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Glossary of WSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the UKIDSSDR10 database(s) held in the WSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the UKIDSSDR10 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
g_flux phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 G-band flux for each FoV observation float 8 electrons/second   phot.flux;em.opt
g_flux_error phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 Estimated uncertainty on G-band flux for each FoV observation float 8 electrons/second   stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt
g_mag_zero_oint_error ext_phot_zero_point GAIADR1 Uncertainty on G magnitude zero point float 8 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;arith.zp;em.opt
g_mag_zero_point ext_phot_zero_point GAIADR1 G magnitude zero point float 8 mag   phot.mag;arith.zp;em.opt
g_magnitude phot_variable_time_series_g_fov GAIADR1 G-band magnitude for each FoV observation float 8 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
g_score twomass_xsc 2MASS galaxy score: 1(extended) < g_score < 2(point-like). real 4     CODE_MISC
gain MultiframeDetector WSA Detector gain {image extension keyword: GAIN} real 4 electrons/ADU -0.9999995e9 ??
gain MultiframeDetector WSACalib Detector gain {image extension keyword: GAIN} real 4 electrons/ADU -0.9999995e9 ??
gain MultiframeDetector WSATransit Detector gain {image extension keyword: GAIN} real 4 electrons/ADU -0.9999995e9 ??
gain MultiframeDetector WSAUHS Detector gain {image extension keyword: GAIN} real 4 electrons/ADU -0.9999995e9 ??
gal_contam twomass_psc 2MASS Extended source "contamination" flag. smallint 2     CODE_MISC
gal_contam twomass_sixx2_psc 2MASS src contaminated by galaxy (check blanked/subtracted tbl) smallint 2      
galactic_lat igsl_source GAIADR1 Galactic latitude real 4 degrees   pos.galatic.lat
galactic_lon igsl_source GAIADR1 Galactic longitude real 4 degrees   pos.galatic.lon
gauSig UKIDSSDetection WSA RMS of axes of ellipse fit real 4 pixels   MORPH_PARAM
gauSig calDetection WSACalib RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   MORPH_PARAM
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig dxsDetection, gcsDetection, gcsListRemeasurement, gpsDetection, gpsListRemeasurement, lasDetection, lasListRemeasurement WSA RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   MORPH_PARAM
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig ptsDetection WSATransit RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   MORPH_PARAM
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gauSig udsDetection WSA RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   MORPH_PARAM
Derived from the maximum and minimum spatial RMS of the object profile along any direction, ie. 0.5*(A_IMAGE² + B_IMAGE²)½
gauSig uhsDetection, uhsDetectionAll WSAUHS RMS of axes of ellipse fit {catalogue TType keyword: Gaussian_sigma} real 4 pixels   MORPH_PARAM
These are derived from the three general intensity-weighted second moments. The equivalence between them and a generalised elliptical Gaussian Distribution is used to derive Gaussian sigma = (σa²+σb²)½
gcnf twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS Group confusion flag 0=not confused or single apparation, 1=confused smallint 2      
gcntr twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc 2MASS A unique identifier for the merged group of apparitions of this source int 4      
glat allwise_sc2 WISE Galactic latitude computed from the non-moving source fit equatorial position. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 deg    
glat twomass_psc 2MASS Galactic latitude rounded to 0.001 deg. real 4 degrees   POS_GAL_LAT
glat twomass_scn 2MASS Galactic latitude of scan center, as computed from ra and dec above. real 4 degrees   POS_GAL_LAT
glat twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS galactic latitude (decimal deg) of scan center float 8 deg    
glat twomass_xsc 2MASS Galactic latitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel. real 4 degrees   POS_GAL_LAT
glon allwise_sc2 WISE Galactic longitude, computed from the non-moving source fit equatorial position. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 deg    
glon twomass_psc 2MASS Galactic longitude rounded to 0.001 deg. real 4 degrees   POS_GAL_LON
glon twomass_scn 2MASS Galactic longitude of scan center, as computed from ra and dec above. real 4 degrees   POS_GAL_LON
glon twomass_sixx2_scn 2MASS galactic longitude (decimal deg) of scan center float 8 deg    
glon twomass_xsc 2MASS Galactic longitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel. real 4 degrees   POS_GAL_LON
gpsEnd Multiframe WSA Date and time (UTC) of end of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-END} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsEnd Multiframe WSACalib Date and time (UTC) of end of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-END} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsEnd Multiframe WSATransit Date and time (UTC) of end of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-END} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsEnd Multiframe WSAUHS Date and time (UTC) of end of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-END} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsObs Multiframe WSA Date and time (UTC) of start of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-OBS} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsObs Multiframe WSACalib Date and time (UTC) of start of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-OBS} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsObs Multiframe WSATransit Date and time (UTC) of start of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-OBS} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
gpsObs Multiframe WSAUHS Date and time (UTC) of start of the observation from GPS data {image primary HDU keyword: GPS-OBS} datetime 8   12-31-9999 time.epoch
grpMem Multiframe WSA Group membership (0=F, 1=T) {image primary HDU keyword: GRPMEM} tinyint 1   0 CODE_MEM
grpMem Multiframe WSACalib Group membership (0=F, 1=T) {image primary HDU keyword: GRPMEM} tinyint 1   0 CODE_MEM
grpMem Multiframe WSATransit Group membership (0=F, 1=T) {image primary HDU keyword: GRPMEM} tinyint 1   0 CODE_MEM
grpMem Multiframe WSAUHS Group membership (0=F, 1=T) {image primary HDU keyword: GRPMEM} tinyint 1   0 CODE_MEM
grpNum Multiframe WSA Group number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: GRPNUM} int 4   -99999999 meta.number
grpNum Multiframe WSACalib Group number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: GRPNUM} int 4   -99999999 meta.number
grpNum Multiframe WSATransit Group number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: GRPNUM} int 4   -99999999 meta.number
grpNum Multiframe WSAUHS Group number applied to all members {image primary HDU keyword: GRPNUM} int 4   -99999999 meta.number
gsc2Class first08Jul16Source FIRST morphological classification in GSC-2 version 2.3.2 (s=stellar, g=nonstellar/galaxy) varchar 1      
gsc2Mag first08Jul16Source FIRST GSC2 F magnitude real 4 mag    
gsc2Matches first08Jul16Source FIRST number of matches within a fiducial radius (10 arcsec) with GSC-2 version 2.3.2 int 4      
gsc2Sep first08Jul16Source FIRST separation of the nearest match in GSC-2 version 2.3.2 from the FIRST position real 4 arcsec    
gsDec Multiframe WSA Declination of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
gsDec Multiframe WSACalib Declination of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
gsDec Multiframe WSATransit Declination of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
gsDec Multiframe WSAUHS Declination of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSDEC} float 8 degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
gsRa Multiframe WSA Right ascension of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
gsRa Multiframe WSACalib Right ascension of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
gsRa Multiframe WSATransit Right ascension of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
gsRa Multiframe WSAUHS Right ascension of guide star {image primary HDU keyword: GSRA} float 8 hours -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
guiding Multiframe WSA Guider status (OFF|ON|PAUSED) {image primary HDU keyword: GUIDING} varchar 10   NONE  
guiding Multiframe WSACalib Guider status (OFF|ON|PAUSED) {image primary HDU keyword: GUIDING} varchar 10   NONE  
guiding Multiframe WSATransit Guider status (OFF|ON|PAUSED) {image primary HDU keyword: GUIDING} varchar 10   NONE  
guiding Multiframe WSAUHS Guider status (OFF|ON|PAUSED) {image primary HDU keyword: GUIDING} varchar 10   NONE  

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
