Contains details of individual detector frames that are part of a multiframe. |
Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
multiframeID | bigint | 8 | the UID of the relevant multiframe | -99999999 | obs.field | |
extNum | tinyint | 1 | the extension number of this frame | 0 | meta.number | |
cuEventID | int | 4 | UID of curation event giving rise to this record | -99999999 | meta.bib | |
compFile | varchar | 256 | Filename of the compressed image of this image frame, eg. server:/path/filename.jpg | NONE |;meta.file | |
julianDayNum | int | 4 | Julian days | The Julian Day number of the VISTA night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} | -99999999 | time.epoch |
camNum | smallint | 2 | Number of VISTA camera (1 to 16) {image extension keyword: HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NO} | -9999 | obs.field | |
deviceID | varchar | 32 | Device UID identifying every IR device {image extension keyword: HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP ID} | 'NONE' | obs.field | |
filterID | tinyint | 1 | UID of combined filter (assigned in VSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=Ks) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME} | 0 | meta.code;instr.filter | |
runID | varchar | 256 | Name of CASU raw data file {image extension keyword: RUNID} | NONE |;meta.file | |
creationDate | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY:hh:mm:ss.sss | Creation date/time of file {image extension keyword: DATE} | 12-31-9999 | ?? |
imageExtName | varchar | 16 | Extension name in source FITS image file {image extension keyword: XTENSION} | NONE | ?? | |
bitsPerPix | smallint | 2 | FITS bitpix | Number of bits per data pixel, eg. +32 = 4 byte integers {image extension keyword: BITPIX} | -9999 | meta.number |
dataScale | real | 4 | Scale factor {image extension keyword: BSCALE} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
dataZero | real | 4 | Offset factor {image extension keyword: BZERO} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
numAxes | tinyint | 1 | Number of data axes; eg. 2 | 0 | meta.number | |
axis1Length | int | 4 | length of data axis 1 (X-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS1} | -99999999 | meta.number | |
axis2Length | int | 4 | length of data axis 2 (Y-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS2} | -99999999 | meta.number | |
imagePcount | int | 4 | FITS image extension required keyword (always 0 for uncompressed images) {image extension keyword: PCOUNT} | -99999999 | meta.number | |
imageGcount | int | 4 | FITS image extension required keyword (always 1 for uncompressed images) {image extension keyword: GCOUNT} | -99999999 | meta.number | |
detectorType | varchar | 8 | Detector name {image extension keyword: HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NAME} | NONE | ||
detRows | smallint | 2 | Pixels in X {image extension keyword: HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NX} | -9999 | ||
detCols | smallint | 2 | Pixels in Y {image extension keyword: HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NY} | -9999 | ||
CIRMED | real | 4 | Latest estimate of background {image extension keyword: CIRMED} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
CIR_BVAR | real | 4 | Latest estimate of background variance {image extension keyword: CIR_BVAR} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
cirVers | varchar | 32 | CIRDR Version {image extension keyword: CIR_VERS} | NONE | ||
ditherOffsetX | real | 4 | Dither offset X {image extension keyword: CIR_XOFF} | -0.9999995e9 | pos;arith.diff | |
ditherOffsetY | real | 4 | Dither offset Y {image extension keyword: CIR_YOFF} | -0.9999995e9 | pos;arith.diff | |
lincor | varchar | 32 | Linearity LUT used {image extension keyword: LINCOR} | NONE | ||
nbad | int | 4 | Number of bad pixels {image extension keyword: NBAD} | -99999999 | ||
nditcor | tinyint | 1 | Corrected to ndit=1 {image extension keyword: NDITCOR} | 0 | ||
destripe | tinyint | 1 | stripe pattern removed (0/1) {image extension keyword: DESTRIPE} | 0 | ||
strprms | real | 4 | RMS of stripe pattern removed {image extension keyword: STRPRMS} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tpaoff | real | 4 | Tangent point offset (RA) {image extension keyword: TPAOFF} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tpdoff | real | 4 | Tangent point offset (Dec) {image extension keyword: TPDOFF} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tpnmatch | int | 4 | Number of objects used for TP offset {image extension keyword: TPNMATCH} | -99999999 | ||
skyCorrExt | real | 4 | Percentage sky correction of the detector {image extension keyword: PERCORR} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
extinctionExt | real | 4 | mags | Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
skyCorrCat | real | 4 | Percentage sky correction for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword: PERCORR} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
photZPCat | real | 4 | mags | Photometric zero point for default extinction for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword: MAGZPT} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
photZPErrCat | real | 4 | mags | Photometric zero point error for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword: MAGZRR} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
