Q = 1 - P(χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9. float 8      
The Q value is the fraction of all cases to be at least as large as that observed if the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is that the flux is emitted by a non-variable astrophysical object. It may be false because the object is a true variable. It may also be false because the flux measurement is corrupted by artifacts such as cosmic rays, scattered light, etc. The smaller the Q value, the more implausible the null hypothesis, i.e., the more likely it is that the flux is either variable or corrupted or both.
w3mlq wise_allskysc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W3 flux.
The value is -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(Χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9.
int 4   -99999999  
w3mpro allwise_sc WISE W3 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W3 flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in W3, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. float 8 mag    
w3mpro wise_allskysc WISE W3 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W3 flux measurement has SNR<2.
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W3, but no useful brightness estimate could be made.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3mpro wise_prelimsc WISE W3 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W3 flux measurement has SNR<2
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W3, but no useful brightness estimate could be made
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3ndf allwise_sc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W3. int 4      
w3ndf wise_allskysc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W3. bigint 8   -99999999  
w3nm allwise_sc WISE Integer frame detection count. This column gives the number of individual 8.8s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W3 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures. int 4      
w3nm wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame detection count in W3.
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W3 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w3nm wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame detection count in W3
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W3 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures
bigint 8   -99999999  
w3pa allwise_sc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W3. float 8 deg    
w3pa wise_allskysc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W3. real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w3pa wise_prelimsc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W3 real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w3rchi2 allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the W3 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). real 4      
w3rchi2 wise_allskysc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement.
This column is default if the W3 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected).
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3rchi2 wise_prelimsc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement
This column is default if the W3 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected)
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3rchi2_pm allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion estimation. This column is null if the source is not detected in W3 or if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. real 4      
w3rsemi allwise_sc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3. float 8 arcsec    
w3rsemi wise_allskysc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w3rsemi wise_prelimsc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w3sat allwise_sc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W3. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area source in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W3]~4 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of charged particle strikes. float 8      
w3sat wise_allskysc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W3.
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W3]~4 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3sat wise_prelimsc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W3
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3sigflux allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W3 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w3sigflux wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W3 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3sigflux wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W3 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude
This column is default if the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_1 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 5.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_1 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_1 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_2 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 8.25" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_2 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_2 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_3 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 11.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_3 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_3 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_4 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 13.75" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_4 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_4 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_5 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 16.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_5 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_5 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_6 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 19.25" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_6 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_6 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_7 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 22.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_7 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_7 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_8 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 24.75" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigm_8 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigm_8 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigmpro allwise_sc WISE W3 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the W3 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. float 8 mag    
w3sigmpro wise_allskysc WISE W3 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.
This column is default if the W3 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigmpro wise_prelimsc WISE W3 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty
This column is default if the W3 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigp1 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W3 fluxes measured on the w3m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is "null" if w3m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigp1 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W3 fluxes measured on the w3m individual frames covering this source.
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w3m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigp1 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W3 fluxes measured on the w3m individual frames covering this source
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w3m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigp2 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W3 fluxes (w3magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This is equivalent to w3sigp1/sqrt(w3m). This column is "null" if w3m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w3sigp2 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W3 fluxes (w3magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source.
This column is default if w3m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigp2 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W3 fluxes (w3magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source
This column is default if w3m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w3sigsk allwise_sc WISE The uncertainty in the W3 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". float 8 dn    
w3sigsk wise_allskysc WISE The uncertainty in the W3 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3sigsk wise_prelimsc WISE The uncertainty in the W3 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70" real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3sky allwise_sc WISE The trimmed average of the W3 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value. float 8 dn    
For profile-fit photometry, the sky background is measured on the individual single-exposure images that are used for source characterization. For aperture photometry, the sky background is measured on the Atlas Image.
w3sky wise_allskysc WISE The trimmed average of the W3 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3sky wise_prelimsc WISE The trimmed average of the W3 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70"
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w3snr allwise_sc WISE W3 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w3flux) to flux uncertainty (w3sigflux)in the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w3flux is negative, or if w3flux or w3sigflux are null. float 8      
w3snr wise_allskysc WISE W3 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.
