TABLE  wise_allskysc

Contains the parameters provided for each source in the WISE allsky catalogue.

This table contains the parameters provided for each source in
the WISE allsky source catalogue (March 14, 2012 All-Sky Data Release).

WFAU gratefully acknowledges help from IPAC at Caltech in enabling a
bulk download of the entire catalogue for local deployment in the VSA/WSA.
Any issues encountered or questions raised in use of this incarnation of
the IPAC IRSA catalogue should be communicated to the vsa- or wsa-support helpdesks
in the first instance. For a complete description please see the
user's guide to the WISE allsky data release.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (cntr)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
designation tooltipchar20 Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form:  
rafloat8degreesJ2000 right ascension with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame.  
decfloat8degreesJ2000 declination with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame.  
sigrareal4arcsecOne-sigma uncertainty in right ascension coordinate  
sigdecreal4arcsecOne-sigma uncertainty in declination coordinate  
sigradecreal4degreesThe co-sigma of the equatorial position uncertainties, sig_ra, sig_dec (σα, σδ). The co-sigma is related to the covariance between the position errors Vαδ by the formula Vαδ = σαδ×|σαδ|. This maintains the sign information for the correlation, since σαδ may be negative. It is more natural to carry the co-sigma along with the other uncertainties instead of the covariance because the former is in the same units as the other uncertainties.  
glonfloat8degreesGalactic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference.  
glatfloat8degreesGalactic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference.  
elonfloat8degreesEcliptic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference.  
elatfloat8degreesEcliptic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference.  
wxreal4pixelsThe x-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image.  
wyreal4pixelsThe y-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image.  
cntr tooltipbigint8 Unique identification number for the Catalog source;meta.main
source_idchar28 Unique source ID, formed from a combination of the Atlas Tile ID, coadd_id, and sequential extracted source number, src, within the Tile.  
coadd_idchar20 Atlas Tile identifier from which source was extracted.  
srcbigint8 Sequential number of this source extraction in the Atlas Tile from which this source was extracted, in approximate descending order of W1 source brightness.  
w1mpro tooltipreal4magW1 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W1 flux measurement has SNR<2.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigmpro tooltipreal4magW1 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.-0.9999995e9 
w1snr tooltipreal4 W1 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.-0.9999995e9 
w1rchi2 tooltipreal4 Reduced chi-squared of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement.-0.9999995e9 
w2mpro tooltipreal4magW2 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W2 flux measurement has SNR<2.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigmpro tooltipreal4magW2 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.-0.9999995e9 
w2snr tooltipreal4 W2 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.-0.9999995e9 
w2rchi2 tooltipreal4 Reduced chi-squared of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement.-0.9999995e9 
w3mpro tooltipreal4magW3 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W3 flux measurement has SNR<2.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigmpro tooltipreal4magW3 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.-0.9999995e9 
w3snr tooltipreal4 W3 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.-0.9999995e9 
w3rchi2 tooltipreal4 Reduced chi-squared of the W3 profile-fit photometry measurement.-0.9999995e9 
w4mpro tooltipreal4magW4 magnitude measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the W4 flux measurement has SNR<2.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigmpro tooltipreal4magW4 profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty.-0.9999995e9 
w4snr tooltipreal4 W4 profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio.-0.9999995e9 
w4rchi2 tooltipreal4 Reduced chi-squared of the W4 profile-fit photometry measurement.-0.9999995e9 
rchi2real4 Combined reduced chi-squared of the profile-fit photometry measurement in all bands.-0.9999995e9 
nb tooltipsmallint2 Number of PSF components used simultaneously in the profile-fitting for this source.-9999 
na tooltipsmallint2 Active deblending flag.-9999 
w1sat tooltipreal4 Saturated pixel fraction, W1.-0.9999995e9 
w2sat tooltipreal4 Saturated pixel fraction, W2.-0.9999995e9 
w3sat tooltipreal4 Saturated pixel fraction, W3.-0.9999995e9 
w4sat tooltipreal4 Saturated pixel fraction, W4.-0.9999995e9 
satnum tooltipchar4 Minimum sample at which saturation occurs in each band.  
cc_flags tooltipchar4 Contamination and confusion flag.  
ext_flg tooltiptinyint1 Extended source flag.  
var_flg tooltipchar4 Variability flag.NONE 
ph_qual tooltipchar4 Photometric quality flag.  
det_bit tooltiptinyint1 Bit-encoded integer indicating bands in which a source has a w?snr>2 detection.  
moon_lev tooltipchar4 Scattered moonlight contamination flag.  
