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Glossary of VSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the VSAv20241206 database(s) held in the VSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the VSAv20241206 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
S14 nvssSource NVSS Integrated 1.4GHz flux density of radio source real 4 mJy   phot.flux.density;em.radio.750-1500MHz
S145Mag combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 Absolute restframe magnitude in 145/10 (synthetic narrow rectangular passband at 140-150 nm calculated from redshifted best_fit template, only calculated for objects classified as quasars) real 4 mag    
S280Mag combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 Absolute restframe magnitude in 280/40 (calculated from redshifted best_fit template, depending on redshift and filter extrapolation outside the COMBO-17 filter set can be necessary, only calculated for objects classified as galaxies; synthetic UV continuum rectangular passband at 260-300 nm) real 4 mag    
s_hp hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Scatter in Hipparcos magnitudes float 8 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210222 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210421 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys ULTRAVISTADR4 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR1 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR2 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR3 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR4 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR5 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR6 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20120926 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20130417 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20140409 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20150108 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160114 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160507 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20170630 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20180419 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20201209 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20231101 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20240731 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR2 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR3 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR4 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR5 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEOv20111208 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR2 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR3 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR4 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20110714 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20111019 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20130417 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20140402 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20150421 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20151230 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20160406 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20170715 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20230713 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20240506 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR1 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR4 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR5 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110816 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110909 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20120126 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20121128 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130304 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130805 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140428 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140903 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20150309 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20151218 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160311 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160822 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170109 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170411 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20171101 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20180702 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20181120 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20191212 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20210708 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20230816 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20240226 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VSAQC SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR1 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR2 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR5 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVXDR1 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtAreaID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVv20110718 SADT Survey area ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT AREA ID} int 4   -99999999  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210222 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210421 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys ULTRAVISTADR4 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR1 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR2 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR3 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR4 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR5 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR6 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20120926 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20130417 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20140409 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20150108 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160114 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160507 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20170630 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20180419 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20201209 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20231101 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20240731 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR2 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR3 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR4 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR5 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEOv20111208 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR2 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR3 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR4 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20110714 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20111019 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20130417 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20140402 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20150421 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20151230 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20160406 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20170715 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20230713 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20240506 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR1 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR4 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR5 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110816 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110909 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20120126 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20121128 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130304 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130805 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140428 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140903 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20150309 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20151218 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160311 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160822 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170109 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170411 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20171101 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20180702 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20181120 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20191212 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20210708 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20230816 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20240226 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VSAQC SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR1 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR2 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR5 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VVVXDR1 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtMaxJit MultiframeEsoKeys VVVv20110718 SADT maximum jitter size {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT MAXJIT} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210222 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210421 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys ULTRAVISTADR4 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
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sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR2 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR3 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR4 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR5 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR6 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20120926 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
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sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20140409 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20150108 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160114 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160507 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20170630 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20180419 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20201209 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20231101 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20240731 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR2 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR3 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR4 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR5 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEOv20111208 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR2 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR3 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR4 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20110714 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20111019 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20130417 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20140402 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20150421 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20151230 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20160406 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20170715 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20230713 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20240506 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR1 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR4 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR5 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110816 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110909 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20120126 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20121128 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130304 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130805 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140428 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140903 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20150309 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20151218 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160311 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160822 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170109 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170411 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20171101 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20180702 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20181120 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20191212 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20210708 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20230816 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20240226 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VSAQC SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR1 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR2 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR5 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VVVXDR1 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapX MultiframeEsoKeys VVVv20110718 SADT tile overlap in X {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPX} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210222 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210421 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys ULTRAVISTADR4 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR1 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR2 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR3 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR4 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSDR5 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
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sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20120926 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20130417 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20140409 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20150108 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160114 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160507 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20170630 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20180419 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20201209 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20231101 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20240731 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR2 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR3 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR4 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR5 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEOv20111208 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR2 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR3 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR4 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20110714 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20111019 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20130417 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
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sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20150421 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20151230 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20160406 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20170715 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20230713 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20240506 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR1 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR4 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR5 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
sadtOverlapY MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110816 SADT tile overlap in Y {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT OVERLAPY} real 4 arcsec -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys SHARKSv20210421 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20130417 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20150108 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160114 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20170630 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20150421 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20151230 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20160406 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20170715 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170109 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170411 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20171101 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20180702 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20181120 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20191212 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20210708 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20230816 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20240226 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileDec MultiframeEsoKeys VVVv20110718 SADT tile declination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE DEC} real 4 DDMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR3 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR4 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VIDEODR5 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
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sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGDR4 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
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sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
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sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR4 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR5 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110816 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110909 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20120126 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20121128 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130304 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130805 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140428 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140903 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20150309 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20151218 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160311 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160822 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170109 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170411 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20171101 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20180702 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20181120 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20191212 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20210708 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20230816 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20240226 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VSAQC SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR1 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR2 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR5 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVXDR1 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
sadtTileID MultiframeEsoKeys VVVv20110718 SADT tile ID within survey area {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE ID} varchar 64   NONE  
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sadtTileOffAngle MultiframeEsoKeys VHSv20160114 SADT tile rotator offset angle {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE OFFANGLE} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
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sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20110714 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20111019 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20130417 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20140402 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20150421 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20151230 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20160406 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20161202 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VIKINGv20170715 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20230713 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDEEPv20240506 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR1 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR2 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR3 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR4 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCDR5 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110816 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20110909 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20120126 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20121128 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130304 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20130805 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140428 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20140903 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20150309 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20151218 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160311 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20160822 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170109 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20170411 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20171101 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20180702 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20181120 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20191212 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20210708 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20230816 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VMCv20240226 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VSAQC SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR1 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR2 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VVVDR5 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VVVXDR1 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
sadtTileRa MultiframeEsoKeys VVVv20110718 SADT tile RA {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OCS SADT TILE RA} real 4 HHMMSS.TTT -0.9999995e9  
satnum allwise_sc WISE Minimum sample at which saturation occurs in each band. Four character string, one character per band, that indicates the minimum SUTR sample in which any pixel in the profile-fitting area in all of the single-exposure images used to characterize this source was flagged as having reached the saturation level in the on-board WISE payload processing. If no pixels in a given band are flagged as saturated, the value for that band is "0". varchar 4      
satnum wise_allskysc WISE Minimum sample at which saturation occurs in each band.
