TABLE  target

The TARGET table represents the master target list used to configure 6dFGS observations.

This list was formed by merging all the survey input tables/catalogues.
TARGET is the hub of the database.
The record with targetid=0 and targetname='blank____record' is there
for objects that appear in other tables that for some reason are no
longer in the master TARGET configuration file. eg there are some 70
objects in SPECTRA that are not in TARGET, they have been assigned a
targetid=0 in the SPECTRA table.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (targetid)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
TARGETIDbigint8 unique ID no., used to link tables  
TARGETNAMEvarchar15 name in config file, used to name FITS file and generate thumbnail images  
HTMIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (20-deep) number, mainly useful internally for indexing on position  
RAfloat8degreesmaster RA J2000 (decimal degrees)  
DECfloat8degreesmaster Dec J2000 (decimal degrees)  
CXfloat8 Cartesian x of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere  
CYfloat8 Cartesian y of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere  
CZfloat8 Cartesian z of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere  
GLfloat8degreesgalactic longitude  
GBfloat8degreesgalactic latitude  
A_Vreal4 Schlegel V extinction  
PROGIDsmallint2 highest priority programme ID  
BMAGreal4magBj galaxy magnitude from recalibrated SuperCOSMOS data (0.00 is null)  
RMAGreal4magRf galaxy magnitude from recalibrated SuperCOSMOS data (0.00 is null)  
SGsmallint2 SSS star/galaxy flag 1=galaxy 2=star 3=unclass 4=noise  
ZCATVELint4km/svelocity in ZCAT  
ZCATERRint4km/serror on velocity in ZCAT  
ZCATREFsmallint2 ZCAT reference  
BMAGSELreal4magBj magnitude from online SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys (99.99 and 23.0 are nulls), appeared as BMAG in the EDR and DR1  
RMAGSELreal4magRf magnitude from online SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys (99.99 and 22.0 are nulls), appeared as BMAG in the EDR and DR1  
Total length121