This value is the ratio of the flux (w3flux) to flux uncertainty (w3sigflux) in the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w3flux is negative, or if w3flux or w3sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w3snr wise_prelimsc WISE W3 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio
This value is the ratio of the flux (w3flux) to flux uncertainty (w3sigflux)in the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w3flux is negative, or if w3flux or w3sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
W420F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 420/30 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W462F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 462/14 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W485F_D combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 485/31 in run D (07.10.-22.10.1999) float 8      
w4ba allwise_sc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4. float 8 arcsec    
w4ba wise_allskysc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w4ba wise_prelimsc WISE Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w4cc_map allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W4. This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W4 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact. int 4      
The elements of the binary array are: S 0 0 0 O H 0 P D. The leftmost bit, S, differentiates whether the band-detection is believed to be a real detection contaminated by an artifact ("0") or a spurious detection of an artifact ("1"). The remaining bits are set to "1" to denote contamination by different types of artifacts according to the letters:
  • D - Diffraction spike. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a diffraction spike of a nearby bright star on the same image.
  • P - Persistence. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a short-term latent (persistence) image left by a bright source.
  • H - Halo. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by the scattered light halo associated with a bright star.
  • O (letter "o") - Optical ghost. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by an optical ghost image caused by a nearby bright source on the same image.

For example, a measurement that is believed to be a spurious detection of a diffraction spike and scattered light halo has a binary bit map value of "100001001" and w?cc_map=265.

w4cc_map wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W4.
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W4 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact.
smallint 2      
w4cc_map wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion map for this source in W4
This column contains the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the W4 measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact
smallint 2      
w4cc_map_str allwise_sc WISE Contamination and confusion string. This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W4 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O,d,p,h,o. Lower-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band is believed to be real but the measurement may be contaminated by the artifact. Upper-case letters denote cases where the source detection in this band may be a spurious detection of an artifact. This string is "null" if there are no artifacts that affect the measurement in this band. The value that appears in fourth element of the cc_flags string is the left-most character in w4cc_map_str. If w4cc_map_str is "null", then the corresponding cc_flags entry is "0". varchar 9      
For example, a real detection that is contaminated by a diffraction spike and a latent (persistent) image has a w?cc_map_str="dp". A spurious detection of a diffraction spike that is also contaminated by a latent image has w?cc_map_str="Dp".
w4cc_map_str wise_allskysc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W4.
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W4 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O
char 9      
w4cc_map_str wise_prelimsc WISE Contamination and confusion string in W4
This column is a character string that denotes all artifacts that may contaminate the W4 measurement of this source, in the priority order D,P,H,O
char 9      
w4conf allwise_sc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W4 sky background annulus, in digital numbers. This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w4sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps. float 8 dn    
w4conf wise_allskysc, wise_prelimsc WISE Estimated confusion noise in the W4 sky background annulus, in digital numbers
This number is the difference between the measured noise in the sky background w4sigsk and the noise measured in the same region on the Atlas Uncertainty Maps
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4cov allwise_sc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W4. This column gives the mean pixel value from the W4 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 16.5" centered on the position of this source. float 8      
W4cov may differ from the integer frame coverage value given in w4m for two reasons. First, individual pixels in the measurement area may be masked or otherwise unusable, reducing the effective pixel count and thus the mean coverage value. Second, the effective sky area sampled by a pixels in single-exposure image varies across the focal plane because of field distortion. Distortion is corrected when coadding to generate the Atlas Images. Therefore, the effective number of pixels contributing to a pixel in the Atlas Coverage Map may be slightly smaller or larger than expected if there was no distortion.
w4cov wise_allskysc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W4.
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W4 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 16.5" centered on the position of this source.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4cov wise_prelimsc WISE Mean pixel coverage in W4
This column gives the mean pixel value from the W4 Atlas Tile Coverage Map within the "standard" aperture, a circular area with a radius of 17.0" centered on the position of this source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4dmag wise_allskysc WISE Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W4.
