TABLE  glimpse_mca_inter

Contains the parameters provided for each source in the GLIMPSE More Complete Archive (intermediate).

This table contains brief descriptions of the parameters provided for
each source in the GLIMPSE More Complete Archive (intermediate). The
table is organized according to the broad function and utility of the
parameters: positional information and detection information.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (seqNo)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
srcNamevarchar32 GLIMPSE More Complete Archive source name;meta.main
seqNoint4 sequential object number in the MCA
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.distance;pos.cartesian.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.eq
lfloat8degreesGalactic longitude pos.galactic.lon
bfloat8degreesGalactic latitude
l_errfloat8arcsecError in Galactic longitude stat.error
b_errfloat8arcsecError in Galactic latitude stat.error
rafloat8degreesRight Ascension (J2000) pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8degreesDeclination (J2000) pos.eq.dec;meta.main
ra_errfloat8arcsecError in Right Ascension stat.error
dec_errfloat8arcsecError in Declination stat.error
confsmallint2 Confusion flag-9meta.code
mag1real4magMagnitude in IRAC band 199.999 
mag1_errreal4mag1sigma mag error (IRAC band 1)99.999 
mag2real4magMagnitude in IRAC band 299.999 
mag2_errreal4mag1sigma mag error (IRAC band 2)99.999 
mag3real4magMagnitude in IRAC band 399.999 
mag3_errreal4mag1sigma mag error (IRAC band 3)99.999 
mag4real4magMagnitude in IRAC band 499.999 
mag4_errreal4mag1sigma mag error (IRAC band 4)99.999 
F1real4mJyFlux in IRAC band 1-999.9 
F1_errreal4mJy1sigma flux error (IRAC band 1)-999.9 
F2real4mJyFlux in IRAC band 2-999.9 
F2_errreal4mJy1sigma flux error (IRAC band 2)-999.9 
F3real4mJyFlux in IRAC band 3-999.9 
F3_errreal4mJy1sigma flux error (IRAC band 3)-999.9 
F4real4mJyFlux in IRAC band 4-999.9 
F4_errreal4mJy1sigma flux error (IRAC band 4)-999.9 
F1_rmsreal4mJyRMS dev. of detection from F1-999.9 
F2_rmsreal4mJyRMS dev. of detection from F2-999.9 
F3_rmsreal4mJyRMS dev. of detection from F3-999.9 
F4_rmsreal4mJyRMS dev. of detection from F4-999.9 
sky1real4MJy/srLocal sky bkg. for band 1 flux-999.9 
sky2real4MJy/srLocal sky bkg. for band 2 flux-999.9 
sky3real4MJy/srLocal sky bkg. for band 3 flux-999.9 
sky4real4MJy/srLocal sky bkg. for band 4 flux-999.9 
SN1real4 Signal/Noise for band 1 flux-9.99 
SN2real4 Signal/Noise for band 2 flux-9.99 
SN3real4 Signal/Noise for band 3 flux-9.99 
SN4real4 Signal/Noise for band 4 flux-9.99 
srcdens1real4#/sqaminLocal source density for band 1-9.9 
srcdens2real4#/sqaminLocal source density for band 2-9.9 
srcdens3real4#/sqaminLocal source density for band 3-9.9 
srcdens4real4#/sqaminLocal source density for band 4-9.9 
M1int4 Number of detections for band 1-9 
M2int4 Number of detections for band 2-9 
M3int4 Number of detections for band 3-9 
M4int4 Number of detections for band 4-9 
N1int4 Possible number of detections for band 1-9 
N2int4 Possible number of detections for band 2-9 
N3int4 Possible number of detections for band 3-9 
N4int4 Possible number of detections for band 4-9 
SQL1int4 Source Quality Flag for band 1 flux-9 
SQL2int4 Source Quality Flag for band 2 flux-9 
SQL3int4 Source Quality Flag for band 3 flux-9 
SQL4int4 Source Quality Flag for band 4 flux-9 
MF1int4 Flux calc mathod flag for band 1 flux-9 
MF2int4 Flux calc mathod flag for band 2 flux-9 
MF3int4 Flux calc mathod flag for band 3 flux-9 
MF4int4 Flux calc mathod flag for band 4 flux-9 
Total length326