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Glossary of VSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the VSAv20240704 database(s) held in the VSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the VSAv20240704 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
g_flags masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from g-band measurements in photometry table smallint 2     meta.code
g_flux phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 G-band flux for each FoV observation float 8 electrons/second   phot.flux;em.opt
g_flux_error phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 Estimated uncertainty on G-band flux for each FoV observation float 8 electrons/second   stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt
g_mag_zero_oint_error ext_phot_zero_point GAIADR1 Uncertainty on G magnitude zero point float 8 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;arith.zp;em.opt
g_mag_zero_point ext_phot_zero_point GAIADR1 G magnitude zero point float 8 mag   phot.mag;arith.zp;em.opt
g_magnitude phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 G-band magnitude for each FoV observation float 8 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
g_nch masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Number of g-band child sources combined into this object_id smallint 2     meta.number
g_nclip masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Number of g-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate smallint 2     meta.number
g_ngood masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Number of g-band observations used smallint 2     meta.number
g_nimaflags masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from g-band measurements in photometry table int 4     meta.code
g_petro masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Mean g-band Petrosian magnitude real 4 mag   phot.mag;stat.mean
g_psf masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Mean g-band PSF magnitude real 4 mag   phot.mag;stat.mean
g_rchi2var masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the g-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources real 4     stat.fit.chi2
g_rp gaia_source GAIADR2 G-RP colour real 4 mag   phot.colour
g_rp gaia_source GAIAEDR3 G-RP colour real 4 mag   phot.colour
g_score twomass_xsc TWOMASS galaxy score: 1(extended) < g_score < 2(point-like). real 4     meta.code
gaia_avg_cont gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Mean contaminating relative flux within PSFs when constructing h_offsets for Gaia sources at the local density, magnitude and intrinsic positional uncertainty of the primary source. float 8 dimensionless    
gaia_bp gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE BP mean magnitude float 8 mag   phot.mag;em.op
gaia_cont_p1 gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Probability of Gaia source having contaminant of at least 1% relative flux given its separation from its corresponding WISE detection, as given by equation 12 of Wilson & Naylor (2018b, MNRAS, 481, 2148). float 8 dimensionless    
gaia_cont_p10 gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Probability of Gaia source having contaminant of at least 10% relative flux given its separation from its corresponding WISE detection. float 8 dimensionless    
gaia_dec gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Celestial Declination float 8 degrees   pos.eq.dec;meta.main
gaia_designation gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Unique source designation varchar 32 dimensionless   meta.id;meta.main
gaia_dr2_dist1 masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Distance on sky to closest Gaia DR2 source real 4 arcsec   pos.angDistance
gaia_dr2_dist2 masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Distance on sky to second-closest Gaia DR2 source real 4 arcsec   pos.angDistance
gaia_dr2_id1 masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Unique identifier (source_id) of closest Gaia DR2 source bigint 8     meta.id.cross
gaia_dr2_id2 masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Unique identifier (source_id) of second-closest Gaia DR2 source bigint 8     meta.id.cross
gaia_g gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE G-band mean magnitude float 8 mag   phot.mag;em.op
gaia_p gaia_nonmatches GAIAXWISE match probability float 8 dimensionless    
gaia_ra gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Celestial Right Ascension float 8 degrees   pos.eq.ra;meta.main
gaia_rp gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE RP mean magnitude float 8 mag   phot.mag;em.op
gaia_source_ID gaia_nonmatches, gaiaxwise_matches GAIAXWISE Gaia integer unique source designation bigint 8 dimensionless    
GAIN_R spectra SIXDF R gain real 4      
GAIN_V spectra SIXDF V gain real 4      
gainCor MultiframeDetector SHARKSv20210222 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector SHARKSv20210421 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector ULTRAVISTADR4 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSDR1 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSDR2 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSDR3 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSDR4 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSDR5 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSDR6 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20120926 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20130417 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20140409 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20150108 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20160114 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20160507 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20170630 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20180419 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20201209 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VHSv20231101 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIDEODR2 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIDEODR3 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIDEODR4 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIDEODR5 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIDEOv20100513 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIDEOv20111208 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR2 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR3 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR4 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20110714 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20111019 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20130417 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20140402 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20150421 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20151230 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20160406 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20161202 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20170715 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDEEPv20230713 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDEEPv20240506 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDR1 