TABLE  iras_asc

Contains the parameters provided for each source in the IRAS associated PSCs.

This table contains brief descriptions of the parameters provided for the
association of infrared objects with sources known to exist from other
astronomical catalogs. It contains the 142,228 positional associations.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (name)
  • (recNo) references iras_psc(seqNo)
  • (catNo) references iras_assoc_cats(catNo)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
namevarchar11 Source Name;meta.main
recNoint4 Record Number of source in data file meta.record
catNotinyint1 Catalog number;meta.dataset
sourceIDvarchar15 Source ID
typevarchar5 Source Type/Spectral Class src.spType
radius1smallint2arcsecRadius Vector from IRAS Source to Association phys.angSize;src
possmallint2degreesPosition Angle from IRAS Source to Association (E of N) pos.posAng
field1smallint2 object field #1 (magnitude/other) obs.field
field2smallint2 object field #2 (magnitude/other) obs.field
field3smallint2 object field #3 (size/other) obs.field
Total length46