Four character string, one character per band, that indicates the minimum SUTR sample in which any pixel in the profile-fitting area in all of the single-exposure images used to characterize this source was flagged as having reached the saturation level in the on-board WISE payload processing. If no pixels in a given band are flagged as saturated, the value for that band is "0".
char 4      
satnum wise_prelimsc WISE Minimum sample at which saturation occurs in each band
Four character string, one character per band, that indicates the minimum SUTR sample in which any pixel in the profile-fitting area in all of the single-exposure images used to characterize this source was flagged as having reached the saturation level in the on-board WISE payload processing. If no pixels in a given band are flagged as saturated, the value for that band is "0".
char 4      
saturatCorr sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr ultravistaDetection, ultravistaMapRemeasurement ULTRAVISTADR4 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSDR1 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSDR2 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSDR3 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSDR4 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSDR5 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSDR6 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20120926 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20130417 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20140409 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20150108 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20160114 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20160507 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20170630 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20180419 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20201209 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20231101 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vhsDetection VHSv20240731 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr videoDetection VIDEODR2 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr videoDetection VIDEODR3 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr videoDetection VIDEODR4 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr videoDetection VIDEODR5 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20110714 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingMapRemeasurement VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vikingMapRemeasurement VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCDR1 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCDR2 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCDR3 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCDR4 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCDR5 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20110816 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20110909 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20120126 saturation correction real 4   0.0  
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20121128 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20130304 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20130805 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20140428 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20140903 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20150309 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20151218 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20160311 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20160822 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20170109 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20170411 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20171101 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20180702 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20181120 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20191212 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20210708 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20230816 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcDetection VMCv20240226 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vvvDetection VVVDR1 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vvvDetection VVVDR2 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
saturatCorr vvvDetection, vvvDetectionPawPrints, vvvDetectionTiles VVVDR5 saturation correction real 4   0.0 stat.param
SC_CHI2PROB twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the unique source SRCID as detected by any of the observations is constant, that is, the minimum value of the EPIC probabilities in each detection, EP_CHI2PROB, is given. real 4      
SC_CHI2PROB xmm3dr4 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the unique source SRCID as detected by any of the observations is constant, that is, the minimum value of the EPIC probabilities in each detection, EP_CHI2PROB, is given. float 8      
SC_DEC twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean Declination in degrees (J2000) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see DEC) weighted by the positional errors POSERR. float 8 degrees    
SC_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The total band detection likelihood of the source SRCID is the maximum of the likelihoods of all detections of this source (EP_8_DET_ML). real 4      
SC_DR_FIRST twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM This flag indicates in which catalogue in the 2XMM catalogue series (starting from 2XMM) this unique source first appeared. The flag is DR1 for 2XMM, DR2 for 2XMMi and DR3 for the present 2XMMi-DR3 catalogue. int 4      
SC_DR_LAST twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM This flag indicates in which catalogue in the 2XMM catalogue series (starting from 2XMM) the parameters of this unique source were last updated (e.g. due to the inclusion of one or more new detections which can add to, or even split, the source). The flag is DR1 for 2XMM, DR2 for 2XMMi and DR3 for the present 2XMMi-DR3 catalogue. int 4      
SC_EP_1_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean band 1 flux (0.2 - 0.5 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_1_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_1_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_1_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean band 1 flux in SC_EP_1_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_2_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean band 2 flux (0.5 - 1.0 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_2_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_2_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_2_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean band 2 flux in SC_EP_2_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_3_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean band 3 flux (1.0 - 2.0 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_3_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_3_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_3_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean band 3 flux in SC_EP_3_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_4_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean band 4 flux (2.0 - 4.5 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_4_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_4_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_4_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean band 4 flux in SC_EP_4_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_5_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean band 5 flux (4.5 - 12 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_5_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_5_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_5_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean band 5 flux in SC_EP_5_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_8_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean total band flux (0.2 - 12 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_8_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_8_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_8_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean total band flux in SC_EP_8_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_8_FMAX xmm3dr4 XMM The maximum EPIC band 8 flux (EP_8_FLUX) amongst any of the constituent detections of the unique source. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_8_FMAX_ERR xmm3dr4 XMM The error on the maximum EPIC band 8 flux (EP_8_FLUX_ERR) amongst any of the constituent detections of the unique source. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_8_FMIN xmm3dr4 XMM The minimum EPIC band 8 flux (EP_8_FLUX) amongst any of the constituent detections of the unique source. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_8_FMIN_ERR xmm3dr4 XMM The error on the minimum EPIC band 8 flux (EP_8_FLUX_ERR) amongst any of the constituent detections of the unique source. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_9_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean band 9 flux (0.5 - 4.5 keV) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see EP_9_FLUX) weighted by the errors (EP_9_FLUX_ERR), in erg/cm2/s. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EP_9_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean band 9 flux in SC_EP_9_FLUX. real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
SC_EXT_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The total band detection likelihood of the extended source SRCID is the average of the extent likelihoods of all detections of this source (EP_EXTENT_ML). real 4      
SC_EXTENT twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The total band extent of the source SRCID is the weighted average of the EPIC extents of all detections of this source (EP_EXTENT). real 4 arcsec    
SC_FVAR xmm3dr4 XMM The fractional excess variance of the unique source. It is the value corresponding to the exposure and instrument that shows the lowest probability of being constant (i.e. it is the PN_FVAR, M1_FVAR or M2_FVAR value corresponding to EP_CHI2PROB, SC_CHI2PROB). float 8      
SC_FVARERR xmm3dr4 XMM The error on the fractional excess variance of the unique source. float 8      
SC_HR1 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean hardness ratio of the bands 1 and 2 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR1) weighted by the errors(EP_HR1_ERR). real 4      
SC_HR1_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean hardness ratio in SC_HR1. real 4      
SC_HR2 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean hardness ratio of the bands 2 and 3 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR2) weighted by the errors(EP_HR2_ERR). real 4      
