TABLE  catwise_2020

Contains the parameters provided for each source in the CatWISE 2020 source catalogue.

This table contains the parameters provided for each source in
the CatWISE 2020 Source Catalogue.

The CatWISE2020 Catalog consists of 1,890,715,640 sources over the entire
sky selected from WISE and NEOWISE survey data at 3.4 and 4.6 microns (W1 and
W2) collected from 2010 Jan. 7 to 2018 Dec. 13. This dataset includes six times
as many exposures and spans over sixteen times as large a time baseline as the
AllWISE catalog. CatWISE adapts AllWISE software to measure the sources in
co-added images created from six-month subsets of these data, each representing
one coverage of the inertial sky, or epoch. CatWISE2020 includes the measured
motion of sources over the 8 year span of the data, typically in 12 epochs. The
scatter with respect to Spitzer photometry at faint magnitudes in fields out of
the Galactic plane and at low ecliptic latitude (corresponding to lower WISE
coverage depth) is similar to that for the CatWISE Preliminary Catalog, reaching
0.217 mag (equivalent to SNR 5) at approximately W1=17.7 and W2=16.5, vs.
W1=16.9 and W2=15.9 for AllWISE. The 90% completeness depth for CatWISE2020 is
at roughly W1=17.7 and W2=17.3, about 1.7 mag deeper than in the Preliminary
Catalog. From comparison to Gaia, the motions are over a dozen times more
accurate than those from AllWISE.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (source_id)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
source_namevarchar21 source hexagesimal designation  
source_idvarchar25 tile name + processing code + wphot index  
rafloat8degright ascension (ICRS)  
decfloat8degdeclination (ICRS)  
sigrareal4arcsecuncertainty in ra (arcsec)  
sigdecreal4arcsecuncertainty in dec (arcsec)  
sigradecreal4arcsecuncertainty cross-term (arcsec)  
wxreal4pixx-pixel coordinate  
wyreal4pixy-pixel coordinate  
w1skyreal4dnframe sky background value, band-1  
w1sigskreal4dnframe sky background value uncertainty, band-1  
w1confreal4dnframe sky confusion based on the UNC images  
w2skyreal4dnframe sky background value, band-2  
w2sigskreal4dnframe sky background value uncertainty, band-2  
w2confreal4dnframe sky confusion based on the UNC images  
w1fitrreal4asecfitting radius, band-1 (clipped at 999.99)  
w2fitrreal4asecfitting radius, band-2 (clipped at 999.99)  
w1snrreal4 S/N ratio, band-1  
w2snrreal4 S/N ratio, band-2  
w1fluxreal4dnWPRO raw flux, band-1  
w1sigfluxreal4dnWPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-1  
w2fluxreal4dnWPRO raw flux, band-2  
w2sigfluxreal4dnWPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-2  
w1mproreal4magWPRO flux in mag units, band-1  
w1sigmproreal4magWPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-1  
w1rchi2real4 WPRO reduced chi^2, band-1  
w2mproreal4magWPRO flux in mag units, band-2  
w2sigmproreal4magWPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-2  
w2rchi2real4 WPRO reduced chi^2, band-2  
rchi2real4 reduced chi squared, total  
nbint4 number of blend components used in each fit  
naint4 number of actively deblended components  
w1Satreal4 fraction of pixels saturated, band-1  
w2Satreal4 fraction of pixels saturated, band-2  
w1magreal4magstandard aperture mag w/ correction applied  
w1sigmreal4magstandard aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg link to glossaryint4 standard aperture flag, band-1  
w1Covreal4 mean coverage depth, band-1  
w2magreal4magstandard aperture mag w/ correction applied  
w2sigmreal4magstandard aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flgint4 standard aperture flag, band-2  
w2Covreal4 mean coverage depth, band-2  
w1mag_1real4magAper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_1real4magAper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_1int4 Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_1real4magAper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_1real4magAper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_1int4 Aper 1 (5.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_2real4magAper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_2real4magAper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_2int4 Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_2real4magAper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_2real4magAper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_2int4 Aper 2 (8.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_3real4magAper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_3real4magAper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_3int4 Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_3real4magAper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_3real4magAper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_3int4 Aper 3 (11.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_4real4magAper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_4real4magAper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_4int4 Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_4real4magAper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_4real4magAper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_4int4 Aper 4 (13.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_5real4magAper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_5real4magAper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_5int4 Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_5real4magAper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_5real4magAper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_5int4 Aper 5 (16.50 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_6real4magAper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_6real4magAper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_6int4 Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_6real4magAper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_6real4magAper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_6int4 Aper 6 (19.25 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_7real4magAper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_7real4magAper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_7int4 Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_7real4magAper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_7real4magAper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_7int4 Aper 7 (22.00 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1mag_8real4magAper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-1  