w1nm tooltipbigint8 Integer frame detection count in W1.-99999999 
w1m tooltipbigint8 Integer frame coverage in W1.-99999999 
w2nm tooltipbigint8 Integer frame detection count in W2.-99999999 
w2m tooltipbigint8 Integer frame coverage in W2.-99999999 
w3nm tooltipbigint8 Integer frame detection count in W3.-99999999 
w3m tooltipbigint8 Integer frame coverage in W3.-99999999 
w4nm tooltipbigint8 Integer frame detection count in W4.-99999999 
w4m tooltipbigint8 Integer frame coverage in W4.-99999999 
w1cov tooltipreal4 Mean pixel coverage in W1.-0.9999995e9 
w2cov tooltipreal4 Mean pixel coverage in W2.-0.9999995e9 
w3cov tooltipreal4 Mean pixel coverage in W3.-0.9999995e9 
w4cov tooltipreal4 Mean pixel coverage in W4.-0.9999995e9 
w1frtr tooltipreal4 Fraction of W1 pixels affected by transients.-0.9999995e9 
w2frtr tooltipreal4 Fraction of W2 pixels affected by transients.-0.9999995e9 
w3frtr tooltipreal4 Fraction of W3 pixels affected by transients.-0.9999995e9 
w4frtr tooltipreal4 Fraction of W4 pixels affected by transients.-0.9999995e9 
w1cc_map tooltipsmallint2 Contamination and confusion map for this source in W1.  
w1cc_map_str tooltipchar9 Contamination and confusion string in W1.  
w2cc_map tooltipsmallint2 Contamination and confusion map for this source in W2.  
w2cc_map_str tooltipchar9 Contamination and confusion string in W2.  
w3cc_map tooltipsmallint2 Contamination and confusion map for this source in W3.  
w3cc_map_str tooltipchar9 Contamination and confusion string in W3.  
w4cc_map tooltipsmallint2 Contamination and confusion map for this source in W4.  
w4cc_map_str tooltipchar9 Contamination and confusion string in W4.  
w1flux tooltipreal4ADUThe "raw" W1 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigflux tooltipreal4ADUUncertainty in the "raw" W1 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers-0.9999995e9 
w1sky tooltipfloat8ADUThe trimmed average of the W1 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w1sigskreal4ADUThe uncertainty in the W1 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w1conf tooltipfloat8ADUEstimated confusion noise in the W1 sky background annulus, in digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w2flux tooltipreal4ADUThe "raw" W2 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigflux tooltipreal4ADUUncertainty in the "raw" W2 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w2sky tooltipfloat8ADUThe trimmed average of the W2 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w2sigskreal4ADUThe uncertainty in the W2 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w2conf tooltipfloat8ADUEstimated confusion noise in the W2 sky background annulus, in digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w3flux tooltipreal4ADUThe "raw" W3 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigflux tooltipreal4ADUUncertainty in the "raw" W3 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w3sky tooltipfloat8ADUThe trimmed average of the W3 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w3sigskreal4ADUThe uncertainty in the W3 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w3conf tooltipfloat8ADUEstimated confusion noise in the W3 sky background annulus, in digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w4flux tooltipreal4ADUThe "raw" W4 source flux measured in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigflux tooltipreal4ADUUncertainty in the "raw" W4 source flux measurement in profile-fit photometry in units of digital numbers.-0.9999995e9 
w4sky tooltipfloat8ADUThe trimmed average of the W4 sky background value in digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70".-0.9999995e9 
w4sigskreal4ADUThe uncertainty in the W4 sky background value in units of digital numbers measured in an annulus with an inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70"-0.9999995e9. 