extinctionCat | real | 4 | mags | Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword: EXTINCT} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
numZPCat | int | 4 | Number of standards used in determining photZPCat and photZPCatErr {catalogue extension keyword: NUMZPT} | -99999999 | ||
nightZPCat | real | 4 | mags | Average photometric zero point for night {catalogue extension keyword: NIGHTZPT} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
nightZPErrCat | real | 4 | mags | Photometric zero point sigma for night {catalogue extension keyword: NIGHTZRR} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
nightZPNum | int | 4 | mags | Number of ZP in band used to calculate nightZPCat {catalogue extension keyword: NIGHTNUM} | -99999999 | ?? |
tableExtName | varchar | 16 | Extension name of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword: EXTNAME} | NONE | ?? | |
tableWidth | smallint | 2 | bytes | Row size of source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword: NAXIS1} | -9999 | ?? |
tableRows | int | 4 | No. of rows in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword: NAXIS2} | -99999999 | ?? | |
tablePcount | int | 4 | FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword: PCOUNT} | -9999 | ?? | |
tableGcount | int | 4 | FITS binary table required keyword {catalogue extension keyword: GCOUNT} | -9999 | ?? | |
tableFields | smallint | 2 | No. of fields per row in source FITS binary table {catalogue extension keyword: TFIELDS} | -9999 | ?? | |
catCreationDate | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY:hh:mm:ss.sss | Creation date/time of catalogue file {catalogue extension keyword: DATE} | 12-31-9999 | ?? |
aperCorPeak | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: peak height {catalogue extension keyword: APCORPK} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor1 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR1} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor2 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄√2 core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR2} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor3 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR3} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor4 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: √2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR4} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor5 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: 2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR5} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor6 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: 2√2 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR6} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
aperCor7 | real | 4 | Stellar aperture correction: 4 × core flux {catalogue extension keyword: APCOR7} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
crowdedFlag | tinyint | 1 | Crowded field analysis flag (0 none, 1 active) {catalogue extension keyword: CROWDED} | 0 | ||
minImageSize | tinyint | 1 | Minimum size for images (pixels) {catalogue extension keyword: MINPIX} | 0 | ||
xSize | int | 4 | X-axis size of image {catalogue extension keyword: NXOUT} | -9999 | ||
ySize | int | 4 | Y-axis size of image {catalogue extension keyword: NYOUT} | -9999 | ||
coreRadius | real | 4 | [pixels] Core radius for default profile fit {catalogue extension keyword: RCORE} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
skyLevel | real | 4 | counts/pixel | Median sky brightness {catalogue extension keyword: SKYLEVEL} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
skyNoise | real | 4 | counts | Pixel noise at sky level {catalogue extension keyword: SKYNOISE} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
seeing | real | 4 | pixels | Average FWHM {catalogue extension keyword: SEEING} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
avStellarEll | real | 4 | Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a) {catalogue extension keyword: ELLIPTIC} | -0.9999995e9 | src.ellipticity | |
avSaturLevel | real | 4 | Average saturation level in frame {catalogue extension keyword: SATURATE} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
thresholdIsoph | real | 4 | Isophotal analysis threshold (counts) {catalogue extension keyword: THRESHOL} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
deprecated | smallint | 2 | Code for a current (=0) or deprecated (!=0) multiframe detector | 0 | meta.code | |
decurtainRange | real | 4 | Range of decurtain correction {image extension keyword: CURTNRNG} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
skySubScale | float | 8 | Scale factor applied to sky subtraction image {image extension keyword: SKYSUB} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
morphClassFlag | tinyint | 1 | Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword: CLASSIFD} | 0 | meta.code | |
smoothing | real | 4 | pixels | FWHM of the smoothing kernel {catalogue extension keyword: FILTFWHM} | -0.9999995e9 | |
totalExpTime | real | 4 | seconds | Total exposure time for this detector | -0.9999995e9 | |
dribble | varchar | 64 | Interpolation method {image extension keyword: DRIBBLE} | NONE | ||
gainCor | real | 4 | Gain correction factor {image extension keyword: GAINCOR} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
templRotation | real | 4 | Degrees | Rotation between this and template {image extension keyword: CIR_ROFF} | -0.9999995e9 | |
Total length | 974 |