Single-exposure measurements with w4rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4flg allwise_sc WISE W4 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg wise_allskysc WISE W4 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg wise_prelimsc WISE W4 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag
This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_1 allwise_sc WISE W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_1 wise_allskysc WISE W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_2 allwise_sc WISE W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_2 wise_allskysc WISE W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_3 allwise_sc WISE W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_3 wise_allskysc WISE W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_4 allwise_sc WISE W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_4 wise_allskysc WISE W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_5 allwise_sc WISE W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_5 wise_allskysc WISE W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_6 allwise_sc WISE W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_6 wise_allskysc WISE W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_7 allwise_sc WISE W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_7 wise_allskysc WISE W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_8 allwise_sc WISE W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4flg_8 wise_allskysc WISE W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flg_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the standard aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4flux allwise_sc WISE The "raw" W4 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This value may be negative. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w4flux wise_allskysc WISE The "raw" W4 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4flux wise_prelimsc WISE The "raw" W4 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This value may be negative. This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4frl wise_prelimsc WISE Fraction of W4 pixels affected by latents
This column gives the fraction of all W4 pixels in the stack of individual W4 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by the presence of a latent image produced by a bright source
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4frtr wise_allskysc WISE Fraction of W4 pixels affected by transients.
This column gives the fraction of all W4 pixels in the stack of individual W4 exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 15.0", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4gerr allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. CAUTION: A w4gerr value of 9.999 indicates that the measurement uncertainty is very large, or the uncertainty could not be computed. In either case, the w4gmag measurement should be considered highly suspect. float 8 mag    
w4gerr wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4gerr wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4gflg allwise_sc WISE W4 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. int 4      
The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:
  • 0 - No contamination
  • 1 - Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
  • 2 - Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 4 - Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
  • 8 - All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
  • 16 - Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
  • 32 - The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
w4gflg wise_allskysc WISE W4 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag, w4mflg.
smallint 2   -9999  
w4gflg wise_prelimsc WISE W4 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag
Indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag values are as described for the "standard" aperture photometry quality flag
smallint 2   -9999  
w4gmag allwise_sc WISE W4 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w4rsemi, w4ba, and w4pa. float 8 mag    
w4gmag wise_allskysc WISE W4 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w4rsemi, w4ba, and w4pa. real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4gmag wise_prelimsc WISE W4 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w4rsemi, w4ba, and w4pa real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4k allwise_sc WISE Stetson K variability index (Stetson, P. 1996, PASP, 108, 851) computed using the W4 profile-fit fluxes measured on the individual single-exposure images. This column is null if there are <3 single-exposure measurements available in W4. float 8      
w4m allwise_sc WISE Integer frame coverage. This column gives the number of individual 8.8s W4 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible. This number can differ between the four bands because band-dependent criteria are used to select individual frames for inclusion in the coadded Atlas Images. This column is null if there is no frame coverage in this band at the position of this source. int 4      
w4m wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame coverage in W4.
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s W4 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w4m wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame coverage in W4
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s W4 exposures on which a profile-fit measurement of this source was possible
bigint 8   -99999999  
w4mag allwise_sc WISE W4 "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in w4mcor. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag wise_allskysc, wise_prelimsc WISE W4 "standard" aperture magnitude
This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_1 allwise_sc WISE W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_1 wise_allskysc WISE W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 11.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_1 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_2 allwise_sc WISE W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_2 wise_allskysc WISE W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 16.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_2 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_3 allwise_sc WISE W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_3 wise_allskysc WISE W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 22.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_3 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_4 allwise_sc WISE W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 27.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied.This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_4 wise_allskysc WISE W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 27.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_4 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_5 allwise_sc WISE W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 33.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_5 wise_allskysc WISE W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 33.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_5 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_6 allwise_sc WISE W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 38.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_6 wise_allskysc WISE W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 38.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_6 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_7 allwise_sc WISE W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 44.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_7 wise_allskysc WISE W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 44.0" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_7 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_8 allwise_sc WISE W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude. This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 49.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is null if an aperture measurement was not possible in W4. float 8 mag    
w4mag_8 wise_allskysc WISE W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This is the calibrated source brightness measured in a 49.5" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". No curve-of-growth correction has been applied. This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mag_8 wise_prelimsc WISE W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if this aperture measurement was not possible in W4
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
W4mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE W4 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
w4magp allwise_sc WISE Magnitude computed from the inverse-variance-weighted mean of the profile-fit flux measurements on the w4m individual W4 frames covering this source. This differs from w4mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w4mpro is computed by fitting all W4 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is "null" if w4m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w4mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources. float 8 mag    
w4magp wise_allskysc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W4 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source.