SC_HR2_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean hardness ratio in SC_HR2. real 4      
SC_HR3 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean hardness ratio of the bands 3 and 4 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR3) weighted by the errors(EP_HR3_ERR). real 4      
SC_HR3_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean hardness ratio in SC_HR3. real 4      
SC_HR4 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean hardness ratio of the bands 4 and 5 of all the detections of the source SRCID (EP_HR4) weighted by the errors(EP_HR4_ERR). real 4      
SC_HR4_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Error on the weighted mean hardness ratio in SC_HR4. real 4      
SC_POSERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The error of the weighted mean position given in SC_RA and SC_DEC in arcseconds. real 4 arcsec    
SC_RA twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The mean Right Ascension in degrees (J2000) of all the detections of the source SRCID (see RA) weighted by the positional errors POSERR. float 8 degrees    
SC_SUM_FLAG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The summary flag for the unique source SRCID is taken to be the worst flag of all detections of this source (SUM_FLAG). int 4      
SC_SUM_FLAG xmm3dr4 XMM The summary flag for the unique source SRCID is taken to be the worst flag of all detections of this source (SUM_FLAG). smallint 2      
SC_VAR_FLAG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The variability flag for the unique source SRCID is set to VAR_FLAG of the most variable detection of this source. varchar 5      
SC_VAR_FLAG xmm3dr4 XMM The variability flag for the unique source SRCID is set to VAR_FLAG of the most variable detection of this source (0=False, 1=True). bit 1      
scan twomass_psc TWOMASS The nightly scan number in which the source was detected. smallint 2     meta.number
scan twomass_scn TWOMASS Scan number (unique within date). smallint 2     meta.number
scan twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS scan number (unique within date) smallint 2      
scan twomass_xsc TWOMASS scan number (unique within date). smallint 2     meta.number
scan_direction_mean_k1 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees   pos.posAng;stat.mean
scan_direction_mean_k1 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees    
scan_direction_mean_k2 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees   pos.posAng;stat.mean
scan_direction_mean_k2 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees    
scan_direction_mean_k3 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees   pos.posAng;stat.mean
scan_direction_mean_k3 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees    
scan_direction_mean_k4 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees   pos.posAng;stat.mean
scan_direction_mean_k4 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Mean position angle of scan directions across the source real 4 degrees    
scan_direction_strength_k1 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4     stat.value
scan_direction_strength_k1 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4      
scan_direction_strength_k2 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4     stat.value
scan_direction_strength_k2 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4      
scan_direction_strength_k3 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4     stat.value
scan_direction_strength_k3 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4      
scan_direction_strength_k4 gaia_source GAIAEDR3 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4     stat.value
scan_direction_strength_k4 gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source real 4      
scan_key twomass_psc TWOMASS Unique identification number of the record in the Scan Information Table that corresponds to the survey scan in which this source was detected. int 4     meta.id
scan_key twomass_scn TWOMASS the unique identification number for this scan. int 4     meta.id
scan_key twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS key to scan data record in "scan DB" int 4      
scan_key twomass_xsc TWOMASS key to scan data record in "scan DB". int 4     meta.id
scosID twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ SuperCOSMOS Source table (objID) {image primary HDU keyword: SCOS_objID} bigint 8   -99999999 meta.id
scosID wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects WISExSCOSPZ SuperCOSMOS Source table (objID) {image primary HDU keyword: objID} bigint 8   -99999999 meta.id
scosID wiseScosSvm WISExSCOSPZ SuperCOSMOS Source table (objID) {image primary HDU keyword: scos_objID} bigint 8   -99999999 meta.id
sd twomass_scn TWOMASS Scanning direction: "n" = north-going, "s" = south-going. varchar 1     pos.posAng
sd twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS direction of scan -- north/south-bound (n/s) varchar 1      
sdet twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS # of scans in which src was detected in >=1 band smallint 2      
SDSS_CAMCOL mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS camera column int 4      
SDSS_CLASS mgcBrightSpec MGC MGC translation of SDSS_TYPE smallint 2      
SDSS_DEC mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS object declination in deg (J2000) float 8      
SDSS_EXTINC_G mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS Galactic extinction correction in mag real 4      
SDSS_EXTINC_I mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS Galactic extinction correction in mag real 4      
SDSS_EXTINC_R mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS Galactic extinction correction in mag real 4      
SDSS_EXTINC_U mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS Galactic extinction correction in mag real 4      
SDSS_EXTINC_Z mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS Galactic extinction correction in mag real 4      
SDSS_FIELD mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS field number int 4      
SDSS_MODMAG_G mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected model magnitude real 4      
SDSS_MODMAG_I mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected model magnitude real 4      
SDSS_MODMAG_R mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected model magnitude real 4      
SDSS_MODMAG_U mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected model magnitude real 4      
SDSS_MODMAG_Z mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected model magnitude real 4      
SDSS_N mgcBrightSpec MGC Number of SDSS objects matched to MGC object int 4      
SDSS_OBJID mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS PhotoObject ID bigint 8      
SDSS_PETMAG_G mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected Petrosian magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PETMAG_I mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected Petrosian magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PETMAG_R mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected Petrosian magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PETMAG_U mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected Petrosian magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PETMAG_Z mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected Petrosian magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PETR50_G mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS radius containing 50% Petrosian flux in arcsec real 4      
SDSS_PETR50_I mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS radius containing 50% Petrosian flux in arcsec real 4      
SDSS_PETR50_R mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS radius containing 50% Petrosian flux in arcsec real 4      
SDSS_PETR50_U mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS radius containing 50% Petrosian flux in arcsec real 4      
SDSS_PETR50_Z mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS radius containing 50% Petrosian flux in arcsec real 4      
SDSS_PSFMAG_G mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected PSF magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PSFMAG_I mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected PSF magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PSFMAG_R mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected PSF magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PSFMAG_U mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected PSF magnitude real 4      
SDSS_PSFMAG_Z mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS extinction corrected PSF magnitude real 4      
SDSS_RA mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS object right ascension in deg (J2000) float 8      
SDSS_RERUN mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS rerun number int 4      
SDSS_RUN mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS run number int 4      
SDSS_SPCLASS mgcBrightSpec MGC MGC translation of SDSS_SPECCLASS smallint 2      
SDSS_SPECCLASS mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS spectroscopic classification smallint 2      
SDSS_TYPE mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS morphological classification smallint 2      
SDSS_Z mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS redshift real 4      
SDSS_ZQUAL mgcBrightSpec MGC SDSS redshift quality tinyint 1      
sdssClass first08Jul16Source, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST morphological classification in SDSS DR6 (s=stellar, g=nonstellar/galaxy) varchar 1      
sdssMag first08Jul16Source, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST SDSS i magnitude real 4 mag    
sdssMatches first08Jul16Source FIRST number of matches within a fiducial radius (8 arcsec) with SDSS DR6 int 4      
sdssMatches firstSource12Feb16 FIRST number of matches within a fiducial radius (8 arcsec) with SDSS DR6 smallint 2      