w4conf tooltipfloat8ADUEstimated confusion noise in the W4 sky background annulus, in digital numbers-0.9999995e9 
w1mag tooltipreal4magW1 "standard" aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 "standard" aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg tooltipsmallint2 W1 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w1mcor tooltipreal4magW1 aperture curve-of-growth correction.-0.9999995e9 
w2mag tooltipreal4magW2 "standard" aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 "standard" aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg tooltipsmallint2 W2 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w2mcor tooltipreal4magW2 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes.-0.9999995e9 
w3mag tooltipreal4magW3 "standard" aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 "standard" aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg tooltipsmallint2 W3 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w3mcor tooltipreal4magW3 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes.-0.9999995e9 
w4mag tooltipreal4magW4 "standard" aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 "standard" aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9 
w4flg tooltipsmallint2 W4 "standard" aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w4mcor tooltipreal4magW4 aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes.-0.9999995e9 
w1mag_1 tooltipreal4magW1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_1 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_1 tooltipsmallint2 W1 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_1 tooltipreal4magW2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_1 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_1 tooltipsmallint2 W2 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_1 tooltipreal4magW3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_1 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_1 tooltipsmallint2 W3 5.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_1 tooltipreal4magW4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_1 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_1 tooltipsmallint2 W4 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_2 tooltipreal4magW1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_2 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_2 tooltipsmallint2 W1 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_2 tooltipreal4magW2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_2 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_2 tooltipsmallint2 W2 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_2 tooltipreal4magW3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_2 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_2 tooltipsmallint2 W3 8.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_2 tooltipreal4magW4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_2 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_2 tooltipsmallint2 W4 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_3 tooltipreal4magW1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_3 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_3 tooltipsmallint2 W1 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_3 tooltipreal4magW2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_3 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_3 tooltipsmallint2 W2 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_3 tooltipreal4magW3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_3 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_3 tooltipsmallint2 W3 11.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_3 tooltipreal4magW4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_3 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_3 tooltipsmallint2 W4 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_4 tooltipreal4magW1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_4 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_4 tooltipsmallint2 W1 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_4 tooltipreal4magW2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_4 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_4 tooltipsmallint2 W2 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_4 tooltipreal4mag.W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_4 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_4 tooltipsmallint2 W3 13.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_4 tooltipreal4magW4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_4 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_4 tooltipsmallint2 W4 27.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_5 tooltipreal4magW1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_5 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_5 tooltipsmallint2 W1 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_5 tooltipreal4magW2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_5 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_5 tooltipsmallint2 W2 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_5 tooltipreal4magW3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_5 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_5 tooltipsmallint2 W3 16.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_5 tooltipreal4magW4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_5 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_5 tooltipsmallint2 W4 33.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_6 tooltipreal4magW1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_6 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_6 tooltipsmallint2 W1 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_6 tooltipreal4mag.W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_6 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_6 tooltipsmallint2 W2 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_6 tooltipreal4magW3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_6 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_6 tooltipsmallint2 W3 19.25" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_6 tooltipreal4magW4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_6 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_6 tooltipsmallint2 W4 38.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_7 tooltipreal4magW1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_7 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_7 tooltipsmallint2 W1 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_7 tooltipreal4magW2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_7 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_7 tooltipsmallint2 W2 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_7 tooltipreal4magW3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_7 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_7 tooltipsmallint2 W3 22.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_7 tooltipreal4magW4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_7 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_7 tooltipsmallint2 W4 44.0" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1mag_8 tooltipreal4magW1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigm_8 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w1flg_8 tooltipsmallint2 W1 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w2mag_8 tooltipreal4magW2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigm_8 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w2flg_8 tooltipsmallint2 W2 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w3mag_8 tooltipreal4magW3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigm_8 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w3flg_8 tooltipsmallint2 W3 24.75" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w4mag_8 tooltipreal4magW4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigm_8 tooltipreal4magUncertainty in the W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude.-0.9999995e9 
w4flg_8 tooltipsmallint2 W4 49.5" radius aperture magnitude quality flag.-9999 
w1magp tooltipreal4magInverse-variance-weighted mean W1 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigp1 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the population of W1 fluxes measured on the w1m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w1sigp2 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W1 fluxes (w1magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w1m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w1dmag tooltipreal4magDifference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W1.-0.9999995e9 
w1ndfbigint8 Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W1.-99999999 
w1mlq tooltipint4 Probability measure that the source is variable in W1 flux.-99999999 
w1mjdminfloat8 The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W1 single-exposures covering the source.  
w1mjdmaxfloat8 The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W1 single-exposures covering the source.  
w1mjdmeanfloat8 The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W1 single-exposures covering the source.  
w2magp tooltipreal4magInverse-variance-weighted mean W2 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigp1 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the population of W2 fluxes measured on the w2m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w2sigp2 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W2 fluxes (w2magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w2m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w2dmag tooltipreal4magDifference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W2.-0.9999995e9 
w2ndfbigint8 Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W2.-99999999 
w2mlq tooltipint4 Probability measure that the source is variable in W2 flux.-99999999 
w2mjdminfloat8 The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W2 single-exposures covering the source.  
w2mjdmaxfloat8 The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W2 single-exposures covering the source.  
w2mjdmeanfloat8 The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W2 single-exposures covering the source.  
w3magp tooltipreal4magInverse-variance-weighted mean W3 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigp1 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the population of W3 fluxes measured on the w3m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w3sigp2 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W3 fluxes (w3magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w3m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w3dmag tooltipreal4magDifference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W3.-0.9999995e9 
w3ndfbigint8 Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W3.-99999999 
w3mlq tooltipint4 Probability measure that the source is variable in W3 flux.-99999999 
w3mjdminfloat8 The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W3 single-exposures covering the source.  
w3mjdmaxfloat8 The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W3 single-exposures covering the source.  
w3mjdmeanfloat8 The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W3 single-exposures covering the source.  
