
Database schema file to create WSA curation tables in SQL. NB: Tables are ordered by foreign key dependencies.
ArchiveCurationHistory Contains details of the matrix of the Archives' required curation tasks.
AstrCalVers Contains a record for every astrometric calibration version in the archive.
CurationTask Contains a list of all curation tasks that are used within the VSA.
ExternalSurvey A list of all externally produced survey products held in the archive.
ExternalSurveyTable Contains information about the external surveys tables.
Filter Contains details of the VISTA infrared camera filters.
PhotCalVers Contains details of all photometric calibration versions in the VSA.
ProductLinks Contains links between different products, e.g. tiles and stacks, mosaics and tiles, mosaics and stacks
Programme Contains details of the VISTA public survey programmes.
ProgrammeCurationHistory Contains details of the matrix of programmes and required curation tasks.
ProgrammeTable Contains details of the set of curated tables for each programme.
Release Contains the release details for each survey curated within the VSA.
RequiredDiffImage Contains details of default difference image products curated in the archive.
RequiredFilters Contains required filters used for every programme held in the VSA.
RequiredListDrivenProduct Contains programmes/surveys required for list-driven co-located photometry.
RequiredMosaic Contains details of default mosaic image products curated in the archive.
RequiredNeighbours Details programmes/survey tables that have default joins within the VSA.
RequiredStack Contains details of default stack image products curated in the archive.
RequiredTile Contains details of default stack image products curated in the archive.
Survey Contains information about the curated surveys within the VSA.
SurveyProgrammes Contains details of which programme(s) belong to which survey(s)
Latest Revision:6992, 2010-05-26 11:52:49 (Wed, 26 May 2010)