TABLE  videoVariability

Contains statistical analysis of VIDEO primary sources.

Photometric variability statistics. Astrometric fit to all data
Variability statistics in Z, Y, J, H, Ks bands calculated from
matches in videoSourceXDetectionBestMatch

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (sourceID)
  • (frameSetID) references videoMergeLog(frameSetID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
sourceIDbigint8 UID (unique over entire VSA via programme ID prefix) of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm;meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record meta.bib
frameSetID link to glossarybigint8 frame set ID, unique over the whole VSA via programme ID prefix, assigned by merging procedure obs.field
ra link to glossaryfloat8DegreesMean Right Ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec link to glossaryfloat8DegreesMean Declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main
sigRa link to glossaryreal4DegreesUncertainty in mean RA-0.9999995e9stat.error
sigDec link to glossaryreal4DegreesUncertainty in mean Dec-0.9999995e9stat.error
expAstErr link to glossaryreal4arcsecRms calculated from polynomial fit to minimum astrometric RMS as a function of magnitude-0.9999995e9 
epoch link to glossaryfloat8YearsEpoch of measurement time.epoch
muRa link to glossaryreal4mas/yrProper motion in;pos.eq.ra
muDec link to glossaryreal4mas/yrProper motion in;pos.eq.dec
sigMuRa link to glossaryreal4mas/yrError on proper motion in RA-0.9999995e9stat.error
sigMuDec link to glossaryreal4mas/yrError on proper motion in Dec-0.9999995e9stat.error
parallax link to glossaryreal4masParallax of star-0.9999995e9 
minPllx link to glossaryreal4masLower limit of 90% confidence interval for parallax measurement-0.9999995e9 
maxPllx link to glossaryreal4masUpper limit of 90% confidence interval for parallax measurement-0.9999995e9 
chi2 link to glossaryreal4 Chi-squared value of astrometric
nFrames link to glossaryint4 Number of frames with good detections used to calculate astrometric fits0meta.number
znGoodObs link to glossaryint4 Number of good detections in Z band0 
znFlaggedObs link to glossaryint4 Number of detections in Z band flagged as potentially spurious by videoDetection.ppErrBits0 
znMissingObs link to glossaryint4 Number of Z band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not0 
zbestAper link to glossaryint4 Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the Z band-9999 
zminCadence link to glossaryreal4daysminimum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
zmedCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmedian gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
zmaxCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmaximum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
ztotalPeriod link to glossaryreal4daystotal period of observations (last obs-first obs)-0.9999995e9 
zmeanMag link to glossaryreal4magMean Z magnitude-0.9999995e9 
zmedianMag link to glossaryreal4magMedian Z magnitude-0.9999995e9 
zMagRms link to glossaryreal4magrms of Z magnitude-0.9999995e9 
zMagMAD link to glossaryreal4magMedian Absolute Deviation of Z magnitude-0.9999995e9 
zskewness link to glossaryreal4 Skewness in Z band (see Sesar et al. 2007)-0.9999995e9 
zMinMag link to glossaryreal4 Minimum magnitude in Z band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
zMaxMag link to glossaryreal4 Maximum magnitude in Z band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
zNgt3sig link to glossarysmallint2 Number of good detections in Z-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations-9999 
zExpRms link to glossaryreal4magRms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in Z band-0.9999995e9 
zIntRms link to glossaryreal4magIntrinsic rms in Z-band-0.9999995e9 
zchiSqpd link to glossaryreal4 Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms)-0.9999995e9 
zndof link to glossarysmallint2 Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare-9999 
zprobVar link to glossaryreal4 Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data)-0.9999995e9 
zVarClass link to glossarysmallint2 Classification of variability in this band-9999 
ynGoodObs link to glossaryint4 Number of good detections in Y band0 
ynFlaggedObs link to glossaryint4 Number of detections in Y band flagged as potentially spurious by videoDetection.ppErrBits0 
ynMissingObs link to glossaryint4 Number of Y band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not0 
ybestAper link to glossaryint4 Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the Y band-9999 
yminCadence link to glossaryreal4daysminimum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
ymedCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmedian gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
ymaxCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmaximum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
ytotalPeriod link to glossaryreal4daystotal period of observations (last obs-first obs)-0.9999995e9 
ymeanMag link to glossaryreal4magMean Y magnitude-0.9999995e9 
ymedianMag link to glossaryreal4magMedian Y magnitude-0.9999995e9 
yMagRms link to glossaryreal4magrms of Y magnitude-0.9999995e9 
yMagMAD link to glossaryreal4magMedian Absolute Deviation of Y magnitude-0.9999995e9 
yskewness link to glossaryreal4 Skewness in Y band (see Sesar et al. 2007)-0.9999995e9 
yMinMag link to glossaryreal4 Minimum magnitude in Y band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
yMaxMag link to glossaryreal4 Maximum magnitude in Y band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
yNgt3sig link to glossarysmallint2 Number of good detections in Y-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations-9999 
yExpRms link to glossaryreal4magRms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in Y band-0.9999995e9 
yIntRms link to glossaryreal4magIntrinsic rms in Y-band-0.9999995e9 
ychiSqpd link to glossaryreal4 Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms)-0.9999995e9 
yndof link to glossarysmallint2 Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare-9999 
yprobVar link to glossaryreal4 Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data)-0.9999995e9 
yVarClass link to glossarysmallint2 Classification of variability in this band-9999 
jnGoodObs link to glossaryint4 Number of good detections in J band0 