w4magp tooltipreal4magInverse-variance-weighted mean W4 magnitude computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigp1 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the population of W4 fluxes measured on the w4m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w4sigp2 tooltipreal4magStandard deviation of the mean of the distribution of W4 fluxes (w4magp) computed from profile-fit measurements on the w4m individual frames covering this source.-0.9999995e9 
w4dmag tooltipreal4magDifference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, W4.-0.9999995e9 
w4ndfbigint8 Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, W4.-99999999 
w4mlq tooltipint4 Probability measure that the source is variable in W4 flux.-99999999 
w4mjdminfloat8 The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W4 single-exposures covering the source.  
w4mjdmaxfloat8 The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W4 single-exposures covering the source.  
w4mjdmeanfloat8 The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the W4 single-exposures covering the source.  
rho12 tooltipsmallint2%The correlation coefficient between the W1 and W2 single-exposure flux measurements.-9999 
rho23 tooltipsmallint2%The correlation coefficient between the W2 and W4 single-exposure flux measurements.-9999 
rho34 tooltipsmallint2%The correlation coefficient between the W3 and W4 single-exposure flux measurements.-9999 
q12int4 Correlation significance between W1 and W2.  
q23int4 Correlation significance between W2 and W3.  
q34int4 Correlation significance between W3 and W4.  
xscprox tooltipreal4arcsec2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC) proximity.-0.9999995e9 
w1rsemireal4arcsecSemi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1.-0.9999995e9 
w1bareal4arcsecAxis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W1.-0.9999995e9 
w1pareal4degreesPosition angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W1.-0.9999995e9 
w1gmagreal4magW1 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w1rsemi, w1ba, and w1pa.-0.9999995e9 
w1gerrreal4magUncertainty in the W1 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture.-0.9999995e9 
w1gflg tooltipsmallint2 W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w2rsemireal4arcsecSemi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2.-0.9999995e9 
w2bareal4arcsecAxis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W2.-0.9999995e9 
w2pareal4degreesPosition angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W2.-0.9999995e9 
w2gmagreal4magW2 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w2rsemi, w2ba, and w2pa.-0.9999995e9 
w2gerrreal4magUncertainty in the W2 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture.-0.9999995e9 
w2gflg tooltipsmallint2 W2 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w3rsemireal4arcsecSemi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3.-0.9999995e9 
w3bareal4arcsecAxis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W3.-0.9999995e9 
w3pareal4degreesPosition angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W3.-0.9999995e9 
w3gmagreal4magW3 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w3rsemi, w3ba, and w3pa.-0.9999995e9 
w3gerrreal4magUncertainty in the W3 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture.-0.9999995e9 
w3gflg tooltipsmallint2 W3 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
w4rsemireal4arcsecSemi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4.-0.9999995e9 
w4bareal4arcsecAxis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in W4.-0.9999995e9 
w4pareal4degreesPosition angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in W4.-0.9999995e9 
w4gmagreal4magW4 magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w4rsemi, w4ba, and w4pa.-0.9999995e9 
w4gerrreal4magUncertainty in the W4 magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture.-0.9999995e9 
w4gflg tooltipsmallint2 W4 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag.-9999 
tmass_key tooltipbigint8 2MASS PSC association. Unique identifier of the closest source in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that falls within 3" of the position of this WISE source.-99999999
r_2massreal4arcsecDistance separating the positions of the WISE source and associated 2MASS PSC source within 3", default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
pa_2massreal4degreesPosition angle (degrees E of N) of the vector from the WISE source to the associated 2MASS PSC source, default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
n_2mass tooltipsmallint2 The number of 2MASS PSC entries found within a 3" radius of the WISE source position.-9999 
j_m_2mass tooltipreal4mag2MASS J-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
j_msig_2mass tooltipreal4mag2MASS J-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
h_m_2mass tooltipreal4mag2MASS H-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
h_msig_2mass tooltipreal4mag2MASS H-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
k_m_2mass tooltipreal4mag2MASS Ks-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
k_msig_2mass tooltipreal4mag2MASS Ks-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source.-0.9999995e9 
best_use_cntr tooltipbigint8 Cntr identification value of the source extraction that was selected as a candidate Catalog source in the duplicate resolution process for the group of associated sources that included this extraction.-99999999 
ngrpsmallint2 Number of positionally associated duplicate resolution groups in which this extractions was included.-9999 
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates (similar to x in IPAC IRSA schema, but recomputed) pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates (similar to y in IPAC IRSA schema, but recomputed) pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates (similar to z in IPAC IRSA schema, but recomputed) pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index for equatorial co-ordinates (similar to spt_ind in IPAC IRSA schema, but recomputed to level 20) pos.eq
Total length1292