TABLE  vmcProperMotionCatalogue

Contains a proper motion catalogue defined by the VMC team

The catalogue contains

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (pmID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
pmIDbigint8 UID of star in the proper motion catalogue;meta.main
fieldNamevarchar8 ID of
frameSetIDbigint8 frame set ID, linked to vmcMergeLog, assigned by merging procedure
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record
rafloat8degAverage celestial Right Ascension of source from VMC PSF catalogue {catalogue TType keyword: AVERAGE_RA} pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decfloat8degAverage celestial Declination of source from VMC PSF catalogue {catalogue TType keyword: AVERAGE_DEC} pos.eq.dec;meta.main
pmXifloat8mas/yrPM in Xi direction {catalogue TType keyword: pmxi}-999999500.0 
pmEtafloat8mas/yrPM in Eta direction {catalogue TType keyword: pmeta}-999999500.0 
rmsXfloat8mas/yrRms of PM in Xi direction {catalogue TType keyword: rmsx}-999999500.0 
rmsYfloat8mas/yrRms of PM in Eta direction {catalogue TType keyword: rmsy}-999999500.0 
Total length76