This differs from w4mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w4mpro is computed by fitting all W4 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w4m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible. CAUTION: This is not a robust measurement of source brightness. It is provided as an internal repeatability diagnostic only. Users should always defer to w4mpro for the optimal flux measurement for point sources.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4magp wise_prelimsc WISE Inverse-variance-weighted mean W4 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source
This differs from w4mpro in that it is computed by combining the profile-fit measurements from individual frames, whereas w4mpro is computed by fitting all W4 frames simultaneously and incorporating a robust error model. This column is default if w4m=0, the mean flux is negative or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mcor allwise_sc WISE W4 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 16.5" aperture photometry brightness, w4mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. float 8 mag    
w4mcor wise_allskysc WISE W4 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes.
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 16.5" aperture photometry brightness, w4mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mcor wise_prelimsc WISE W4 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes
This correction is subtracted from the nominal 16.5" aperture photometry brightness, w4mag_2, to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mjdmax allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W4 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w4mjdmean allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W4 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w4mjdmin allwise_sc, wise_allskysc WISE The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W4 single-exposures covering the source. float 8      
w4mlq allwise_sc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W4 flux. The value is -ln(Q), where Q = 1 - P(χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9. float 8      
The Q value is the fraction of all cases to be at least as large as that observed if the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is that the flux is emitted by a non-variable astrophysical object. It may be false because the object is a true variable. It may also be false because the flux measurement is corrupted by artifacts such as cosmic rays, scattered light, etc. The smaller the Q value, the more implausible the null hypothesis, i.e., the more likely it is that the flux is either variable or corrupted or both.
w4mlq wise_allskysc WISE Probability measure that the source is variable in W4 flux.
The value is -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(Χ2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9.
int 4   -99999999  
w4mpro allwise_sc WISE W4 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W4 flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in W4, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. float 8 mag    
w4mpro wise_allskysc WISE W4 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W4 flux measurement has SNR<2.
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W4, but no useful brightness estimate could be made.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4mpro wise_prelimsc WISE W4 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W4 flux measurement has SNR<2
This column is default if the source is nominally detected in W4, but no useful brightness estimate could be made
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4ndf allwise_sc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W4. int 4      
w4ndf wise_allskysc WISE Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W4. bigint 8   -99999999  
w4nm allwise_sc WISE Integer frame detection count. This column gives the number of individual 8.8s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W4 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures. int 4      
w4nm wise_allskysc WISE Integer frame detection count in W4.
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W4 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures.
bigint 8   -99999999  
w4nm wise_prelimsc WISE Integer frame detection count in W4
This column gives the number of individual 8.8s exposures on which this source was detected with SNR>3 in the W4 profile-fit measurement. This number can be zero for sources that are well-detected on the coadded Atlas Image, but too faint for detection on the single exposures
bigint 8   -99999999  
w4pa allwise_sc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W4. float 8 deg    
w4pa wise_allskysc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W4. real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w4pa wise_prelimsc WISE Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W4 real 4 degrees -0.9999995e9  
w4rchi2 allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the W4 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). real 4      
w4rchi2 wise_allskysc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement.
This column is default if the W4 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected).