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDR2 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDR3 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDR4 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCDR5 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20110816 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20110909 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20120126 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20121128 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20130304 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20130805 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20140428 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20140903 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20150309 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20151218 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20160311 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20160822 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20170109 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20170411 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20171101 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20180702 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20181120 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20191212 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20210708 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20230816 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VMCv20240226 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VVVDR1 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VVVDR2 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VVVDR5 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VVVXDR1 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VVVv20100531 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor MultiframeDetector VVVv20110718 Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gainCor sharksMultiframeDetector, ultravistaMultiframeDetector, vhsMultiframeDetector, videoMultiframeDetector, vikingMultiframeDetector, vmcMultiframeDetector, vvvMultiframeDetector VSAQC Gain correction factor real 4   -0.9999995e9  
gal_contam twomass_psc TWOMASS Extended source "contamination" flag. smallint 2     meta.code
gal_contam twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS src contaminated by galaxy (check blanked/subtracted tbl) smallint 2      
galactic_lat igsl_source GAIADR1 Galactic latitude real 4 degrees   pos.galatic.lat
galactic_lon igsl_source GAIADR1 Galactic longitude real 4 degrees   pos.galatic.lon
galex_guv_dist masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Distance on sky to closest GALEX GUVcat AIS source real 4 arcsec   pos.angDistance
galex_guv_id masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Unique identifier (objid) of closest GALEX GUVcat AIS source (Bianchi et al. 2017) bigint 8     meta.id.cross
gApFillFac StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Aperture fill factor from g filter stack detection. real 4   -999  
gApFlux StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Aperture flux from g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys -999  
gApFluxErr StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Error in aperture flux from g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys -999  
gApMag StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Aperture magnitude from g filter stack detection. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gApMagErr StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Error in aperture magnitude from g filter stack detection. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gApRadius StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Aperture radius for g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
gauSig sharksDetection SHARKSv20210222 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig sharksDetection SHARKSv20210421 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig ultravistaDetection, ultravistaMapRemeasurement ULTRAVISTADR4 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig ultravistaMapRemeasAver ULTRAVISTADR4 Averaged RMS of axes of ellipse fit real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
gauSig vhsDetection VHSDR2 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSDR3 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSDR4 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSDR5 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSDR6 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20120926 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20130417 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20140409 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20150108 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20160114 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20160507 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20170630 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20180419 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20201209 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection VHSv20231101 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vhsDetection, vhsListRemeasurement VHSDR1 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig videoDetection VIDEODR2 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig videoDetection VIDEODR3 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig videoDetection VIDEODR4 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig videoDetection VIDEODR5 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig videoDetection VIDEOv20100513 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig videoDetection VIDEOv20111208 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig videoListRemeasurement VIDEOv20100513 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGDR2 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGDR3 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGDR4 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20111019 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20130417 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20140402 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20150421 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20151230 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20160406 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20161202 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection VIKINGv20170715 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingDetection, vikingListRemeasurement VIKINGv20110714 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 Averaged RMS of axes of ellipse fit real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
gauSig vikingMapRemeasAver VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 Averaged RMS of axes of ellipse fit real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
