TABLE VIEW  vhsMultiframeDetector

View of MultiframeDetector table showing only VHS data

This view is just a select of MultiframeDetector for the VHS
and Calib programmes for access to pre-release data
The details and SQL SELECT corresponding to this view are available here.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
multiframeIDbigint8 the UID of the relevant multiframeobs.field
extNumtinyint1 the extension number of this framemeta.number
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this recordmeta.bib
compFilevarchar256 Filename of the compressed image of this image frame, eg. server:/path/;meta.file
julianDayNumint4Julian daysThe Julian Day number of the VISTA nighttime.epoch
camNumsmallint2 Number of VISTA camera (1 to 16)-9999obs.field
deviceIDvarchar32 Device UID identifying every IR deviceNONEobs.field
filterIDtinyint1 UID of combined filter (assigned in VSA: 1=Z,2=Y,3=J,4=H,5=Ks)meta.code;instr.filter
runIDvarchar256 Name of CASU raw data;meta.file
creationDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYY:hh:mm:ss.sssCreation date/time of file12-31-9999??
imageExtNamevarchar16 Extension name in source FITS image fileNONE??
bitsPerPixsmallint2FITS bitpixNumber of bits per data pixel, eg. +32 = 4 byte integersmeta.number
dataScalereal4 Scale factor-0.9999995e9 
dataZeroreal4 Offset factor-0.9999995e9 
numAxestinyint1 Number of data axes; eg. 2meta.number
axis1Lengthint4 length of data axis 1 (X-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS1}meta.number
axis2Lengthint4 length of data axis 2 (Y-axis size) {image extension keyword: (Z)NAXIS2}meta.number
imagePcountint4 FITS image extension required keyword (always 0 for uncompressed images)meta.number
imageGcountint4 FITS image extension required keyword (always 1 for uncompressed images)meta.number
detectorTypevarchar8 Detector nameNONE 
detRowssmallint2 Pixels in X-9999 
detColssmallint2 Pixels in Y-9999 
CIRMEDreal4 Latest estimate of background-0.9999995e9 
CIR_BVARreal4 Latest estimate of background variance-0.9999995e9 
cirVersvarchar32 CIRDR VersionNONE 
ditherOffsetXreal4 Dither offset X-0.9999995e9pos;arith.diff
ditherOffsetYreal4 Dither offset Y-0.9999995e9pos;arith.diff
lincorvarchar32 Linearity LUT usedNONE 
nbadint4 Number of bad pixels-99999999 
nditcortinyint1 Corrected to ndit=10 
nCombinesmallint2 Number of images in this stack0 
groutedFlagtinyint1 Table has been grouted0 
destripetinyint1 stripe pattern removed (0/1)0 
strprmsreal4 RMS of stripe pattern removed-0.9999995e9 
tpaoffreal4 Tangent point offset (RA)-0.9999995e9 
tpdoffreal4 Tangent point offset (Dec)-0.9999995e9 
tpnmatchint4 Number of objects used for TP offset-99999999 
skyCorrExtreal4 Percentage sky correction of the detector-0.9999995e9??
extinctionExtreal4magsExtinction coefficient of the detector-0.9999995e9??
skyCorrCatreal4 Percentage sky correction for the catalogue data-0.9999995e9??
photZPCatreal4magsPhotometric zero point for default extinction for the catalogue data-0.9999995e9??
photZPErrCatreal4magsPhotometric zero point error for the catalogue data-0.9999995e9??
extinctionCatreal4magsExtinction coefficient for the catalogue data-0.9999995e9??
numZPCatint4 Number of standards used in determining photZPCat and photZPCatErr-99999999 
nightZPCatreal4magsAverage photometric zero point for night-0.9999995e9??
nightZPErrCatreal4magsPhotometric zero point sigma for night-0.9999995e9??
nightZPNumint4magsNumber of ZP in band used to calculate nightZPCat-99999999??
medPareal4 [deg] Mean PA from N to E-0.9999995e9 
nbsizesmallint2 Smoothing box size for background0 
tableExtNamevarchar16 Extension name of source FITS binary tableNONE??
tableWidthsmallint2bytesRow size of source FITS binary table-9999??
tableRowsint4 No. of rows in source FITS binary table-99999999??
tablePcountint4 FITS binary table required keyword-9999??
tableGcountint4 FITS binary table required keyword-9999??
tableFieldssmallint2 No. of fields per row in source FITS binary table-9999??
catCreationDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYY:hh:mm:ss.sssCreation date/time of catalogue file12-31-9999??
aperCorPeakreal4 Stellar aperture correction: peak height-0.9999995e9??
aperCor1real4 Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄2 × core flux-0.9999995e9??
aperCor2real4 Stellar aperture correction: 1⁄√2 core flux-0.9999995e9??
aperCor3real4 Stellar aperture correction: core flux-0.9999995e9??
aperCor4real4 Stellar aperture correction: √2 × core flux-0.9999995e9??
aperCor5real4 Stellar aperture correction: 2 × core flux-0.9999995e9??
aperCor6real4 Stellar aperture correction: 2√2 × core flux-0.9999995e9??
aperCor7real4 Stellar aperture correction: 4 × core flux-0.9999995e9??
crowdedFlagtinyint1 Crowded field analysis flag (0 none, 1 active)0 
minImageSizetinyint1 Minimum size for images (pixels)0 
xSizeint4 X-axis size of image-9999 
ySizeint4 Y-axis size of image-9999 
coreRadiusreal4 [pixels] Core radius for default profile fit-0.9999995e9 
skyLevelreal4counts/pixelMedian sky brightness-0.9999995e9??
skyNoisereal4countsPixel noise at sky level-0.9999995e9??
seeingreal4pixelsAverage FWHM-0.9999995e9??
avStellarEllreal4 Average stellar ellipticity (1-b/a)-0.9999995e9src.ellipticity
avSaturLevelreal4 Average saturation level in frame-0.9999995e9 
thresholdIsophreal4 Isophotal analysis threshold (counts)-0.9999995e9 
deprecatedsmallint2 Code for a current (=0) or deprecated (!=0) multiframe detector0meta.code
decurtainRangereal4 Range of decurtain correction-0.9999995e9??
skySubScalefloat8 Scale factor applied to sky subtraction image-0.9999995e9??
morphClassFlagtinyint1 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns.0meta.code
smoothingreal4pixelsFWHM of the smoothing kernel-0.9999995e9 
totalExpTimereal4secondsTotal exposure time for this detector-0.9999995e9 
dribblevarchar64 Interpolation methodNONE 
gainCorreal4 Gain correction factor-0.9999995e9 
templRotationreal4DegreesRotation between this and template-0.9999995e9 
abMagLimreal4mag5-sigma limiting AB magnitude for point sources-0.9999995e9 
abSatMagreal4magSaturation limit for point sources (AB magnitude)-0.9999995e9 
ebmvMedreal4 Median modified E(B-V)-0.9999995e9 
mjdMeanfloat8daysMean MJD of all images comprising this image-0.9999995e9 
Total length1003