TABLE  vvvVivaCatalogue

Contains variable stars from VVV-VIVA catalogue

Contains statistics and periods for 45 million variable
stars selected using correlated and non correlated statistics. This is described
in Ferreira Lopes et al., 2020.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (vivaID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
vivaIDbigint8 Unique identifier for VIVA catalogue, and also VVVDR4 sourceID {catalogue TType keyword: sourceID};meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record
fieldNamevarchar16 UID of the pointing that this object comes from
rafloat8 Right Ascension and Declination are products of the astrometric fit, {catalogue TType keyword: raJ2000}-999999500.0pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8 Right Ascension and Declination are products of the astrometric fit, {catalogue TType keyword: decJ2000}-999999500.0pos.eq.dec;meta.main
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.HTM
glJ2000float8DegreesGalactic longitude {catalogue TType keyword: glJ2000}-999999500.0pos.galactic.lon
gbJ2000float8DegreesGalactic latitude {catalogue TType keyword: gbJ2000}
zAperMag3real4magZ magnitude using aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, from VVVDR4 1st epoch ZY contemporaneous OB) {catalogue TType keyword: zAperMag3}-9.999995e8 
zAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point source Z mag, from VVVDR4 {catalogue TType keyword: zAperMag3Err}-9.999995e8 
yAperMag3real4magY magnitude using aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, from VVVDR4 1st epoch ZY contemporaneous OB) {catalogue TType keyword: yAperMag3}-9.999995e8 
yAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point source Y mag, from VVVDR4 {catalogue TType keyword: yAperMag3Err}-9.999995e8 
jAperMag3real4magJ magnitude using aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, from VVVDR4 1st epoch JHKs contemporaneous OB) {catalogue TType keyword: jAperMag3}-9.999995e8 
jAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point source J mag, from VVVDR4 {catalogue TType keyword: jAperMag3Err}-9.999995e8 
hAperMag3real4magH magnitude using aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, from VVVDR4 1st epoch JHKs contemporaneous OB) {catalogue TType keyword: hAperMag3}-9.999995e8 
hAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point source H mag, from VVVDR4 {catalogue TType keyword: hAperMag3Err}-9.999995e8 
ksAperMag3real4magks magnitude using aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter, from VVVDR4 1st epoch JHKs contemporaneous OB) {catalogue TType keyword: ksAperMag3}-9.999995e8 
ksAperMag3Errreal4magError in default point source Ks mag, from VVVDR4 {catalogue TType keyword: ksAperMag3Err}-9.999995e8 
ksPawprintMeanMagreal4magK_s mean magnitude using pawprint data (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) {catalogue TType keyword: ksEMeanMagPawprint}-9.999995e8 
eDfloat8magEven dispersion parameter of Ks pawprint data {catalogue TType keyword: ED}-9.999995e8 
expRMSNoisefloat8magExpected noise value for even dispersion parameter of Ks pawprint data {catalogue TType keyword: ExpRmsNoise}-9.999995e8 
nGoodMeasurementssmallint2 Number of good measurements found in the Ks pawprint data {catalogue TType keyword: NgoodMeasurements}-9999 
xIndexfloat8??X variability index {catalogue TType keyword: Xindex}-9.999995e8 
kFi2float8magEven dispersion parameter of K_s pawprint data {catalogue TType keyword: Kfi2}-9.999995e8 
l2float8magExpected noise value for even dispersion parameter of K_s pawprint data {catalogue TType keyword: L2}-9.999995e8 
nCorrelation2smallint2 Number of correlated measurements {catalogue TType keyword: Ncorrelation2}-9999 
faPcorrelation2float8 False alarm probability for Kfi variability index {catalogue TType keyword: FAPcorrelation2}-9.999995e8 
flagDataTypevarchar4 Flag about data type, i.e correlated data (CCD) or non-correlated data (NCD) {catalogue TType keyword: FlagDataType}NONE 
eJKsreal4 Extinction computed from Gonzalez et al. 2012 (Galactic bulge) and Minniti-2018 (Galactic disk) {catalogue TType keyword: EJKs}-9.999995e8 
eJKsErrreal4 Rms related with the three nearest EJKs estimations (Galactic disk) {catalogue TType keyword: EJKsErr}-9.999995e8 
freqPKfi2float8days^{-1}Main variability frequency using flux independent period method {catalogue TType keyword: FreqPKfi2}-9.999995e8 
HeightPKfi2float8??Height of FreqPKfi2 using PK method {catalogue TType keyword: HeightPKfi2}-9.999995e8 
freqPLfi2float8days^{-1}Main variability frequency using panchromatic period method {catalogue TType keyword: FreqPLfi2}-9.999995e8 
HeightPLfi2float8??Height of FreqPLfi2 considering PL method {catalogue TType keyword: HeightPLfi2}-9.999995e8 
freqLSGfloat8days^{-1}main variability frequency using Lomb-Scargle generalized method {catalogue TType keyword: FreqLSG}-9.999995e8 
HeightLSGfloat8??Height of FreqLSG considering LSG method {catalogue TType keyword: HeightLSG}-9.999995e8 
freqPDMfloat8days^{-1}Main variability frequency using Phase Dispersion Minimization method {catalogue TType keyword: FreqPDM}-9.999995e8 
HeightPDMfloat8??Height of FreqPDM considering PDM method {catalogue TType keyword: HeightPDM}-9.999995e8 
freqSTRfloat8days^{-1}Main variability frequency using String Length Method method {catalogue TType keyword: FreqSTR}-9.999995e8 
HeightSTRfloat8??Height of FreqSTR considering STR method {catalogue TType keyword: HeightSTR}-9.999995e8 
BestPeriodfloat8daysThe best period estimation, using best frequency from the five, based in the signal to noise value {catalogue TType keyword: BestPeriod}-9.999995e8 
SNRfitfloat8??The signal-to-noise value related with the best period estimation {catalogue TType keyword: SNRphase}-9.999995e8 
aVarfloat8magThe difference between 5th and 95th percentile of magnitude in order to provide a rough estimation of variability amplitude {catalogue TType keyword: Avar}-9.999995e8 
flagNfreqsmallint2 Number of frequencies in agreement with FreqLSG or its harmonic or subharmonic. It assumes values from 1 to 5 {catalogue TType keyword: FlagNfreq}-9999 
flagFbias6int4 Counts of periods within $10^{-6}$ periods, calculated per tile (for more details see Sect. \ref{sec_mainperiod}) related with FreqLSG {catalogue TType keyword: FlagFbias6}-9999 
flagFbias7int4 Counts of periods within $10^{-7}$ periods, calculated per tile (for more details see Sect. \ref{sec_mainperiod}) related with FreqLSG {catalogue TType keyword: FlagFbias7}-9999 
Total length314