gauSig vikingMapRemeasurement VIKINGZYSELJv20160909 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig vikingMapRemeasurement VIKINGZYSELJv20170124 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCDR1 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCDR2 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCDR3 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCDR4 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCDR5 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20110909 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20120126 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20121128 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20130304 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20130805 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20140428 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20140903 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20150309 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20151218 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20160311 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20160822 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20170109 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20170411 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20171101 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20180702 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20181120 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20191212 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20210708 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20230816 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection VMCv20240226 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcDetection, vmcListRemeasurement VMCv20110816 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20230713 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vmcdeepDetection VMCDEEPv20240506 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vvvDetection VVVDR1 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vvvDetection VVVDR2 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vvvDetection, vvvDetectionPawPrints, vvvDetectionTiles VVVDR5 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig vvvDetection, vvvListRemeasurement VVVv20100531 RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   src.morph.param
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
Gauss_frac_1 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_frac_2 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_frac_3 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_mean_1 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_mean_2 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_mean_3 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_sigma_1 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_sigma_2 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
Gauss_sigma_3 ravedr5Source RAVE Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5 real 4     stat.fit.param
GB target SIXDF galactic latitude float 8 degrees    
gbJ2000 vvvVivaCatalogue VVVDR5 Galactic latitude {catalogue TType keyword: gbJ2000} float 8 Degrees -999999500.0 pos.galactic.lat
gcnf twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS Group confusion flag 0=not confused or single apparation, 1=confused smallint 2      
gcntr twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS A unique identifier for the merged group of apparitions of this source int 4      
gcvsID ogle3LpvLmcSource, ogle3LpvSmcSource OGLE GCVS ID varchar 5     meta.id
gdec StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Declination from g filter stack detection. float 8 degrees -999  
gdecErr StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Declination error from g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
gEpoch StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch of images contributing to the the g-band stack (equinox J2000). float 8 days -999  
gerr decapsSource DECAPS Uncertainty in mean g-band flux (statistical only) {catalogue TType keyword: err[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gerr smashdr2_deep, smashdr2_object SMASH Unceratinty in calibrated g-band magnitude real 4      
gerr_lbs decapsSource DECAPS Uncertainty in mean local background subtracted g-band flux (statistical only) {catalogue TType keyword: err_lbs[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gexpTime StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Exposure time of the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. real 4 seconds -999  
gExtNSigma StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 An extendedness measure for the g filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty. real 4   -999  
gFlags MeanObject PS1DR2 Information flag bitmask for mean object from g filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags. int 4   0  
gfracflux decapsSource DECAPS PSF-weighted fraction of g-band flux coming from this object (i.e., one minus the the fraction of flux in this object's PSF that comes from neighbouring objects?) {catalogue TType keyword: fracflux[1]} real 4   -9.999995e8 stat.value;em.opt.B
ginfoFlag StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Information flag bitmask indicating details of the g filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags. bigint 8   0  
ginfoFlag2 StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Information flag bitmask indicating details of the g filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2. int 4   0  
ginfoFlag3 StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Information flag bitmask indicating details of the g filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3. int 4   0  
gippDetectID StackObjectAttributes, StackObjectThin PS1DR2 IPP internal detection identifier. bigint 8      
gKronFlux StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys -999  
gKronFluxErr StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Error in Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys -999  
gKronMag StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter stack detection. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gKronMagErr StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Error in Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter stack detection. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gKronRad StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Kron (1980) radius from g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
GL target SIXDF galactic longitude float 8 degrees    
Glat ravedr5Source RAVE Latitude (J2000 GCS) float 8 deg   pos.galactic.lat
glat allwise_sc WISE Galactic latitude computed from the non-moving source fit equatorial position. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 deg    
glat catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE galactic latitude float 8 deg    
glat masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Galactic latitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference. real 4 deg   pos.galactic.lat
glat smashdr2_deep, smashdr2_object SMASH Galactic latitude of field, in degrees float 8      
glat smashdr2_source SMASH Galactic latitude of field float 8 degrees    
glat twomass_psc TWOMASS Galactic latitude rounded to 0.001 deg. real 4 degrees   pos.galactic.lat
glat twomass_scn TWOMASS Galactic latitude of scan center, as computed from ra and dec above. real 4 degrees   pos.galactic.lat
