agntwomass | The AGN2MASS table contains candidate AGN from 2MASS red AGN survey. |
denisi | The DENISI table contains sources from the DENIS survey with I < 14.85. |
denisj | The DENISJ table contains sources from the DENIS survey with J < 13.85. |
durukst | The DURUKST table contains galaxies from the extension to the Durham/UKST galaxy survey. |
fsc | The FSC table contains galaxies from the IRAS faint source catalogue. |
hes | The HES table contains candidate QSOs from the Hamburg/ESO Survey. |
hipass | The HIPASS table contains candidate galaxies from the HIPASS survey in HI. |
nvss | The NVSS table contains candidate QSOs from NVSS. |
rass | The RASS table contains candidate QSO/AGN from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. |
shapley | The SHAPLEY table contains galaxies from the Shapely supercluster region. |
spectra | The SPECTRA table holds all the observational and redshift related data. |
sumss | The SUMSS table contains bright radio sources from SUMSS. |
supercos | The SUPERCOS table contains galaxies selected from SuperCOSMOS scans of UKST plates. |
target | The TARGET table represents the master target list used to configure 6dFGS observations. |
twomass | The TWOMASS table contains holds the K, J and H selected samples originating from the 2MASS extended source catalogue. |
Latest Revision: | 5056, 2008-08-22 17:58:12 (Fri, 22 Aug 2008) |