TABLE  ext_phot_zero_point

Photometric zero-point data for Gaia passbands.

Definition of the Gaia photometric system: for GDR1 only zero-points are
computed, one for G and one for each integrated BP and integrated RP.
The adopted photometric system is Vega.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (solution_id)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
solution_idbigint8 Solution identifier;meta.version
g_mag_zero_pointfloat8magG magnitude zero point phot.mag;arith.zp;em.opt
g_mag_zero_oint_errorfloat8magUncertainty on G magnitude zero point stat.error;phot.mag;arith.zp;em.opt
bp_mag_zero_pointfloat8magBP magnitude zero point phot.mag;arith.zp
bp_mag_zero_point_errorfloat8magUncertainty on BP magnitude zero point stat.error;phot.mag;arith.zp
rp_mag_zero_pointfloat8magRP magnitude zero point phot.mag;arith.zp
rp_mag_zero_oint_errorfloat8magUncertainty on RP magnitude zero point stat.error;phot.mag;arith.zp
Total length56