sdssPrimary ultravistaSourceXDR13PhotoObj, ultravistaSourceXDR13PhotoObjAll ULTRAVISTADR4 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj VHSv20201209 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj VHSv20231101 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj VHSv20240731 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj, vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObjAll, vhsSourceXDR7PhotoObj, vhsSourceXDR7PhotoObjAll, vhsSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VHSv20180419 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR2 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR3 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR4 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR5 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEOv20100513 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEOv20111208 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGDR3 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGDR4 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20110714 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20111019 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20130417 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20140402 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20150421 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20151230 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20160406 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssPrimary vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj, vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObjAll, vikingSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIKINGDR2 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0) tinyint 1   255 meta.code
sdssSep first08Jul16Source, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST separation of the nearest match in SDSS DR6 from the FIRST position real 4 arcsec    
sdssType ultravistaSourceXDR13PhotoObj, ultravistaSourceXDR13PhotoObjAll ULTRAVISTADR4 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj VHSv20201209 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj VHSv20231101 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj VHSv20240731 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObj, vhsSourceXDR13PhotoObjAll, vhsSourceXDR7PhotoObj, vhsSourceXDR7PhotoObjAll, vhsSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VHSv20180419 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR2 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR3 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR4 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEODR5 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEOv20100513 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType videoSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIDEOv20111208 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGDR3 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGDR4 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20110714 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20111019 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20130417 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20140402 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20150421 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20151230 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj VIKINGv20160406 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sdssType vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj, vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObjAll, vikingSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll VIKINGDR2 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star tinyint 1   255 src.class
sectionID FilterSections SHARKSv20210421 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections ULTRAVISTADR4 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSDR3 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSDR4 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSDR5 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSDR6 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20150108 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20160114 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20160507 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20170630 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20180419 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20201209 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20231101 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VHSv20240731 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIDEODR4 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIDEODR5 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIKINGDR4 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIKINGv20150421 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIKINGv20151230 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIKINGv20160406 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIKINGv20161202 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VIKINGv20170715 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCDEEPv20230713 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCDEEPv20240506 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCDR3 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCDR4 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCDR5 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20140428 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20140903 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20150309 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20151218 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20160311 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20160822 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20170109 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20170411 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20171101 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20180702 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20181120 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20191212 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20210708 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20230816 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VMCv20240226 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VSAQC UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VVVDR5 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections VVVXDR1 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
sectionID FilterSections, SectionDetectors SHARKSv20210222 UID of section of focal plane with different filter tinyint 1      
seeing MultiframeDetector SHARKSv20210222 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector SHARKSv20210421 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector ULTRAVISTADR4 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSDR1 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSDR2 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSDR3 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSDR4 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSDR5 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSDR6 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20120926 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20130417 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20140409 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20150108 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20160114 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20160507 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20170630 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20180419 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20201209 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20231101 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VHSv20240731 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIDEODR2 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIDEODR3 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIDEODR4 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIDEODR5 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIDEOv20100513 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIDEOv20111208 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR2 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR3 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR4 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20110714 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20111019 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20130417 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20140402 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20150421 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20151230 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20160406 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20161202 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20170715 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDEEPv20230713 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDEEPv20240506 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDR1 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDR2 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDR3 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDR4 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCDR5 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20110816 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20110909 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20120126 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20121128 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20130304 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20130805 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20140428 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20140903 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20150309 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20151218 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20160311 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20160822 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20170109 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20170411 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20171101 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20180702 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20181120 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20191212 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20210708 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20230816 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VMCv20240226 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VVVDR1 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VVVDR2 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VVVDR5 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VVVXDR1 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VVVv20100531 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing MultiframeDetector VVVv20110718 Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword:  SEEING} real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
An average realistic FWHM estimated directly from the stellar images on the frame. Multiply by pixel scale size to convert to arcsec (eg. ×0.400 WFCAM; ×0.333 INT WFC).
seeing sharksMultiframeDetector, ultravistaMultiframeDetector, vhsMultiframeDetector, videoMultiframeDetector, vikingMultiframeDetector, vmcMultiframeDetector, vvvMultiframeDetector VSAQC Average FWHM real 4 pixels -0.9999995e9 ??
