TABLE  tgas_source

Contains the parameters provided for each TGAS source in Gaia Data Release 1.

Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution catalogue containing astrometric and photometric
information for all isolated, single sources in the Tycho2 catalogue and observed
by Gaia. For more information about TGAS, please see
The Tycho-Gaia astrometric solution: how to get 2.5 million parallaxes with less than one year of Gaia data

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (source_id)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
hipint4 Hipparcos identifier id.cross
tycho2_idvarchar32 Tycho2 identifier id.cross
solution_idbigint8 Solution identifier;meta.version
source_idbigint8 Unique source identifier;meta.main
random_indexbigint8 Random index used to select subsets meta.code
ref_epochfloat8Julian yearsReference epoch meta.ref;time.epoch
rafloat8degreesCelestial Right Ascension pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ra_errorfloat8milliarcsecStandard error of Right Ascension stat.error;pos.eq.ra
decfloat8degreesCelestial Declination pos.eq.dec;meta.main
dec_errorfloat8milliarcsecStandard error of Declination stat.error;pos.eq.dec
parallaxfloat8milliarcsecParallax pos.parallax
parallax_errorfloat8milliarcsecStandard error of parallax stat.error;pos.parallax
pmrafloat8milliarcsec/yearProper motion in Right Ascension direction;.pos.eq.ra
pmra_errorfloat8milliarcsec/yearError of proper motion in Right Ascension direction stat.error;;.pos.eq.ra
pmdecfloat8milliarcsec/yearProper motion in Declination direction;.pos.eq.dec
pmdec_errorfloat8milliarcsec/yearError of proper motion in Declination direction stat.error;;.pos.eq.dec
ra_dec_corrreal4 Correlation between Right Ascension and Declination stat.correlation
ra_parallax_corrreal4 Correlation between Right Ascension and parallax stat.correlation
ra_pmra_corrreal4 Correlation between Right Ascension and proper motion in Right Ascension stat.correlation
ra_pmdec_corrreal4 Correlation between Right Ascension and proper motion in Declination stat.correlation
dec_parallax_corrreal4 Correlation between Declination and parallax stat.correlation
dec_pmra_corrreal4 Correlation between Declination and proper motion in Right Ascension stat.correlation
dec_pmdec_corrreal4 Correlation between Declination and proper motion in Declination stat.correlation
parallax_pmra_corrreal4 Correlation between parallax and proper motion in Right Ascension stat.correlation
parallax_pmdec_corrreal4 Correlation between parallax and proper motion in Declination stat.correlation
pmra_pmdec_corrreal4 Correlation between proper motion in Right Ascension and proper motion in Declination stat.correlation
astrometric_n_obs_alint4 Total number of observations in the Along-Scan direction meta.number
astrometric_n_obs_acint4 Total number of observations in the Across-Scan direction meta.number
astrometric_n_good_obs_alint4 Number of good observations in the Along-Scan direction meta.number
astrometric_n_good_obs_acint4 Number of good observations in the Across-Scan direction meta.number
astrometric_n_bad_obs_alint4 Number of bad observations in the Along-Scan direction meta.number
astrometric_n_bad_obs_acint4 Number of bad observations in the Across-Scan direction meta.number
astrometric_delta_qreal4 Hipparcos/Gaia data discrepancy (Hipparcos subset of TGAS only) stat.value
astrometric_excess_noisefloat8milliarcsecExcess noise of the source stat.value
astrometric_excess_noise_sigfloat8 Significance of the excess noise stat.value
astrometric_primary_flagbit1 Primary or secondary meta.code
astrometric_relegation_factorreal4 Relegation factor arith.factor
astrometric_weight_alreal4 Mean astrometric weight of the source Along-Scan stat.weight;stat.mean
astrometric_weight_acreal4 Mean astrometric weight of the source Across-Scan stat.weight;stat.mean
astrometric_priors_usedint4 Type of prior used in the astrometric solution  
matched_observationssmallint2 Amount of observations matched to this source meta.number
duplicated_sourcebit1 Source with duplicated sources  
scan_direction_strength_k1real4 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_strength_k2real4 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_strength_k3real4 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_strength_k4real4 Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_mean_k1real4degreesMean position angle of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_mean_k2real4degreesMean position angle of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_mean_k3real4degreesMean position angle of scan directions across the source  
scan_direction_mean_k4real4degreesMean position angle of scan directions across the source  
phot_g_n_obsint4 Number of observations contributing to G band photometry meta.number
phot_g_mean_fluxfloat8electrons/sG-band mean flux phot.flux;stat.mean;em.opt
phot_g_mean_flux_errorfloat8electrons/sError on G-band mean flux stat.error;phot.flux;stat.mean;em.opt
phot_g_mean_magfloat8magG-band mean magnitude phot.mag;stat.mean;em.opt
phot_variable_flagvarchar16 Photometric variability flag meta.code;src.var
lfloat8degreesGalactic longitude pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8degreesGalactic latitude
ecl_lonfloat8degreesEcliptic longitude pos.ecliptic.lon
ecl_latfloat8degreesEcliptic latitude
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.eq
Total length392