glat twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS galactic latitude (decimal deg) of scan center float 8 deg    
glat twomass_xsc TWOMASS Galactic latitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel. real 4 degrees   pos.galactic.lat
glat wise_allskysc WISE Galactic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 degrees    
glat wise_prelimsc WISE Galactic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference float 8 degrees    
glJ2000 vvvVivaCatalogue VVVDR5 Galactic longitude {catalogue TType keyword: glJ2000} float 8 Degrees -999999500.0 pos.galactic.lon
globalSourceID sage_lmcIracSource, sage_lmcMips160Source, sage_lmcMips24Source, sage_lmcMips70Source SPITZER Unique identifier int 4      
globalSourceID sage_smcIRACv1_5Source SPITZER Unique identification number of each source in the catalog int 4      
Glon ravedr5Source RAVE Longitude (J2000 GCS) float 8 deg   pos.galactic.lon
glon allwise_sc WISE Galactic longitude, computed from the non-moving source fit equatorial position. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 deg    
glon catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE galactic longitude float 8 deg    
glon masterDR2 SKYMAPPER Galactic longitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference. real 4 deg   pos.galactic.lon
glon smashdr2_deep, smashdr2_object SMASH Galactic longitude of field, in degrees float 8      
glon smashdr2_source SMASH Galactic longitude of field float 8 degrees    
glon twomass_psc TWOMASS Galactic longitude rounded to 0.001 deg. real 4 degrees   pos.galactic.lon
glon twomass_scn TWOMASS Galactic longitude of scan center, as computed from ra and dec above. real 4 degrees   pos.galactic.lon
glon twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS galactic longitude (decimal deg) of scan center float 8 deg    
glon twomass_xsc TWOMASS Galactic longitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel. real 4 degrees   pos.galactic.lon
glon wise_allskysc WISE Galactic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 degrees    
glon wise_prelimsc WISE Galactic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference float 8 degrees    
gmag smashdr2_deep, smashdr2_object SMASH Weighted-average, calibrated g-band magnitude, 99.99 if no detection real 4      
gmaglimit decapsSource DECAPS 5 sigma g-band magnitude limit for deepest detection of this object (AB mag) {catalogue TType keyword: maglimit[1]} real 4 mag -9.999995e8 phot.mag;em.opt.B
gmean decapsSource DECAPS g-band mean flux, good detections only (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: mean[1]} real 4 3631Jy   phot.flux;em.opt.B
gmean_lbs decapsSource DECAPS Mean g-band flux, using a local background subtraction (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: mean_lbs[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.mean;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gMeanApMag MeanObject PS1DR2 Mean aperture magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanApMagErr MeanObject PS1DR2 Error in mean aperture magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanApMagNpt MeanObject PS1DR2 Number of measurements included in mean aperture magnitude from g filter detections. smallint 2   -999  
gMeanApMagStd MeanObject PS1DR2 Standard deviation of aperture magnitudes from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanKronMag MeanObject PS1DR2 Mean Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanKronMagErr MeanObject PS1DR2 Error in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanKronMagNpt MeanObject PS1DR2 Number of measurements included in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter detections. smallint 2   -999  
gMeanKronMagStd MeanObject PS1DR2 Standard deviation of Kron (1980) magnitudes from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanPSFMag MeanObject PS1DR2 Mean PSF magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanPSFMagErr MeanObject PS1DR2 Error in mean PSF magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanPSFMagMax MeanObject PS1DR2 Maximum PSF magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanPSFMagMin MeanObject PS1DR2 Minimum PSF magnitude from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gMeanPSFMagNpt MeanObject PS1DR2 Number of measurements included in mean PSF magnitude from g filter detections. smallint 2   -999  
gMeanPSFMagStd MeanObject PS1DR2 Standard deviation of PSF magnitudes from g filter detections. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gmedian decapsSource DECAPS Median g-band flux (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: median[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.median;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gmedian_lbs decapsSource DECAPS Median local background subtracted g-band flux (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: median_lbs[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.median;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gmomentR1 StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 First radial moment for g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
gmomentRH StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec^0.5 -999  
gmomentXX StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Second moment M_xx for g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec^2 -999  
gmomentXY StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Second moment M_xy for g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec^2 -999  
gmomentYY StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Second moment M_yy for g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec^2 -999  
gnFrames StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Number of input frames/exposures contributing to the g filter stack detection. int 4   -999  
gnmag decapsSource DECAPS Number of detections in g band {catalogue TType keyword: nmag[1]} smallint 2     meta.number;em.opt.B
gnmag_lbs decapsSource DECAPS Number of detections in g band {catalogue TType keyword: nmag_lbs[1]} smallint 2   -9999 meta.number;em.opt.B
gnmag_lbs_ok decapsSource DECAPS Number of good detections in g band {catalogue TType keyword: nmag_lbs_ok[1]} smallint 2   -9999 meta.number;em.opt.B
gnmag_ok decapsSource DECAPS Number of good detections in g band {catalogue TType keyword: nmag_ok[1]} smallint 2     meta.number;em.opt.B
gPlateScale StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Local plate scale for the g filter stack. real 4 arcsec/pixel 0  
gpmag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE g' magnitude from APASSDR9 real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
gpsfChiSq StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for g filter stack detection. real 4   -999  
gpsfCore StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF core parameter k from g filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). real 4   -999  
gPSFFlux StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF flux from g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys -999  
gPSFFluxErr StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Error in PSF flux from g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys -999  
