Contains details of default difference image products curated in the archive. |
This table contains details of all the default difference image products that are curated within the archive as part of the requirements for a particular survey. The difference imaging curation task implemented within the archive uses the information in this table to produce the required products for a given programme when invoked as part of archive operations. Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
programmeID | int | 4 | the unique programme ID | | ||
productID | int | 4 | A unique identifier assigned to each required difference image product entry | ?? | ||
filter1 | tinyint | 1 | UID of WFCAM narrow band (primary) filter | meta.code;instr.filter | ||
filter2 | tinyint | 1 | UID of WFCAM broad band (reference) filter to be subtracted | meta.code;instr.filter | ||
wcs | varchar | 1 | CASU difference image tool option to specify use of implicit WCS in the input files (y/n; recommended value=y) | ?? | ||
method | varchar | 64 | CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) | ?? | ||
Total length | 75 |