selection RequiredListDrivenProduct VHSv20130417 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024   NONE  
selection RequiredListDrivenProduct VIKINGv20130417 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024   NONE  
selection RequiredListDrivenProduct VMCv20130805 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024   NONE  
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct SHARKSv20210222 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct SHARKSv20210421 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct ULTRAVISTADR4 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VHSv20201209 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VHSv20231101 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VHSv20240731 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCDEEPv20230713 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCDEEPv20240506 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCDR5 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCv20191212 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCv20210708 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCv20230816 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VMCv20240226 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VVVDR5 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
selection RequiredMatchedApertureProduct VVVXDR1 Selection SQL or filename containing list varchar 1024      
sep gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Angular separation between sources float 8 arcsec    
SEP_1XMM twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2 XMM The distance between this source and the matched 1XMM source (MATCH_1XMM) in arcseconds. real 4 arcsec    
SEP_2XMMP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2 XMM The distance between this source and the matched 2XMMp source (MATCH_2XMMp) in arcseconds. real 4 arcsec    
seqNo first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST sequential object number int 4     meta.id
seqNo glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca, glimpse_hrc_inter GLIMPSE sequential object number in the HRC int 4     meta.id
seqNo glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE sequential object number in the MCA int 4     meta.id
seqNo iras_psc IRAS sequential object number int 4     meta.id
seqNo nvssSource NVSS sequential object number int 4     meta.id
seqNo ogle3LpvLmcSource, ogle3LpvSmcSource, ogle4CepLmcSource, ogle4CepSmcSource, ogle4RRLyrLmcSource, ogle4RRLyrSmcSource OGLE sequential object number int 4     meta.number
seqNo rosat_bsc ROSAT sequential object number in the BSC int 4     meta.id
seqNo rosat_fsc ROSAT sequential object number in the FSC int 4     meta.id
SEQNUM akari_lmc_psa_v1, akari_lmc_psc_v1 AKARI Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
SEQNUM grs_ngpSource, grs_ranSource, grs_sgpSource TWODFGRS Assigned sequence number to this object; determines the FITS filename (SEQNUM.fits) int 4     meta.id
seqNum combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum denisDR3Source DENIS Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum eros2LMCSource, eros2SMCSource, erosLMCSource, erosSMCSource EROS Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum machoLMCSource, machoSMCSource MACHO Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum mcps_lmcSource, mcps_smcSource MCPS Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum sharksSourceXDetectionBestMatch SHARKSv20210222 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum sharksSourceXDetectionBestMatch SHARKSv20210421 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum spitzer_smcSource SPITZER Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS Sequential number (unique object ID) int 4      
seqNum ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum ultravistaSourceXDetectionBestMatch ULTRAVISTADR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSDR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vhsDetection VHSDR3 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSDR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSDR5 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSDR6 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20120926 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20130417 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20140409 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20150108 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20160114 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20160507 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20170630 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20180419 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20201209 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20231101 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vhsDetection VHSv20240731 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum videoDetection VIDEODR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum videoDetection VIDEODR3 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum videoDetection VIDEODR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum videoDetection VIDEODR5 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum videoDetection, videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIDEODR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIDEODR3 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIDEODR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIDEODR5 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIDEOv20100513 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIDEOv20111208 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGDR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGDR3 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGDR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20110714 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20111019 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20130417 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20140402 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20150421 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20151230 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20160406 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20161202 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vikingSourceXDetectionBestMatch VIKINGv20170715 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCDR1 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCDR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCDR3 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCDR4 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCDR5 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20110909 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20120126 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20121128 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20130304 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20130805 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20140428 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20140903 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20150309 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20151218 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20160311 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20160822 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20170109 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20170411 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20171101 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20180702 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20181120 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20191212 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20210708 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20230816 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection VMCv20240226 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcDetection, vmcListRemeasurement VMCv20110816 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vvvDetection VVVDR1 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vvvDetection VVVDR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vvvDetection, vvvDetectionPawPrints, vvvDetectionTiles VVVDR5 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.number
seqNum vvvDetection, vvvListRemeasurement VVVv20100531 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4     meta.id
seqNum vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch VVVDR1 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch VVVDR2 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch VVVDR5 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.number
seqNum vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch VVVv20100531 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch VVVv20110718 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
seqNum vvvxSourceXDetectionBestMatch VVVXDR1 the running number of this detection {catalogue TType keyword: Sequence_number}
The running number for ease of reference, in strict order of image detections.
