Contains the parameters provided for each source in the SMASH DR2 source catalogue. |
This table contains the parameters provided for each source in the SMASH DR Source Catalogue. Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
sourceid | varchar | 20 | Unique ID for this source, the field name plus a running number | |||
id | varchar | 16 | Deep ID for this source, same as in object table | |||
origid | int | 4 | ID used for this detection in the original als/alf chip file | |||
refid | int | 4 | ID used for this detection in the reference frame file | |||
fieldid | int | 4 | Field ID | |||
expnum | varchar | 8 | Eight-digit exposure number | |||
chip | smallint | 2 | Chip number (1-62) | |||
chipid | varchar | 16 | Unique chip image name, e.g. 00123451_10 | |||
mjd | float | 8 | Exposure Modified Julian Date | |||
filter | varchar | 1 | Filter, u, g, r, i, or z | |||
x | real | 4 | X-coordinate for this source in the original chip (1-indexed) | |||
y | real | 4 | Y-coordinate for this source in the original chip (1-indexed) | |||
xref | real | 4 | X-coordinate for this source in the reference chip (1-indexed) | |||
yref | real | 4 | Y-coordinate for this source in the reference chip (1-indexed) | |||
forced | smallint | 2 | Boolean flag indicating if this is forced (ALLFRAME) photometry | |||
mag | real | 4 | Instrumental magnitude from ALLFRAME or ALLSTAR (not both) | |||
err | real | 4 | Uncertainty of MAG | |||
cmag | real | 4 | Calibrated magnitude version of MAG | |||
cerr | real | 4 | Uncertainty of CMAG including errors in calibration | |||
chi | real | 4 | DAOPHOT chi value, i.e. how well the PSF fit this source | |||
sharp | real | 4 | DAOPHOT sharp value, measurement of peakiness | |||
flag | smallint | 2 | Source Extractor FLAG value from coadd image | |||
prob | real | 4 | Source Extractor stellaricity probability value (0∼galaxy, 1∼star) | |||
ra | float | 8 | degrees | Right Ascension (J2000.0) of source | ||
dec | float | 8 | degrees | Declination (J2000.0) of source | ||
raerr | real | 4 | Uncertainty in RA (arcseconds) based on S/N of source and PSF FWHM | |||
decerr | real | 4 | Uncertainty in DEC (arcseconds) based on S/N of source and PSF FWHM | |||
raindiv | float | 8 | Right Ascension of source, from the original chip X/Y and WCS | |||
decindiv | float | 8 | Declination of source, from the original chip X/Y and WCS | |||
raref | float | 8 | Right Ascension of source, from X/YREF and ref WCS | |||
decref | float | 8 | degrees | Declination (J2000.0) of source, from the referene chip chip file using XREF/YREF coords and the reference chip WCS | ||
htm9 | int | 4 | HTM index (order 9 => ∼10 arcmin size) | |||
ring256 | bigint | 8 | HEALPix ring nside=256 index | |||
nest4096 | bigint | 8 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ∼52 arcsec size | |||
glon | float | 8 | degrees | Galactic longitude of field | ||
glat | float | 8 | degrees | Galactic latitude of field | ||
elon | float | 8 | Ecliptic Longitude | |||
elat | float | 8 | Ecliptic Latitude | |||
random_id | real | 4 | Random ID | |||
cntr | bigint | 8 | Unique identification number for the Catalog source | |||
Total length | 251 |