Contains the current astrometric calibration coefficients. |
This table contains the current astrometric calibration coefficients for each science detector frame that is a part of a multiframe. Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
multiframeID | bigint | 8 | the UID of the relevant multiframe | -99999999 | obs.field | |
extNum | tinyint | 1 | the extension number of this frame | 0 | meta.number | |
cuEventID | int | 4 | UID of curation event giving rise to this record | -99999999 | meta.bib | |
cTypeX | varchar | 8 | G&C WCS type, eg 'RA---ZPN' {image extension keyword: CTYPE1} | 'NONE' | pos.eq.ra;meta.main | |
cTypeY | varchar | 8 | G&C WCS type, eg 'DEC--ZPN' {image extension keyword: CTYPE2} | 'NONE' | pos.eq.dec;meta.main | |
crValX | float | 8 | Coordinate value at reference point on axis 1 {image extension keyword: CRVAL1} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.cartesian.x;instr.det | |
crValY | float | 8 | Coordinate value at reference point on axis 2 {image extension keyword: CRVAL2} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.cartesian.y;instr.det | |
crUnit1 | varchar | 8 | Unit of right ascension co-ordinates {image extension keyword: CRUNIT1} | deg | ||
crUnit2 | varchar | 8 | Unit of declination co-ordinates {image extension keyword: CRUNIT2} | deg | ||
crPixX | float | 8 | pixels | Pixel coordinate of the reference point on axis 1 {image extension keyword: CRPIX1} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.cartesian.x;instr.det |
crPixY | float | 8 | pixels | Pixel coordinate of the reference point on axis 2 {image extension keyword: CRPIX2} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.cartesian.y;instr.det |
cd11 | float | 8 | Element of the linear transformation matrix (with scale) {image extension keyword: CD1_1} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
cd21 | float | 8 | Element of the linear transformation matrix (with scale) {image extension keyword: CD2_1} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
cd12 | float | 8 | Element of the linear transformation matrix (with scale) {image extension keyword: CD1_2} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
cd22 | float | 8 | Element of the linear transformation matrix (with scale) {image extension keyword: CD2_2} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
pv21 ![]() | float | 8 | Coefficient for r term (use only with ZPN projection) {image extension keyword: PV2_1} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
pv22 ![]() | float | 8 | Coefficient for r**2 term (use only with ZPN projection) {image extension keyword: PV2_2} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
pv23 ![]() | float | 8 | Coefficient for r**3 term (use only with ZPN projection) {image extension keyword: PV2_3} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
pv24 ![]() | float | 8 | Coefficient for r**4 term (use only with ZPN projection) {image extension keyword: PV2_4} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
pv25 ![]() | float | 8 | Coefficient for r**5 term (use only with ZPN projection) {image extension keyword: PV2_5} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
projp1 | float | 8 | Old style WCS {image extension keyword: PROJP1} | -9.999995e+08 | ||
projp3 | float | 8 | Old style WCS {image extension keyword: PROJP3} | -9.999995e+08 | ||
projp5 | float | 8 | Old style WCS {image extension keyword: PROJP5} | -9.999995e+08 | ||
tc33 | float | 8 | WCS transform matrix element {catalogue extension keyword: TC3_3} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tc35 | float | 8 | WCS transform matrix element {catalogue extension keyword: TC3_5} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tc53 | float | 8 | WCS transform matrix element {catalogue extension keyword: TC5_3} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tc55 | float | 8 | WCS transform matrix element {catalogue extension keyword: TC5_5} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tcrpx3 | float | 8 | Pixel coordinate at ref point {catalogue extension keyword: TCRPX3} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tcrpx5 | float | 8 | Pixel coordinate at ref point {catalogue extension keyword: TCRPX5} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tcrvl3 | float | 8 | Coordinate value at ref pixel {catalogue extension keyword: TCRVL3} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tcrvl5 | float | 8 | Coordinate value at ref pixel {catalogue extension keyword: TCRVL5} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tctyp3 | varchar | 8 | Coordinate/projection type {catalogue extension keyword: TCTYP3} | NONE | ||
tctyp5 | varchar | 8 | Coordinate/projection type {catalogue extension keyword: TCTYP5} | NONE | ||
tv51 | float | 8 | WCS parameter value term {catalogue extension keyword: TV5_1} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tv52 | float | 8 | WCS parameter value term {catalogue extension keyword: TV5_2} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tv53 | float | 8 | WCS parameter value term {catalogue extension keyword: TV5_3} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tv54 | float | 8 | WCS parameter value term {catalogue extension keyword: TV5_4} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
tv55 | float | 8 | WCS parameter value term {catalogue extension keyword: TV5_5} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
wcsPass | tinyint | 1 | Pass level of WCS {image extension keyword: WCSPASS} | 0 | pos.wcs.cdmatrix | |
numRms | int | 4 | No. of astrometric standards used in fit {image extension keyword: NUMBRMS} | -99999999 | | |
stdCRms | float | 8 | RMS residual of fit to astrometric standards {image extension keyword: STDCRMS} | -0.9999995e9 | | |
refRaShift02 | float | 8 | arcsec | Ref RA shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: RAZP02} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
refDecShift02 | float | 8 | arcsec | Ref Dec shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old) {image extension keyword: DECZP02} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? |
distortMap | varchar | 256 | filename of 2d non-linear distortion map | NONE |;meta.file | |
centralRa | float | 8 | Degrees | RA (J2000) at device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
centralDec | float | 8 | Degrees | Dec (J2000) at device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
cx | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x | |
cy | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y | |
cz | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z | |
htmID | bigint | 8 | Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates of device centre | -99999999 | pos.eq | |
posAngle | float | 8 | Degrees | orientation of image x-axis to N-S | -0.9999995e9 | pos.posAng |
l | float | 8 | Degrees | Galactic longitude of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos.galactic.lon |
b | float | 8 | Degrees | Galactic latitude of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | |
lambda | float | 8 | Degrees | SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 1 of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos |
eta | float | 8 | Degrees | SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre | -0.9999995e9 | pos |
imageExtent | real | 4 | Arcminutes | The maximum angular extent from the central position | -0.9999995e9 | pos.angDistance |
minRa | float | 8 | Degrees | The minimum RA (J2000) on the device | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra |
minDec | float | 8 | Degrees | The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
maxRa | float | 8 | Degrees | The maximum RA (J2000) on the device | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra |
maxDec | float | 8 | Degrees | The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
xPixSize | real | 4 | Arcseconds | Angular size of pixels in X | -0.9999995e9 | pos.angDistance |
yPixSize | real | 4 | Arcseconds | Angular size of pixels in Y | -0.9999995e9 | pos.angDistance |
Total length | 710 |