int 4   -99999999 meta.id
SerFit1DChi2 sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR2 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR3 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR4 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR5 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR6 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFit1DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFit1DChi2 videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFit1DChi2 videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit1DChi2 vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Error in 1D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR2 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR3 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR4 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR5 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSDR6 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFit2DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFit2DChi2 videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFit2DChi2 videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFit2DChi2 vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Error in 2D fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_chi2}
standard normalised variance of fit [For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerFitNu1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSDR2 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSDR3 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSDR4 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSDR5 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSDR6 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFitNu1D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFitNu1D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFitNu1D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 No. of degrees of freedom for 1D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSDR2 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSDR3 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSDR4 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSDR5 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSDR6 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFitNu2D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFitNu2D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFitNu2D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFitNu2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 No. of degrees of freedom for 2D Sersic fit {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_fit_nu}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.dof
SerFlux1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSDR2 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSDR3 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSDR4 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSDR5 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSDR6 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux1D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFlux1D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFlux1D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFlux1D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 1D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSDR2 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSDR3 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSDR4 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSDR5 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSDR6 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux2D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFlux2D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFlux2D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerFlux2D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count;em.opt
SerFlux2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerFlux2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 2D Sersic flux {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_flux}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 ADU -0.9999995e9 phot.count
SerIdx1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSDR2 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSDR3 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSDR4 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSDR5 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSDR6 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerIdx1D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerIdx1D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerIdx1D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSDR2 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSDR3 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSDR4 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSDR5 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSDR6 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerIdx2D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerIdx2D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerIdx2D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerIdx2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Power law index {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_index}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSDR2 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSDR3 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSDR4 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSDR5 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSDR6 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag1D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerMag1D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerMag1D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerMag1D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Calibrated 1D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSDR2 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSDR3 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSDR4 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSDR5 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSDR6 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag2D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerMag2D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerMag2D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerMag2D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 PHOT_PROFILE
SerMag2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerMag2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Calibrated 2D Sersic flux
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param;phot.mag
SerScaleLen1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSDR2 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSDR3 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSDR4 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSDR5 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSDR6 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerScaleLen1D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerScaleLen1D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerScaleLen1D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen1D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 1D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D ultravistaDetection ULTRAVISTADR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSDR2 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSDR3 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSDR4 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSDR5 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSDR6 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20120926 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20130417 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20140409 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20150108 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20160114 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20160507 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20170630 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20180419 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20201209 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20231101 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection VHSv20240731 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D videoDetection VIDEODR2 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerScaleLen2D videoDetection VIDEODR3 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D videoDetection VIDEODR4 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D videoDetection VIDEODR5 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerScaleLen2D videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 SExtractor parameter {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
SerScaleLen2D videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SerScaleLen2D vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 Scale length {catalogue TType keyword: 2D_Sersic_scale_len}
[For numerical stability the Sersic fits will use the previously derived x-y coordinates]
real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat.fit.param
SERSIC mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Sersic Index (=4 for de Vaucouleurs profile) real 4   99.99  
SERSIC_KAPPA mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Sersic profile coefficient real 4      
SERSICm mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Sersic Index error (-) real 4   99.99  
SERSICp mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Sersic Index error (+) real 4   99.99  
ses1_100 iras_psc IRAS Number of seconds-confirmed nearby small extended sources (100 micron). tinyint 1     instr.param
ses1_12 iras_psc IRAS Number of seconds-confirmed nearby small extended sources (12 micron). tinyint 1     instr.param
ses1_25 iras_psc IRAS Number of seconds-confirmed nearby small extended sources (25 micron). tinyint 1     instr.param
ses1_60 iras_psc IRAS Number of seconds-confirmed nearby small extended sources (60 micron). tinyint 1     instr.param
ses2_100 iras_psc IRAS Number of nearby weeks-confirmed small extended sources (100 micron). tinyint 1     meta.code
ses2_12 iras_psc IRAS Number of nearby weeks-confirmed small extended sources (12 micron). tinyint 1     meta.code
ses2_25 iras_psc IRAS Number of nearby weeks-confirmed small extended sources (25 micron). tinyint 1     meta.code
ses2_60 iras_psc IRAS Number of nearby weeks-confirmed small extended sources (60 micron). tinyint 1     meta.code
setupID RegionFieldLinks SHARKSv20210421 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks ULTRAVISTADR4 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VHSv20201209 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VHSv20231101 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VHSv20240731 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCDEEPv20230713 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCDEEPv20240506 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCDR5 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCv20191212 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCv20210708 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCv20230816 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VMCv20240226 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VVVDR5 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks VVVXDR1 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RegionFieldLinks, RequiredMosaic SHARKSv20210222 UID of top level setup. int 4   -99999999  
setupID RequiredMapAverages SHARKSv20210222 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages SHARKSv20210421 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages ULTRAVISTADR4 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VHSv20201209 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VHSv20231101 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VHSv20240731 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCDEEPv20230713 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCDEEPv20240506 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCDR5 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCv20191212 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCv20210708 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCv20230816 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VMCv20240226 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VVVDR5 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMapAverages VVVXDR1 the setupID of the averaging process int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel SHARKSv20210222 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel SHARKSv20210421 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel ULTRAVISTADR4 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VHSv20201209 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VHSv20231101 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VHSv20240731 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCDEEPv20230713 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCDEEPv20240506 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCDR5 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCv20191212 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCv20210708 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCv20230816 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VMCv20240226 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VVVDR5 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
setupID RequiredMosaicTopLevel VVVXDR1 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case int 4     meta.id;meta.main
SEX_FLAG mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SExtractor Flag int 4 Integer    
SG target SIXDF SSS star/galaxy flag 1=galaxy 2=star 3=unclass 4=noise smallint 2      
sharp smashdr2_deep, smashdr2_object SMASH Average DAOPHOT sharp value, measurement of peakiness real 4      
sharp smashdr2_source SMASH DAOPHOT sharp value, measurement of peakiness real 4      
sharp vvvPsfDaophotJKsSource VVVDR5 Sharpness of the gaussian [-1,1] {catalogue TType keyword: sharp} real 4     stat.fit.goodness
SHARPL15 akari_lmc_psa_v1, akari_lmc_psc_v1 AKARI Sharpness float 8   99.999  
SHARPL24 akari_lmc_psa_v1, akari_lmc_psc_v1 AKARI Sharpness float 8   99.999  
SHARPN3 akari_lmc_psa_v1, akari_lmc_psc_v1 AKARI Sharpness float 8   99.999  
SHARPS11 akari_lmc_psa_v1, akari_lmc_psc_v1 AKARI Sharpness float 8   99.999  
SHARPS7 akari_lmc_psa_v1, akari_lmc_psc_v1 AKARI Sharpness float 8   99.999  
shortName Filter SHARKSv20210222 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter SHARKSv20210421 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter ULTRAVISTADR4 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSDR1 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSDR2 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSDR3 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSDR4 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSDR5 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSDR6 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20120926 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20130417 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20150108 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20160114 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20160507 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20170630 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20180419 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20201209 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20231101 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VHSv20240731 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIDEODR2 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIDEODR3 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIDEODR4 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIDEODR5 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIDEOv20100513 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIDEOv20111208 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGDR2 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGDR3 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGDR4 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20110714 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20111019 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20130417 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20150421 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20151230 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20160406 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20161202 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VIKINGv20170715 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCDEEPv20230713 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCDEEPv20240506 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCDR1 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCDR3 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCDR4 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCDR5 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20110816 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20110909 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20120126 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20121128 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20130304 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20130805 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20140428 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20140903 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20150309 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20151218 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20160311 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20160822 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20170109 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20170411 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20171101 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20180702 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20181120 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20191212 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20210708 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20230816 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VMCv20240226 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VSAQC Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VVVDR1 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VVVDR2 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VVVDR5 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VVVXDR1 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VVVv20100531 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName Filter VVVv20110718 Short identification name for the filter varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterExtinctionCoefficients EXTINCT Short name of the filter varchar 8     meta.id
shortName FilterSections SHARKSv20210222 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections SHARKSv20210421 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections ULTRAVISTADR4 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSDR3 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSDR4 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSDR5 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSDR6 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20150108 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20160114 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20160507 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20170630 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20180419 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20201209 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20231101 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VHSv20240731 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIDEODR4 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIDEODR5 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIKINGDR4 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIKINGv20150421 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIKINGv20151230 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIKINGv20160406 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIKINGv20161202 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VIKINGv20170715 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCDEEPv20230713 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCDEEPv20240506 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCDR3 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCDR4 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCDR5 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20140428 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20140903 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20150309 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20151218 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20160311 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20160822 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20170109 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20170411 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20171101 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20180702 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20181120 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20191212 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20210708 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20230816 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VMCv20240226 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VSAQC Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VVVDR5 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName FilterSections VVVXDR1 Short identification name for the filter section varchar 10     ??
