TABLE  RequiredMosaicTopLevel

Contains details of default mosaic image products curated in the archive.

This table contains details of all the default image mosaic products that
are curated within the archive as part of the requirements for a
particular survey. A mosaic may be made from single exposure images or
from stacks. For example, the UKIDSS UDS/DXS are deep stacked and
mosaiced surveys. The stacking curation task implemented within the archive
uses the information in this table to produce the required mosaics(s) for a
given programme when invoked as part of archive operations.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (programmeID,setupID)
  • (programmeID) references Programme(programmeID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
programmeIDint4 the unique programme ID
setupIDint4 the unique setup ID. Probably one per programme, but just in case;meta.main
namevarchar64 Name of the mosaiced product set up ??
descriptionvarchar256 Description of the set of mosaics ??
xExtentreal4degreesThe angular extent of the mosaic image in the x-direction ??
yExtentreal4degreesThe angular extent of the mosaic image in the y-direction ??
xOverlapreal4degreesThe overlap between adjacent mosaics in the x-direction ??
yOverlapreal4degreesThe overlap between adjacent mosaics in the y-direction ??
orientationreal4degOrientation of image x-axis to N-S. If default, use natural orientation of input images.-0.9999995e9 
pixelSizereal4arcsecThe final pixel size of the mosaic-0.9999995e9??
zeropointreal4 Zeropoint of each product-0.9999995e9 
zpSystemvarchar8 System of zeropoint (Vega/AB)'NONE' 
backAlgovarchar16 Algorithm/code used for background subtraction  
mosaicSoftvarchar16 Mosaicing software (typically SWARP)  
convSegmvarchar16 Convolution segmentation software  
extractorvarchar16 Extraction software (e.g. SExtractor)  
paramTemplatevarchar32 Template file for SWARP parameters  
isExternaltinyint1 Are mosaics produced externally (1), from external inputs (2) or all internal (0)0 
useStandardtinyint1 Reprocess standard products as swarp mosaics (e.g. tiles)0 
extractParamTempvarchar32 Template file for SWARP parametersNONE 
Total length494