jnFlaggedObs link to glossaryint4 Number of detections in J band flagged as potentially spurious by videoDetection.ppErrBits0 
jnMissingObs link to glossaryint4 Number of J band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not0 
jbestAper link to glossaryint4 Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the J band-9999 
jminCadence link to glossaryreal4daysminimum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
jmedCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmedian gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
jmaxCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmaximum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
jtotalPeriod link to glossaryreal4daystotal period of observations (last obs-first obs)-0.9999995e9 
jmeanMag link to glossaryreal4magMean J magnitude-0.9999995e9 
jmedianMag link to glossaryreal4magMedian J magnitude-0.9999995e9 
jMagRms link to glossaryreal4magrms of J magnitude-0.9999995e9 
jMagMAD link to glossaryreal4magMedian Absolute Deviation of J magnitude-0.9999995e9 
jskewness link to glossaryreal4 Skewness in J band (see Sesar et al. 2007)-0.9999995e9 
jMinMag link to glossaryreal4 Minimum magnitude in J band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
jMaxMag link to glossaryreal4 Maximum magnitude in J band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
jNgt3sig link to glossarysmallint2 Number of good detections in J-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations-9999 
jExpRms link to glossaryreal4magRms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in J band-0.9999995e9 
jIntRms link to glossaryreal4magIntrinsic rms in J-band-0.9999995e9 
jchiSqpd link to glossaryreal4 Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms)-0.9999995e9 
jndof link to glossarysmallint2 Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare-9999 
jprobVar link to glossaryreal4 Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data)-0.9999995e9 
jVarClass link to glossarysmallint2 Classification of variability in this band-9999 
hnGoodObs link to glossaryint4 Number of good detections in H band0 
hnFlaggedObs link to glossaryint4 Number of detections in H band flagged as potentially spurious by videoDetection.ppErrBits0 
hnMissingObs link to glossaryint4 Number of H band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not0 
hbestAper link to glossaryint4 Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the H band-9999 
hminCadence link to glossaryreal4daysminimum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
hmedCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmedian gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
hmaxCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmaximum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
htotalPeriod link to glossaryreal4daystotal period of observations (last obs-first obs)-0.9999995e9 
hmeanMag link to glossaryreal4magMean H magnitude-0.9999995e9 
hmedianMag link to glossaryreal4magMedian H magnitude-0.9999995e9 
hMagRms link to glossaryreal4magrms of H magnitude-0.9999995e9 
hMagMAD link to glossaryreal4magMedian Absolute Deviation of H magnitude-0.9999995e9 
hskewness link to glossaryreal4 Skewness in H band (see Sesar et al. 2007)-0.9999995e9 
hMinMag link to glossaryreal4 Minimum magnitude in H band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
hMaxMag link to glossaryreal4 Maximum magnitude in H band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
hNgt3sig link to glossarysmallint2 Number of good detections in H-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations-9999 
hExpRms link to glossaryreal4magRms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in H band-0.9999995e9 
hIntRms link to glossaryreal4magIntrinsic rms in H-band-0.9999995e9 
hchiSqpd link to glossaryreal4 Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms)-0.9999995e9 
hndof link to glossarysmallint2 Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare-9999 
hprobVar link to glossaryreal4 Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data)-0.9999995e9 
hVarClass link to glossarysmallint2 Classification of variability in this band-9999 
ksnGoodObs link to glossaryint4 Number of good detections in Ks band0 
ksnFlaggedObs link to glossaryint4 Number of detections in Ks band flagged as potentially spurious by videoDetection.ppErrBits0 
ksnMissingObs link to glossaryint4 Number of Ks band frames that this object should have been detected on and was not0 
ksbestAper link to glossaryint4 Best aperture (1-6) for photometric statistics in the Ks band-9999 
ksminCadence link to glossaryreal4daysminimum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
ksmedCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmedian gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
ksmaxCadence link to glossaryreal4daysmaximum gap between observations-0.9999995e9 
kstotalPeriod link to glossaryreal4daystotal period of observations (last obs-first obs)-0.9999995e9 
ksmeanMag link to glossaryreal4magMean Ks magnitude-0.9999995e9 
ksmedianMag link to glossaryreal4magMedian Ks magnitude-0.9999995e9 
ksMagRms link to glossaryreal4magrms of Ks magnitude-0.9999995e9 
ksMagMAD link to glossaryreal4magMedian Absolute Deviation of Ks magnitude-0.9999995e9 
ksskewness link to glossaryreal4 Skewness in Ks band (see Sesar et al. 2007)-0.9999995e9 
ksMinMag link to glossaryreal4 Minimum magnitude in Ks band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
ksMaxMag link to glossaryreal4 Maximum magnitude in Ks band, of good detections-0.9999995e9 
ksNgt3sig link to glossarysmallint2 Number of good detections in Ks-band that are more than 3 sigma deviations-9999 
ksExpRms link to glossaryreal4magRms calculated from polynomial fit to modal RMS as a function of magnitude in Ks band-0.9999995e9 
ksIntRms link to glossaryreal4magIntrinsic rms in Ks-band-0.9999995e9 
kschiSqpd link to glossaryreal4 Chi square (per degree of freedom) fit to data (mean and expected rms)-0.9999995e9 
ksndof link to glossarysmallint2 Number of degrees of freedom for chisquare-9999 
ksprobVar link to glossaryreal4 Probability of variable from chi-square (and other data)-0.9999995e9 
ksVarClass link to glossarysmallint2 Classification of variability in this band-9999 
variableClass link to glossaryint4 Classification of objects across all bands.-99999999 
Total length506