shortName vmcRRLyraeLightCurves VMCv20240226 Filter name varchar 2     instr.bandpass
Si ravedr5Source RAVE [Si/H] abundance of Si real 4 dex   phys.abund.Z
Si_N ravedr5Source RAVE Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Si/H] smallint 2     meta.number
siga sharksAstrometricInfo SHARKSv20210222 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga sharksAstrometricInfo SHARKSv20210421 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga ultravistaAstrometricInfo ULTRAVISTADR4 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vhsAstrometricInfo VHSDR6 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20170630 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20180419 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20201209 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20231101 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20240731 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR2 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR3 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR4 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR5 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga videoAstrometricInfo VIDEOv20111208 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGDR2 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGDR3 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGDR4 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20110714 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20111019 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20130417 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20140402 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20150421 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20151230 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20160406 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20161202 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20170715 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR1 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR2 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR3 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR4 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR5 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20110816 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20110909 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20120126 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20121128 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20130304 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20130805 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20140428 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20140903 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20150309 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20151218 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20160311 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20160822 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20170109 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20170411 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20171101 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20180702 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20181120 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20191212 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20210708 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20230816 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20240226 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcdeepAstrometricInfo VMCDEEPv20230713 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vmcdeepAstrometricInfo VMCDEEPv20240506 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vvvAstrometricInfo VVVDR1 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vvvAstrometricInfo VVVDR2 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vvvAstrometricInfo VVVDR5 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
siga vvvAstrometricInfo VVVv20110718 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
siga vvvxAstrometricInfo VVVXDR1 Error on coefficient a float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd sharksAstrometricInfo SHARKSv20210222 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd sharksAstrometricInfo SHARKSv20210421 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd ultravistaAstrometricInfo ULTRAVISTADR4 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vhsAstrometricInfo VHSDR6 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20170630 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20180419 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20201209 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20231101 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vhsAstrometricInfo VHSv20240731 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR2 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR3 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR4 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd videoAstrometricInfo VIDEODR5 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd videoAstrometricInfo VIDEOv20111208 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGDR2 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGDR3 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGDR4 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20110714 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20111019 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20130417 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20140402 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20150421 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20151230 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20160406 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20161202 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vikingAstrometricInfo VIKINGv20170715 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR1 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR2 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR3 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR4 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCDR5 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20110816 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20110909 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20120126 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20121128 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20130304 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20130805 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20140428 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20140903 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20150309 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20151218 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20160311 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20160822 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20170109 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20170411 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20171101 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20180702 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20181120 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20191212 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20210708 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20230816 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcAstrometricInfo VMCv20240226 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcdeepAstrometricInfo VMCDEEPv20230713 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vmcdeepAstrometricInfo VMCDEEPv20240506 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vvvAstrometricInfo VVVDR1 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vvvAstrometricInfo VVVDR2 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vvvAstrometricInfo VVVDR5 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigd vvvAstrometricInfo VVVv20110718 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 ??
