TABLE  vvvVivaXMatchCatalogue

Contains variable stars from VVV-VIVA catalogue

Contains crossmatches to literature for ~240,000 variable
stars in the VIVA catalogue vvvVivaCatalogue. This is described
in Ferreira Lopes et al., 2020.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (vivaID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
vivaIDbigint8 Unique identifier for VIVA catalogue, and also VVVDR4 sourceID {catalogue TType keyword: sourceID};meta.main
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record
literatureIDvarchar32 The identifier found in the literature {catalogue TType keyword: LiteratureID}NONE 
crossPeriodfloat8daysVariability period found in the literature {catalogue TType keyword: CrossPeriod}-9.999995e8 
mainVarTypevarchar16 The single variability type adopted by us to group the crossmatched sources {catalogue TType keyword: MainVarType}NONE 
literatureVarTypevarchar32 The variability types found in the literature {catalogue TType keyword: LiteratureVarType}NONE 
Total length100