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4rchi2 wise_prelimsc WISE Reduced chi-squared of the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement
This column is default if the W4 magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected)
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4rchi2_pm allwise_sc WISE Reduced χ2 of the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion estimation. This column is null if the source is not detected in W4 or if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. real 4      
w4rsemi allwise_sc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4. float 8 arcsec    
w4rsemi wise_allskysc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4. real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w4rsemi wise_prelimsc WISE Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4 real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
w4sat allwise_sc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W4. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W4]~0 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of charged particle strikes. float 8      
w4sat wise_allskysc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W4.
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [W4]~0 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4sat wise_prelimsc WISE Saturated pixel fraction, W4
The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4sigflux allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W4 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers. This column is null if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels. real 4 dn    
w4sigflux wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W4 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels.
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4sigflux wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the "raw" W4 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers
This column is default if no useful profile-fit measurement of the source is possible because of masked or otherwise unusable pixels
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the W4 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm wise_allskysc, wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 "standard" aperture magnitude
This column is default if the W4 "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_1 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 11.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_1 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_1 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_2 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 16.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_2 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_2 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_3 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 22.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_3 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_3 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_4 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 27.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_4 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_4 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_5 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 33.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_5 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_5 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_6 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 38.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_6 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_6 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_7 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 44.0" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_7 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_7 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_8 allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude. This column is null if the the 49.5" radius aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigm_8 wise_allskysc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude.
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigm_8 wise_prelimsc WISE Uncertainty in the W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude
This column is default if the corresponding aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if that aperture measurement was not possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigmpro allwise_sc WISE W4 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the W4 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. float 8 mag    
w4sigmpro wise_allskysc WISE W4 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.
This column is default if the W4 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigmpro wise_prelimsc WISE W4 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty
This column is default if the W4 profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigp1 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W4 fluxes measured on the w4m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is "null" if w4m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigp1 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W4 fluxes measured on the w4m individual frames covering this source.
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w4m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigp1 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the population of W4 fluxes measured on the w4m individual frames covering this source
This provides a measure of the characteristic uncertainty of the measurement of this source on individual frames. This column is default if w4m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigp2 allwise_sc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W4 fluxes (w4magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source, in magnitudes. This is equivalent to w4sigp1/sqrt(w4m). This column is "null" if w4m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible. float 8 mag    
w4sigp2 wise_allskysc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W4 fluxes (w4magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source.
This column is default if w4m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigp2 wise_prelimsc WISE Standard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W4 fluxes (w4magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source
This column is default if w4m<2 or if no individual frame measurements are possible
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
w4sigsk allwise_sc WISE The uncertainty in the W4 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". float 8 dn    
w4sigsk wise_allskysc WISE The uncertainty in the W4 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70" real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9.  
w4sigsk wise_prelimsc WISE The uncertainty in the W4 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70" real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4sky allwise_sc WISE The trimmed average of the W4 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value. float 8 dn    
For profile-fit photometry, the sky background is measured on the individual single-exposure images that are used for source characterization. For aperture photometry, the sky background is measured on the Atlas Image.
w4sky wise_allskysc WISE The trimmed average of the W4 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value.
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4sky wise_prelimsc WISE The trimmed average of the W4 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70"
Both profile-fit and aperture photometry source brightness measurements are made relative to this sky background value
float 8 ADU -0.9999995e9  
w4snr allwise_sc WISE W4 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w4flux) to flux uncertainty (w4sigflux)in the W4 photometry measurement. This column is null if w4flux is negative, or if w4flux or w4sigflux are null. float 8      
w4snr wise_allskysc WISE W4 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.
This value is the ratio of the flux (w4flux) to flux uncertainty (w4sigflux)in the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w4flux is negative, or if w4flux or w4sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
w4snr wise_prelimsc WISE W4 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio
This value is the ratio of the flux (w4flux) to flux uncertainty (w4sigflux)in the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is default if w4flux is negative, or if w4flux or w4sigflux are default.
