Contains the parameters provided for each source in the AKARI-LMC point source catalogue (Version 1). |
This table contains the parameters provided for each source in the AKARI-LMC point source catalogue (release version 1, 13/11/2012). The photometric catalog covers about 10 square degrees of the LMC with wavelengths of N3 (3.2 micron), S7 (7.0 micron), S11 (11 micron), L15 (15.0 micron), and L24 (24.0 micron). The "Catalog" contains 660286 sources that have counterparts in the version 3.1 of the SAGE-PSC with a positional tolerance of 3 arcsec (Meixner et al. 2006 AJ, 132, 2268). Each source in the all-band catalog has a name which consist of the following parts: "AKARI-LMCC". The second column of the catalog corresponds to the acronym of the catalog, "AKARI-LMCC" for "Catalog", and the third column the coordinates, "". Please use these denotation in scientific articles. For a complete description please see the documentation of the AKARI-LMC PSC public release. The use of this catalogue for the scientific analysis should follow the the guidelines for publication: AKARI Guidelines for Publication. Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
OBJID | char | 8 | Internal Object ID | |||
OBJNAME1 | char | 10 | Source identifier(an acronym of the catalog) | |||
OBJNAME2 | char | 19 | Source identifier( | |||
RA | float | 8 | degrees | Right ascension J2000 | ||
DEC | float | 8 | degrees | Declination J2000 | ||
cx | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x | ||
cy | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y | ||
cz | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z | ||
htmID | bigint | 8 | Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index for equatorial co-ordinates (computed to level 20) | pos.eq | ||
FLAGEQ | char | 1 | Eqband flag that indicates the band at which the coordinates are determined (0:N3, 1:S7, 2:S11, 3:L15, 4:L24) | |||
XPIXN3 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (x) | 999.999 | |
YPIXN3 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (y) | 999.999 | |
MAGN3 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude | 99.999 | |
MERRN3 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
MERR2N3 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
CHIN3 | float | 8 | Chi | 99.999 | ||
SHARPN3 | float | 8 | Sharpness | 99.999 | ||
TIMEN3 | char | 19 | Observing time | 9999-99-99T99:99:99 | ||
PIDN3 | char | 9 | Observing Pointing identifier | 9999999.9 | ||
FLAGSN3 | char | 7 | Star designation | 9999999 | ||
MATS7 | tinyint | 1 | the number of matching with S7 | 0 | ||
DRS7 | float | 8 | arcsec | distance between matched sources | 99.99 | |
XPIXS7 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (x) | 999.999 | |
YPIXS7 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (y) | 999.999 | |
MAGS7 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude | 99.999 | |
MERRS7 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
MERR2S7 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
CHIS7 | float | 8 | Chi | 99.999 | ||
SHARPS7 | float | 8 | Sharpness | 99.999 | ||
TIMES7 | char | 19 | Observing time | 9999-99-99T99:99:99 | ||
PIDS7 | char | 9 | Observing Pointing identifier | 9999999.9 | ||
FLAGSS7 | char | 7 | Star designation | 9999999 | ||
MATS11 | tinyint | 1 | the number of matching with S11 | 0 | ||
DRS11 | float | 8 | arcsec | distance between matched sources | 99.99 | |
XPIXS11 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (x) | 999.999 | |
YPIXS11 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (y) | 999.999 | |
MAGS11 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude | 99.999 | |
MERRS11 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
MERR2S11 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
CHIS11 | float | 8 | Chi | 99.999 | ||
SHARPS11 | float | 8 | Sharpness | 99.999 | ||
TIMES11 | char | 19 | Observing time | 9999-99-99T99:99:99 | ||
PIDS11 | char | 9 | Observing Pointing identifier | 9999999.9 | ||
FLAGSS11 | char | 7 | Star designation | 9999999 | ||
MATL15 | tinyint | 1 | the number of matching with L15 | 0 | ||
DRL15 | float | 8 | arcsec | distance between matched sources | 99.99 | |
XPIXL15 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (x) | 999.999 | |
YPIXL15 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (y) | 999.999 | |
MAGL15 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude | 99.999 | |
MERRL15 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
MERR2L15 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
CHIL15 | float | 8 | Chi | 99.999 | ||
SHARPL15 | float | 8 | Sharpness | 99.999 | ||
TIMEL15 | char | 19 | Observing time | 9999-99-99T99:99:99 | ||
PIDL15 | char | 9 | Observing Pointing identifier | 9999999.9 | ||
FLAGSL15 | char | 7 | Star designation | 9999999 | ||
MATL24 | tinyint | 1 | the number of matching with L24 | 0 | ||
DRL24 | float | 8 | arcsec | distance between matched sources | 99.99 | |
XPIXL24 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (x) | 999.999 | |
YPIXL24 | float | 8 | pix | Pixel-Coordinate (y) | 999.999 | |
MAGL24 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude | 99.999 | |
MERRL24 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
MERR2L24 | float | 8 | mag | magnitude error | 99.999 | |
CHIL24 | float | 8 | Chi | 99.999 | ||
SHARPL24 | float | 8 | Sharpness | 99.999 | ||
TIMEL24 | char | 19 | Observing time | 9999-99-99T99:99:99 | ||
PIDL24 | char | 9 | Observing Pointing identifier | 9999999.9 | ||
FLAGSL24 | char | 7 | Star designation | 9999999 | ||
SEQNUM | int | 4 | Sequential number (unique object ID) | |||
Total length | 581 |