TABLE  vmcCepheidVariables

Contains details of Cepheid variables defined by the VMC team

This table contains details about

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (varID)
  • (varID) references vmcVariablesType(varID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
varIDbigint8 UID of VMC variables;meta.main
fieldIDvarchar8 ID of
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record meta.bib
rafloat8degCelestial Right Ascension {catalogue TType keyword: RA} pos.eq.ra
decfloat8degCelestial Declination {catalogue TType keyword: DEC} pos.eq.dec
cephModevarchar5 Type of Cepheid {catalogue TType keyword: MODE}NONEmeta.code.class
iMeanMagreal4magMean I band magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: I}-0.9999995e9phot.mag;stat.mean;em.opt.I
vMeanMagreal4magMean V band magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: V}-0.9999995e9phot.mag;stat.mean;em.opt.V
periodreal4dayPeriod of first mode of oscillation {catalogue TType keyword: Period}-0.9999995e9time.period
ksMeanMagreal4magMean Ks band magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: Ks}-0.9999995e9phot.mag;stat.mean;em.IR.NIR
ksAmplreal4magAmplitude of Ks band magnitude variation {catalogue TType keyword: A(Ks)}-0.9999995e9src.var.amplitude;em.IR.NIR
ksMagErrreal4magError in mean Ks band magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: err_Ks}-0.9999995e9stat.error;em.IR.NIR
evireal4magThe dust extinction value E(V-I) {catalogue TType keyword: E(V-I)}
notesvarchar8 Additional information, a means that the star was not used to derive the PL, PW and PLC relations. {catalogue TType keyword: Notes}NONEmeta.code.qual
Total length77