real 4   -0.9999995e9  
W518F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 518/16 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W571F_D combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 571/25 in run D (07.10.-22.10.1999) float 8      
W571F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 571/25 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W571F_S combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 combined flux in filter 571/25; corrected for the gain of the CCD and only applied to objects without variability flag float 8      
W604F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 604/21 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W646F_D combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 646/27 in run D (07.10.-22.10.1999) float 8      
W696F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 696/20 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W753F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 753/18 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W815F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 815/20 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
W815F_G combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 815/20 in run G (19.01.-20.01.2001) float 8      
W815F_S combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 combined flux in filter 815/20; corrected for the gain of the CCD and only applied to objects without variability flag float 8      
W856F_D combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 856/14 in run D (07.10.-22.10.1999) float 8      
W914F_D combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 914/27 in run D (07.10.-22.10.1999) float 8      
W914F_E combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 flux in filter 914/27 in run E (28.01.-11.02.2000) float 8      
warnFlag firstSource FIRST Warning flag indicating that the source may be a sidelobe of a nearby bright source. varchar 1     meta.code
wcs RequiredDiffImage SHARKSv20210222 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage SHARKSv20210421 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage ULTRAVISTADR4 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR1 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR2 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR3 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR4 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR5 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR6 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSDR7 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20120926 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20130417 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20150108 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20160114 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20160507 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20170630 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20180419 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20201209 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VHSv20231101 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIDEODR2 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIDEODR3 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIDEODR4 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIDEODR5 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIDEOv20100513 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIDEOv20111208 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGDR2 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGDR3 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGDR4 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20110714 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20111019 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20130417 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20150421 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20151230 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20160406 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20161202 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VIKINGv20170715 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCDEEPv20230713 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCDEEPv20240506 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCDR1 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCDR3 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCDR4 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCDR5 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20110816 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20110909 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20120126 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20121128 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20130304 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20130805 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20140428 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20140903 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20150309 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20151218 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20160311 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20160822 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20170109 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20170411 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20171101 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20180702 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20181120 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20191212 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20210708 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20230816 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20240226 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VMCv20250130 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VVVDR1 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VVVDR2 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VVVDR5 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VVVXDR1 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VVVv20100531 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcs RequiredDiffImage VVVv20110718 CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) varchar 1     ??
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry SHARKSv20210222 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry SHARKSv20210421 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry ULTRAVISTADR4 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR1 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR2 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR3 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR4 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR5 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR6 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSDR7 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20120926 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20130417 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20140409 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20150108 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20160114 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20160507 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20170630 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20180419 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20201209 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VHSv20231101 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIDEODR2 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIDEODR3 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIDEODR4 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIDEODR5 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIDEOv20100513 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIDEOv20111208 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGDR2 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGDR3 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGDR4 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20110714 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20111019 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20130417 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20140402 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20150421 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20151230 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20160406 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20161202 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VIKINGv20170715 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDEEPv20230713 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDEEPv20240506 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDR1 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDR2 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDR3 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDR4 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCDR5 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20110816 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20110909 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20120126 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20121128 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20130304 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20130805 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20140428 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20140903 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20150309 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20151218 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20160311 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20160822 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20170109 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20170411 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20171101 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20180702 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20181120 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20191212 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20210708 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20230816 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20240226 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VMCv20250130 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VVVDR1 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VVVDR2 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VVVDR5 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VVVXDR1 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VVVv20100531 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass CurrentAstrometry VVVv20110718 Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
