TABLE  vmcRRLyraeLightCurves

Contains light-curves of RRLyrae variables defined by the VMC team

The catalogue contains RR Lyrae stars from Table 2 of
Cusano et al. 2021, MNRAS, 504, 1. ...

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (vmcID,mjd)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
vmcIDbigint8 UID of VMC variables {catalogue TType keyword: vmcID};meta.main
shortNamevarchar2 Filter name instr.bandpass
filterIDsmallint2 Filter ID  
mjdfloat8dayMJD of observation {catalogue TType keyword: mjd} time.epoch
magreal4mag2.0" diameter corrected aperture magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: mag} phot.mag
magErrreal4magError in 2.0" diameter corrected aperture magnitude {catalogue TType keyword: mag} phot.mag;stat.error
Total length28