TABLE  masterDR2

Primary table of mean astrometric, photometric and shape measurements per object, with cross-match information to external tables.

This table contains brief descriptions of the parameters provided for
each source in the SkyMapper DR2 master table. It contains 505,176,667 sources.
For more information see the DR2 documentation at

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (object_id)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
object_idbigint8 Global unique object ID in the master table.;meta.main
raj2000float8degMean ICRS Right Ascension of the object pos.eq.ra;meta.main;stat.mean
dej2000float8degMean ICRS Declination of the object pos.eq.dec;meta.main;stat.mean
e_raj2000int4masRMS variation around the mean Right Ascension, in milliarcseconds stat.stdev;pos.eq.ra
e_dej2000int4masRMS variation around the mean Declination, in milliarcseconds stat.stdev;pos.eq.dec
smss_jvarchar18 SkyMapper Southern Survey designation of the form SMSS, derived from mean ICRS coordinates;meta.main
mean_epochfloat8dMean MJD epoch of the observations time.epoch;stat.mean
rms_epochreal4dRMS variation around the mean epoch stat.stdev;time.epoch
glonreal4degGalactic longitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference. pos.galactic.lon
glatreal4degGalactic latitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference.
flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags across all observations meta.code
nimaflagsint4 Total number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks across all observations meta.code
ngoodsmallint2 Number of observations used across all filters meta.number
ngood_minsmallint2 Minimum number of observations used in any filter (excluding filters with 0 observations) meta.number
nch_maxsmallint2 Maximum number of child sources combined into this global object_id in any filter meta.number
densityreal4 Number of DR2 sources within 15 arcsec (including this source) src.density
u_flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from u-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
u_nimaflagsint4 Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from u-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
u_ngoodsmallint2 Number of u-band observations used meta.number
u_nchsmallint2 Number of u-band child sources combined into this object_id meta.number
u_nclipsmallint2 Number of u-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate meta.number
v_flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from v-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
v_nimaflagsint4 Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from v-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
v_ngoodsmallint2 Number of v-band observations used meta.number
v_nchsmallint2 Number of v-band child sources combined into this object_id meta.number
v_nclipsmallint2 Number of v-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate meta.number
g_flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from g-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
g_nimaflagsint4 Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from g-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
g_ngoodsmallint2 Number of g-band observations used meta.number
g_nchsmallint2 Number of g-band child sources combined into this object_id meta.number
g_nclipsmallint2 Number of g-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate meta.number
r_flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from r-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
r_nimaflagsint4 Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from r-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
r_ngoodsmallint2 Number of r-band observations used meta.number
r_nchsmallint2 Number of r-band child sources combined into this object_id meta.number
r_nclipsmallint2 Number of r-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate meta.number
i_flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from i-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
i_nimaflagsint4 Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from i-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
i_ngoodsmallint2 Number of i-band observations used meta.number
i_nchsmallint2 Number of i-band child sources combined into this object_id meta.number
i_nclipsmallint2 Number of i-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate meta.number
z_flagssmallint2 Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from z-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
z_nimaflagsint4 Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from z-band measurements in photometry table meta.code
z_ngoodsmallint2 Number of z-band observations used meta.number
z_nchsmallint2 Number of z-band child sources combined into this object_id meta.number
z_nclipsmallint2 Number of z-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimate meta.number
class_starreal4 Maximum stellarity index from photometry table (between 0=no star and 1=star) src.class.starGalaxy;stat.mean
flags_psfint4 Bitmask indicating whether photometry is likely biased by neighbours at >1%; bits 0-5 correspond to filters z-u meta.code
radius_petroreal4pixMean r-band Petrosian radius phys.angSize;stat.mean
u_psfreal4magMean u-band PSF magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_u_psfreal4magError in u-band PSF magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
u_rchi2varreal4 Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the u-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources
u_petroreal4magMean u-band Petrosian magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_u_petroreal4magError in u-band Petrosian magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
v_psfreal4magMean v-band PSF magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_v_psfreal4magError in v-band PSF magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
v_rchi2varreal4 Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the v-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources
v_petroreal4magMean v-band Petrosian magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_v_petroreal4magError in v-band Petrosian magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
g_psfreal4magMean g-band PSF magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_g_psfreal4magError in g-band PSF magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
g_rchi2varreal4 Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the g-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources
g_petroreal4magMean g-band Petrosian magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_g_petroreal4magError in g-band Petrosian magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
r_psfreal4magMean r-band PSF magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_r_psfreal4magError in r-band PSF magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
r_rchi2varreal4 Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the r-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources
r_petroreal4magMean r-band Petrosian magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_r_petroreal4magError in r-band Petrosian magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
i_psfreal4magMean i-band PSF magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_i_psfreal4magError in i-band PSF magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
i_rchi2varreal4 Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the i-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources
i_petroreal4magMean i-band Petrosian magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_i_petroreal4magError in i-band Petrosian magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
z_psfreal4magMean z-band PSF magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_z_psfreal4magError in z-band PSF magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
z_rchi2varreal4 Reduced chi-squared for a constant-magnitude model of the z-band PSF magnitude, including clipped sources
z_petroreal4magMean z-band Petrosian magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean
e_z_petroreal4magError in z-band Petrosian magnitude stat.error;phot.mag
ebmv_sfdreal4magE(B-V) from Schlegel+1998 extinction maps at the ICRS coordinates phot.color.excess;phys.absorption
proxreal4arcsecDistance to next-closest DR2 source (=15 if no sources within 15 arcsec) pos.angDistance
prox_idbigint8 object_id of next-closest DR2 source
dr1_idbigint8 object_id of closest SkyMapper Data Release 1 source
dr1_distreal4arcsecDistance to closest SkyMapper Data Release 1 source pos.angDistance
twomass_keybigint8 Unique identifier (pts_key) of closest 2MASS PSC source
twomass_distreal4arcsecDistance on sky to closest 2MASS PSC source pos.angDistance
allwise_cntrbigint8 Unique identifier (cntr) of closest AllWISE source
allwise_distreal4arcsecDistance on sky to closest AllWISE source pos.angDistance
ucac4_mposbigint8 Unique identifier (mpos) of closest UCAC4 source
ucac4_distreal4arcsecDistance on sky to closest UCAC4 source pos.angDistance
refcat2_idbigint8 Unique identifier (objid) of closest ATLAS Refcat2 source (only useful for this copy of Refcat2)
refcat2_distreal4arcsecDistance on sky to closest ATLAS Refcat2 source pos.angDistance
ps1_dr1_idbigint8 Unique identifier (objID) of closest Pan-STARRS1 DR1 source
ps1_dr1_distreal4arcsecDistance on sky to closest Pan-STARRS1 DR1 source pos.angDistance
galex_guv_idbigint8 Unique identifier (objid) of closest GALEX GUVcat AIS source (Bianchi et al. 2017)
galex_guv_distreal4arcsecDistance on sky to closest GALEX GUVcat AIS source pos.angDistance
gaia_dr2_id1bigint8 Unique identifier (source_id) of closest Gaia DR2 source
gaia_dr2_dist1real4arcsecDistance on sky to closest Gaia DR2 source pos.angDistance
gaia_dr2_id2bigint8 Unique identifier (source_id) of second-closest Gaia DR2 source
gaia_dr2_dist2real4arcsecDistance on sky to second-closest Gaia DR2 source pos.angDistance
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Level 20 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index for equatorial co-ordinates pos.htm
Total length446