TABLE  smashdr2_source

Contains the parameters provided for each source in the SMASH DR2 source catalogue.

This table contains the parameters provided for
each source in the SMASH DR Source Catalogue.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (cntr)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
sourceidvarchar20 Unique ID for this source, the field name plus a running number  
idvarchar16 Deep ID for this source, same as in object table  
origidint4 ID used for this detection in the original als/alf chip file  
refidint4 ID used for this detection in the reference frame file  
fieldidint4 Field ID  
expnumvarchar8 Eight-digit exposure number  
chipsmallint2 Chip number (1-62)  
chipidvarchar16 Unique chip image name, e.g. 00123451_10  
mjdfloat8 Exposure Modified Julian Date  
filtervarchar1 Filter, u, g, r, i, or z  
xreal4 X-coordinate for this source in the original chip (1-indexed)  
yreal4 Y-coordinate for this source in the original chip (1-indexed)  
xrefreal4 X-coordinate for this source in the reference chip (1-indexed)  
yrefreal4 Y-coordinate for this source in the reference chip (1-indexed)  
forcedsmallint2 Boolean flag indicating if this is forced (ALLFRAME) photometry  
magreal4 Instrumental magnitude from ALLFRAME or ALLSTAR (not both)  
errreal4 Uncertainty of MAG  
cmagreal4 Calibrated magnitude version of MAG  
cerrreal4 Uncertainty of CMAG including errors in calibration  
chireal4 DAOPHOT chi value, i.e. how well the PSF fit this source  
sharpreal4 DAOPHOT sharp value, measurement of peakiness  
flagsmallint2 Source Extractor FLAG value from coadd image  
probreal4 Source Extractor stellaricity probability value (0∼galaxy, 1∼star)  
rafloat8degreesRight Ascension (J2000.0) of source  
decfloat8degreesDeclination (J2000.0) of source  
raerrreal4 Uncertainty in RA (arcseconds) based on S/N of source and PSF FWHM  
decerrreal4 Uncertainty in DEC (arcseconds) based on S/N of source and PSF FWHM  
raindivfloat8 Right Ascension of source, from the original chip X/Y and WCS  
decindivfloat8 Declination of source, from the original chip X/Y and WCS  
rareffloat8 Right Ascension of source, from X/YREF and ref WCS  
decreffloat8degreesDeclination (J2000.0) of source, from the referene chip chip file using XREF/YREF coords and the reference chip WCS  
htm9int4 HTM index (order 9 => ∼10 arcmin size)  
ring256bigint8 HEALPix ring nside=256 index  
nest4096bigint8 HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ∼52 arcsec size  
glonfloat8degreesGalactic longitude of field  
glatfloat8degreesGalactic latitude of field  
elonfloat8 Ecliptic Longitude  
elatfloat8 Ecliptic Latitude  
random_idreal4 Random ID  
cntrbigint8 Unique identification number for the Catalog source  
Total length251