gpsfLikelihood StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Likelihood that this g filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF. real 4   -999  
gPSFMag StackObjectThin PS1DR2 PSF magnitude from g filter stack detection. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gPSFMagErr StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Error in PSF magnitude from g filter stack detection. real 4 AB magnitudes -999  
gpsfMajorFWHM StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF major axis FWHM from g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
gpsfMinorFWHM StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF minor axis FWHM from g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
gpsfQf StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF coverage factor for g filter stack detection. real 4   -999  
gpsfQfPerfect StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for g filter stack detection. real 4   -999  
gpsfTheta StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF major axis orientation from g filter stack detection. real 4 degrees -999  
gq25 decapsSource DECAPS 25th percentile g-band flux (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: q25[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.value;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gq25_lbs decapsSource DECAPS 25th percentile local background subtracted g-band flux (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: q25_lbs[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.value;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gq75 decapsSource DECAPS 75th percentile g-band flux (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: q75[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.value;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gq75_lbs decapsSource DECAPS 75th percentile local background subtracted g-band flux (3631 Jy) {catalogue TType keyword: q75_lbs[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.value;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gQfPerfect MeanObject PS1DR2 Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from g filter detections. real 4   -999  
gra StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Right ascension from g filter stack detection. float 8 degrees -999  
graErr StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Right ascension error from g filter stack detection. real 4 arcsec -999  
GRATBLAZ_R spectra SIXDF R blaze direction varchar 10      
GRATBLAZ_V spectra SIXDF V blaze direction varchar 10      
GRATID_R spectra SIXDF grating ID in R frame varchar 14      
GRATID_V spectra SIXDF grating ID in V frame varchar 14      
GRATSET_R spectra SIXDF R grating micrometer setting real 4      
GRATSET_V spectra SIXDF V grating micrometer setting real 4      
GRATSLOT_R spectra SIXDF R grating slot ID char 1      
GRATSLOT_V spectra SIXDF V grating slot ID char 1      
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector SHARKSv20210222 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector SHARKSv20210421 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector ULTRAVISTADR4 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSDR1 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSDR2 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSDR3 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSDR4 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSDR5 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSDR6 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSv20120926 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSv20130417 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSv20140409 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSv20150108 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSv20160114 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VHSv20160507 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
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groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIDEODR5 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIDEOv20111208 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR2 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR3 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGDR4 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20110714 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20111019 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
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groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20150421 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20151230 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20160406 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20161202 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VIKINGv20170715 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCDEEPv20230713 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCDEEPv20240506 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
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groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCDR2 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCDR3 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCDR4 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCDR5 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
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groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20110909 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20120126 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20121128 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20130304 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20130805 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20140428 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20140903 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
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groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20151218 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20160311 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20160822 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20170109 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20170411 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20171101 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20180702 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20181120 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20191212 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20210708 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20230816 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VMCv20240226 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VVVDR1 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VVVDR2 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VVVDR5 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VVVXDR1 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
groutedFlag MultiframeDetector VVVv20110718 Table has been grouted {catalogue extension keyword:  GROUTED} tinyint 1   0  