wcsPass sharksCurrentAstrometry, ultravistaCurrentAstrometry, vhsCurrentAstrometry, videoCurrentAstrometry, vikingCurrentAstrometry, vmcCurrentAstrometry, vvvCurrentAstrometry VSAQC Pass level of WCS tinyint 1   0 pos.wcs.cdmatrix
weight ultravistaMapAverageWeights ULTRAVISTADR4 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 1 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto1 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 1 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto1 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 1 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto2 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 2 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto2 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 2 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto3 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 3 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto3 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 3 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto4 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 4 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto4 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 4 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto5 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 5 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto5 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 5 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto6 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 6 real 4   -9.999995e8  
weighto6 vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Normalised (conf=100 in a pawprint=1) weight of offset 6 real 4   -9.999995e8  
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wfrtype Multiframe SHARKSv20210421 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe ULTRAVISTADR4 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
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wfrtype Multiframe VHSDR2 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSDR3 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSDR4 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSDR5 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSDR6 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSDR7 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20120926 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20130417 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20140409 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20150108 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20160114 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20160507 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20170630 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20180419 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20201209 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VHSv20231101 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIDEODR2 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIDEODR3 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIDEODR4 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIDEODR5 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIDEOv20100513 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIDEOv20111208 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGDR2 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGDR3 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGDR4 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20110714 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20111019 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20130417 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20140402 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20150421 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20151230 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20160406 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20161202 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VIKINGv20170715 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDEEPv20230713 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDEEPv20240506 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDR1 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDR2 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDR3 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDR4 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCDR5 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20110816 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20110909 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20120126 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20121128 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20130304 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20130805 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20140428 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20140903 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20150309 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20151218 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20160311 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20160822 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20170109 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20170411 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20171101 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20180702 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20181120 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20191212 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20210708 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20230816 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20240226 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VMCv20250130 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VVVDR1 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VVVDR2 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VVVDR5 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VVVXDR1 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VVVv20100531 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype Multiframe VVVv20110718 Mean sky frame {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} varchar 4   NONE  
wfrtype sharksMultiframe, ultravistaMultiframe, vhsMultiframe, videoMultiframe, vikingMultiframe, vmcMultiframe, vvvMultiframe VSAQC Mean sky frame varchar 4   NONE  
wise_avg_cont gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Mean contaminating relative flux within PSFs when constructing h_offsets for WISE sources at the local density, magnitude and intrinsic positional uncertainty of the primary source. float 8 dimensionless    
wise_cntr gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE WISE integer unique source designation bigint 8 dimensionless    
wise_cont_p1 gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Probability of WISE source having contaminant of at least 1% relative flux given its separation from its corresponding Gaia detection. float 8 dimensionless    
wise_cont_p10 gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Probability of WISE source having contaminant of at least 10% relative flux given its separation from its corresponding Gaia detection. float 8 dimensionless    
wise_dec gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE Celestial Declination float 8 degrees   pos.eq.dec;meta.main
wise_designation gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form: hhmmss.ss+ddmmss.s. varchar 32 dimensionless   meta.id;meta.main
wise_p wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE match probability float 8 dimensionless    
wise_ra gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE Celestial Right Ascension float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
wise_w1mpro gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE W1 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W1 flux measurement has SNR<2. float 8 mag    
wise_w2mpro gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE W2 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W2 flux measurement has SNR<2. float 8 mag    
wise_w3mpro gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE W3 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W3 flux measurement has SNR<2. float 8 mag    
wise_w4mpro gaiaxwise_matches, wise_nonmatches GAIAXWISE W4 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W4 flux measurement has SNR<2. float 8 mag    
wiseID twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ WISE ID for wise_allskysc (cntr) bigint 8   -99999999 meta.id
wiseID wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ WISE ID for the AllWISE source catalogue (allwise_sc.cntr) bigint 8   -99999999 meta.id
wiseX twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ WISE source designation in allskysc {image primary HDU keyword: WISE_designation} varchar 22   NONE meta.id
wiseX wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects WISExSCOSPZ WISE source designation in the AllWISE/ALLSKY source catalogue {image primary HDU keyword: designation} varchar 22   NONE meta.id
wiseX wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ WISE source designation in the AllWISE/ALLSKY source catalogue {image primary HDU keyword: wise_designation} varchar 22   NONE meta.id
wx allwise_sc WISE The x-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image. float 8 pix    
wx catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE x-pixel coordinate real 4 pix    
wx wise_allskysc WISE The x-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image. real 4 pixels    
wx wise_prelimsc WISE The x-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image real 4 pixels    
wy allwise_sc WISE The y-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image. float 8 pix    
wy catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE y-pixel coordinate real 4 pix    
wy wise_allskysc WISE The y-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image. real 4 pixels    
wy wise_prelimsc WISE The y-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image real 4 pixels    

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