sigd vvvxAstrometricInfo VVVXDR1 Error on coefficient d float 8 arcsec -0.9999995e9 stat.fit;stat.stdev
sigDec sharksVariability SHARKSv20210222 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec sharksVariability SHARKSv20210421 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec ultravistaVariability ULTRAVISTADR4 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vhsSourceRemeasurement VHSDR1 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec videoSourceRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec videoVariability VIDEODR2 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec videoVariability VIDEODR3 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec videoVariability VIDEODR4 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec videoVariability VIDEODR5 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec videoVariability VIDEOv20100513 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec videoVariability VIDEOv20111208 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingSourceRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec vikingSourceRemeasurement VIKINGv20111019 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGDR2 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGDR3 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGDR4 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20110714 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20111019 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20130417 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20140402 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20150421 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20151230 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20160406 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20161202 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20170715 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcSourceRemeasurement VMCv20110816 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec vmcSourceRemeasurement VMCv20110909 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec vmcVariability VMCDR1 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCDR2 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCDR3 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCDR4 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCDR5 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20110816 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20110909 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20120126 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20121128 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20130304 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20130805 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20140428 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20140903 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20150309 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20151218 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20160311 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20160822 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20170109 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20170411 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20171101 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20180702 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20181120 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20191212 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20210708 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20230816 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcVariability VMCv20240226 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcdeepVariability VMCDEEPv20230713 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vmcdeepVariability VMCDEEPv20240506 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vvvSourceRemeasurement VVVv20100531 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec vvvSourceRemeasurement VVVv20110718 Uncertainty in Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigDec vvvVariability VVVDR1 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vvvVariability VVVDR2 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vvvVariability VVVDR5 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vvvVariability VVVv20100531 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vvvVariability VVVv20110718 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigDec vvvxVariability VVVXDR1 Uncertainty in mean Dec real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigdec allwise_sc WISE One-sigma uncertainty in declination coordinate from the non-moving source extraction. float 8 arcsec    
sigdec catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE uncertainty in dec (arcsec) real 4 arcsec    
sigdec wise_allskysc WISE One-sigma uncertainty in declination coordinate real 4 arcsec    
sigdec wise_prelimsc WISE One-sigma uncertainty in declination coordinate
CAUTION: The declination uncertainty is overestimated for the majority of sources in the Preliminary Release Source Catalog. Sigdec was computed by adding 0.5 arcsec in quadrature to the extraction measurement uncertainty to reflect the impact of the declination bias error known to affect a fraction of source fainter than W1~13.0 mag
real 4 arcsec    
sigdec_pm allwise_sc WISE One-sigma uncertainty in declination from the profile-fitting measurement model that includes motion. This column is null if the motion-fit failed to converge or was not attempted. float 8 arcsec    
sigdec_pm catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE uncertainty in dec_pm real 4 arcsec    
sigDecCen ultravistaSourceRemeasurement ULTRAVISTADR4 Uncertainty in Dec of centroid real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error;pos.eq.dec
sigDecCen vikingZY_selJ_SourceRemeasurement VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Uncertainty in Dec of centroid real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error;pos.eq.dec
sigDecCen vikingZY_selJ_SourceRemeasurement VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Uncertainty in Dec of centroid real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error;pos.eq.dec
sigMuDec sharksVariability SHARKSv20210222 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec sharksVariability SHARKSv20210421 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec ultravistaVariability ULTRAVISTADR4 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec videoVariability VIDEODR2 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec videoVariability VIDEODR3 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec videoVariability VIDEODR4 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec videoVariability VIDEODR5 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec videoVariability VIDEOv20100513 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec videoVariability VIDEOv20111208 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGDR2 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGDR3 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGDR4 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20110714 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20111019 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20130417 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20140402 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20150421 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20151230 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20160406 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20161202 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vikingVariability VIKINGv20170715 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCDR1 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCDR2 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCDR3 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCDR4 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCDR5 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20110816 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20110909 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20120126 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20121128 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20130304 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20130805 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20140428 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20140903 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20150309 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20151218 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20160311 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20160822 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20170109 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20170411 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20171101 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20180702 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20181120 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20191212 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20210708 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20230816 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcVariability VMCv20240226 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcdeepVariability VMCDEEPv20230713 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vmcdeepVariability VMCDEEPv20240506 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vvvVariability VVVDR1 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vvvVariability VVVDR2 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vvvVariability VVVDR5 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vvvVariability VVVv20100531 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vvvVariability VVVv20110718 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuDec vvvxVariability VVVXDR1 Error on proper motion in Dec real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa sharksVariability SHARKSv20210222 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa sharksVariability SHARKSv20210421 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa ultravistaVariability ULTRAVISTADR4 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa videoVariability VIDEODR2 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa videoVariability VIDEODR3 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa videoVariability VIDEODR4 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa videoVariability VIDEODR5 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa videoVariability VIDEOv20100513 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa videoVariability VIDEOv20111208 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGDR2 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGDR3 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGDR4 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20110714 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20111019 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20130417 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20140402 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20150421 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20151230 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20160406 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20161202 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vikingVariability VIKINGv20170715 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCDR1 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCDR2 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCDR3 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCDR4 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCDR5 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20110816 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20110909 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20120126 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20121128 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20130304 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20130805 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20140428 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20140903 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20150309 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20151218 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20160311 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20160822 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20170109 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20170411 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20171101 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20180702 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20181120 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20191212 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20210708 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20230816 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcVariability VMCv20240226 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcdeepVariability VMCDEEPv20230713 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vmcdeepVariability VMCDEEPv20240506 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vvvVariability VVVDR1 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vvvVariability VVVDR2 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vvvVariability VVVDR5 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vvvVariability VVVv20100531 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vvvVariability VVVv20110718 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigMuRa vvvxVariability VVVXDR1 Error on proper motion in RA real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigPMDec catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE uncertainty in PMDec real 4 arcsec/yr    
sigpmdec allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the Dec motion estimated for this source. This column is null if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. int 4 mas/year    
sigPMRA catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE uncertainty in PMRA real 4 arcsec/yr    
sigpmra allwise_sc WISE Uncertainty in the RA motion estimation. This column is null if the motion fit failed to converge or was not attempted. int 4 mas/year    
sigRa sharksVariability SHARKSv20210222 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigRa sharksVariability SHARKSv20210421 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigRa ultravistaVariability ULTRAVISTADR4 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigRa vhsSourceRemeasurement VHSDR1 Uncertainty in RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigRa videoSourceRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 Uncertainty in RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
sigRa videoVariability VIDEODR2 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigRa videoVariability VIDEODR3 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigRa videoVariability VIDEODR4 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms data as a function of magnitude in each band, as has already happened for photometric data and a motion model that incorporates proper motion (and possibly parallax) will be used. The motion model is a parameter in the VarFrameSetInfo table.
sigRa videoVariability VIDEODR5 Uncertainty in mean RA real 4 Degrees -0.9999995e9 stat.error
The Variability table contains statistics from the set of observations of each source. At present, the mean ra and dec and the error in two tangential directions are calculated. The "ra" direction is defined as tangential to both the radial direction and the cartesian z-axis and the "dec" direction is defined as both the radial direction and the "ra" direction. Since the current model is just the mean and standard deviation of the data, then the chi-squared of the fit=1. Data from good frames across all bands go into the astrometric model determination. This will include bands in non-synoptic filters: the one observation in these bands can help. In future releases a fit will be made to the rms dat