w1sigm_8real4magAper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-1  
w1flg_8int4 Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-1  
w2mag_8real4magAper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag, band-2  
w2sigm_8real4magAper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture mag uncertainty, band-2  
w2flg_8int4 Aper 8 (24.75 arcsec), aperture flag, band-2  
w1NM tooltipint4 WPRO, N (of M), band-1  
w1M tooltipint4 WPRO, M , band-1  
w1magPreal4magWPRO repeatability mag; band-1  
w1sigP1real4magWPRO mag population sigma; band-1  
w1sigP2real4magWPRO mag uncertainty of the mean; band-1  
w1kreal4 Stetson k index for variability; band-1  
w1Ndfint4 No. degrees of freedom in var chi-square; band-1  
w1mLQreal4 -log(Q), Q = 1-P(chi-square); band-1  
w1mJDminfloat8 minimum mJD; band-1  
w1mJDmaxfloat8 maximum mJD; band-1  
w1mJDmeafloat8 mean mJD; band-1  
w2NM tooltipint4 WPRO, N (of M), band-2  
w2M tooltipint4 WPRO, M , band-2  
w2magPreal4magWPRO repeatability mag; band-2  
w2sigP1real4magWPRO mag population sigma; band-2  
w2sigP2real4magWPRO mag uncertainty of the mean; band-2  
w2kreal4 Stetson k index for variability; band-2  
w2Ndfint4 No. degrees of freedom in var chi-square; band-2  
w2mLQreal4 -log(Q), Q = 1-P(chi-square); band-2  
w2mJDminfloat8 minimum mJD; band-2  
w2mJDmaxfloat8 maximum mJD; band-2  
w2mJDmeanfloat8 mean mJD; band-2  
rho12int4%W1W2 correlation coefficient  
q12int4 -log10(1-P(rho12)) given no real correlation  
nItersint4 number of chi-square-minimization iterations  
nStepsint4 number of steps in all iterations  
mdetIDint4 source ID in mdet list  
p1real4arcsecP vector component 1  
p2real4arcsecP vector component 2  
MeanObsMJDfloat8MJDmean observation epoch  
ra_pmfloat8degright ascension (J2000)  
dec_pmfloat8degdeclination (J2000)  
sigra_pmreal4arcsecuncertainty in ra_pm  
sigdec_pmreal4arcsecuncertainty in dec_pm  
sigradec_pmreal4arcsecuncertainty cross-term  
PMRAreal4arcsec/yrmotion in ra  
PMDecreal4arcsec/yrproper motion in dec  
sigPMRAreal4arcsec/yruncertainty in PMRA  
sigPMDecreal4arcsec/yruncertainty in PMDec  
w1snr_pmreal4 flux S/N ratio, band-1  
w2snr_pmreal4 flux S/N ratio, band-2  
w1flux_pmreal4dnWPRO raw flux, band-1  
w1sigflux_pmreal4dnWPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-1  
w2flux_pmreal4dnWPRO raw flux, band-2  
w2sigflux_pmreal4dnfit WPRO raw flux uncertainty, band-2  
w1mpro_pmreal4magWPRO flux in mag units, band-1  
w1sigmpro_pmreal4magWPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-1  
w1rchi2_pmreal4 WPRO reduced chi^2, band-1  
w2mpro_pmreal4magWPRO flux in mag units, band-2  
w2sigmpro_pmreal4magWPRO flux uncertainty in mag units, band-2  
w2rchi2_pmreal4 WPRO reduced chi^2, band-2  
rchi2_pmreal4 reduced chi squared, total  
pmcodevarchar5 quality of the PM solution  
nIters_pmint4 number of chi-square-minimization iterations  
nSteps_pmint4 number of steps in all iterations  
distreal4arcsecradial distance between apparitions  
dw1magreal4magw1mpro difference  
rch2w1real4 chi-square for dw1mag (1 DF)  
dw2magreal4magw2mpro difference  
rch2w2real4 chi-square for dw2mag (1 DF)  
elon_avgfloat8degaveraged ecliptic longitude  
elonSigreal4arcsecone-sigma uncertainty in elon  
elat_avgfloat8degaveraged ecliptic latitude  
elatSigreal4arcsecone-sigma uncertainty in elat  
Delonreal4arcsecdesc-asce ecliptic longitude  
DelonSig link to glossaryreal4arcsecone-sigma uncertainty in Delon  
Delatreal4arcsecdesc-asce ecliptic latitude  
DelatSigreal4arcsecone-sigma uncertainty in Delat  
DelonSNRreal4 |Delon|/DelonSig  
DelatSNRreal4 |Delat|/DelatSig  
chi2pmrareal4 chi-square for PMRA difference (1 DF)  
chi2pmdecreal4 chi-square for PMRA difference (1 DF)  
kaint4 astrometry usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way)  
k1int4 W1 photometry usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way)  
k2int4 W2 photometry usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way)  
kmint4 proper motion usage code (0: neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution; 1: only the ascending scan provided a solution; 2: only the descending scan provided a solution; 3: both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way)  
par_pm link to glossaryreal4arcsecparallax from PM desc-asce elon  
par_pmSigreal4arcsecone-sigma uncertainty in par_pm  
par_stat link to glossaryreal4arcsecparallax estimate from stationary solution  
par_sigmareal4arcsecone-sigma uncertainty in par_stat  
dist_xreal4arcsecdistance between CatWISE and AllWISE source  
cc_flagsvarchar16 worst case 4 character cc_flag from AllWISE  
w1cc_mapint4 worst case w1cc_map from AllWISE  
w1cc_map_strvarchar20 worst case w1cc_map_str from AllWISE  
w2cc_mapint4 worst case w2cc_map from AllWISE  
w2cc_map_strvarchar20 worst case w2cc_map_str from AllWISE  
n_awint4 number of AllWISE matches within 2.75 asec  
ab_flagsvarchar9 Two character (W1 W2) artifact flag  
w1ab_mapint4 w1 artifact code value  
w1ab_map_strvarchar13 w1 artifact string  
w2ab_mapint4 w2 artifact code value  
w2ab_map_strvarchar13 w2 artifact string  
glonfloat8deggalactic longitude  
glatfloat8deggalactic latitude  
elonfloat8degecliptic longitude  
elatfloat8degecliptic latitude  
unwise_objidvarchar20 unWISE catalog object ID  
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Level 20 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index for equatorial co-ordinates pos.eq
cntrint4 Unique identifier  
Total length974