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grpNum Multiframe SHARKSv20210222 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe SHARKSv20210421 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe ULTRAVISTADR4 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSDR1 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSDR2 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSDR3 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSDR4 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSDR5 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSDR6 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20120926 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20130417 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20140409 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20150108 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20160114 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20160507 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20170630 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20180419 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20201209 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VHSv20231101 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIDEODR2 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIDEODR3 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIDEODR4 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIDEODR5 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIDEOv20100513 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIDEOv20111208 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGDR2 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGDR3 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGDR4 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20110714 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20111019 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20130417 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20140402 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20150421 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20151230 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20160406 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20161202 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VIKINGv20170715 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDEEPv20230713 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDEEPv20240506 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDR1 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDR2 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDR3 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDR4 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCDR5 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20110816 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20110909 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20120126 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20121128 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20130304 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20130805 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20140428 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20140903 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20150309 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20151218 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20160311 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20160822 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20170109 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20170411 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20171101 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20180702 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20181120 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20191212 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20210708 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20230816 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VMCv20240226 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VVVDR1 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VVVDR2 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VVVDR5 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VVVXDR1 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VVVv20100531 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum Multiframe VVVv20110718 Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) {image primary HDU keyword: JITTRNUM} int 4   -99999999  
grpNum sharksMultiframe, ultravistaMultiframe, vhsMultiframe, videoMultiframe, vikingMultiframe, vmcMultiframe, vvvMultiframe VSAQC Value of 1st OBSNUM in jitter sequence (i.e. group number applied to all members) int 4   -99999999  
gsc2Class first08Jul16Source FIRST morphological classification in GSC-2 version 2.3.2 (s=stellar, g=nonstellar/galaxy) varchar 1      
gsc2Mag first08Jul16Source FIRST GSC2 F magnitude real 4 mag    
gsc2Matches first08Jul16Source FIRST number of matches within a fiducial radius (10 arcsec) with GSC-2 version 2.3.2 int 4      
gsc2Sep first08Jul16Source FIRST separation of the nearest match in GSC-2 version 2.3.2 from the FIRST position real 4 arcsec    
gscatter smashdr2_deep, smashdr2_object SMASH RMS scatter in g from multiple measurements of this object real 4      
gsky StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys/arcsec^2 -999  
gskyErr StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Error in residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection. real 4 Janskys/arcsec^2 -999  
gsMag combo17CDFSSource COMBO17 Absolute restframe magnitude in SDSS g (calculated from redshifted best_fit template, depending on redshift and filter extrapolation outside the COMBO-17 filter set can be necessary, only calculated for objects classified as galaxies) real 4 mag    
gstackDetectID StackObjectAttributes, StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Unique stack detection identifier. bigint 8      
gstackImageID StackObjectAttributes, StackObjectThin PS1DR2 Unique stack identifier for g filter detection. bigint 8      
gstdev decapsSource DECAPS Standard deviation in g-band flux; may be default in rare cases of objects with 1 measurement {catalogue TType keyword: stdev[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.stdev;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gstdev_lbs decapsSource DECAPS Standard deviation in local background subtracted g-band fluxes; may be default in rare cases of objects with 1 measurement {catalogue TType keyword: stdev_lbs[1]} real 4 3631Jy -9.999995e8 stat.stdev;phot.flux;em.opt.B
gxPos StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF x center location from g filter stack detection. real 4 sky pixels -999  
gxPosErr StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Error in PSF x center location from g filter stack detection. real 4 sky pixels -999  
gyPos StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 PSF y center location from g filter stack detection. real 4 sky pixels -999  
gyPosErr StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Error in PSF y center location from g filter stack detection. real 4 sky pixels -999  
gzp StackObjectAttributes PS1DR2 Photometric zeropoint for the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. real 4 magnitudes 0  

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
