Release history page
- VHSDR7 (VHSv202407131) :
Final public release.
Includes data taken for PI programme(s) to fill gaps.
- VMCv20250130 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P110 and from projects VMC, 099.D-0194, 099.C-0773, 0100.C-0248, 0103.B-0783, 0103.D-0161, 105.2042, 106.2107, 108.222A,
108.223E, 109.230A, 109.231H and 110.259F. This release also includes a variety of team generated tables including PSF photometry (vmcPsfSource),
proper motions (vmcProperMotionCatalogue), a machine-learning classification catalogue (vmcMLClassificationCatalogue), a catalogue of background sources
(vmcBackgroundSources), a catalogue of QSOs (vmcQsos), a catalogue of red clump stars used for extinction measurements (vmcExtinction), and various catalogues
of variable stars: Cepheids (vmcCepheidVariables), AGB (vmcAGBVariables), RRLyrae (vmcRRLyraeVariables), Eclipsing Binaries (vmcEclipsingBinaryVariables), and
a set of variable stars from the LMC 7_5 tile (vmcLmc75Variables). Finally there are candidate LPV variables (vmcLPVCandidates). The details of these tables
and how to use them are described in the VMC Guide Introduction, which will be completed soon.
- VVVDR5 :
14th April 2023. 51 tiles in VVVDR5, all on 20150729 have had the mjd values updated (from default), see
known issuesFixed 20230414.
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P100 for the VVVX only. There is a neighbour table to the VVVDR5 release.
Unfortunately there is an issue with Quality Bit flags not being applied to the OB frames.
known issuesFixed 20230227.
- VIDEOv20211014 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P104 and from VIDEO.
This release also includes large mosaics and team created band merged tables covering each region (CDFS, XMM and Elias-S1) rather than individual tiles.
- VMCv20210708 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P104 and from projects VMC, 099.D-0194, 099.C-0773, 0100.C-0248, 0103.B-0783 and 0103.D-0161.
This release also includes PSF tables for LMC pointings as well as the existing SMC, BRI and STR pointings and new neighbour
tables including catwise_2020, SMASH and SkyMapper. This also fixes issues with negative mjd values in the vmcDetection table.
- VVVDR5 :
16th MArch 2021. Neighbour tables to PanSTARRS1 DR2 and Gaia EDR3 have been added. These neighbour tables are
vvvSourceXPS1DR2_objectThin, vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsSourceXPS1DR2_objectThin, vvvPsfDaophotJKsSourceXPS1DR2_objectThin,
vvvSourceXGEDR3gaia_source, vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsSourceXGEDR3gaia_source, vvvPsfDaophotJKsSourceXGEDR3gaia_source.
- VHSv20201209 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes VHS data up to and including P104 and is the first VHS release using CASU v1.5 data.
- VMC releases post 20160311 suffer from swapped Y and Ks values in the vmcVariability and vmcVarFrameSetInfo tables, which will be fixed asap.
known issuesFixed 20201224
- VVVDR5 :
2nd November 2020. The VVVDR5 vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch table has been replaced and VVVDR5 is now complete.
- VVVDR5 :
1st October 2020. The VVVDR5 vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch table, necessary for light-curve selection is not available,
as it is currently being replaced by a new version which does not include some deprecated data (which was incorrectly included) and now includes
all the expected non-detections (i.e. when there was an observation, but the source was not detected). Copying over the table from the main database
failed initially, so the update is taking longer while we find a solution, see known issues.
- VMCDR5 :
2nd July 2020, 5th VMC public data release including all VMC data for the Small Magellanic Cloud, the Streams and the Bridge fields,
42 pointings in total, with new PSF tables and all the data on CASU v1.5 processing.
- VVVDR4 :
17th June 2020. The following tables were made public: vvvVivaCatalogue, vvvVivaXMatchCatalogue.
VVV VIVA paper, C. E. Ferreira Lopes et al., 2020, MNRAS, 496, 1730. See VVV guide: VIVA
- VMCv20191212 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P102 and from projects VMC, 099.D-0194, 099.C-0773 and 0100.C-0248.
- VVVDR5 :
13th May 2019. Team only currently. This includes all of the original VVV data, up to 2015-10-15.
There are several important changes to the VVVDR5 release compared to VVVDR4 and earlier releases and these
are described in the VVV Guide Introduction
and later examples. This release contains neighbour tables to new surveys such as Gaia-DR2 and DECAPs as
well as all of the earlier cross-matches.
8th May 2019. Part 2. Updating the earlier release with matched-aperture
remeasurements of the epochs of 400000 sources, with averaging over 3 time durations (3 months, 6 months and 1 year),
to increase the signal-to-noise of fainter sources. See
cookbook section on matched aperture photometry.
There are two known issues which will be improved upon in future releases:
1) The list of apertures in MapApertureIDsultravistaMapLc is the same as those defined
by the dual image selection (i.e. objects detected in the Ks deep mosaic), instead of the specified
selection (objects in the ultravistaSource catalogue). See known issues
2) Averaging is over a time duration, filter and field position where field is one of the pawprint
positions in the mosaic, so there are averaged photometry with overlapping times because they have
measurements from overlapping pawprints. See known issues.
13th March 2019. This release is documented in
The fourth UltraVISTA data release.
It includes data up to 2016-07-01, and the mosaics were created at IAP (Paris), by the UltraVISTA team,
led there by Henry McCracken.
This release includes new features not seen in previous WFAU releases: both band-merged independent detections and dual-image mode band-merged
catalogue based on the Ks-band mosaic. We include light-curves from epoch detections. We will soon
release matched aperture remeasurements of the light-curves.
- VHSDR6 :
10th January 2019. Public release of the VHSv20171207 release (see below).
- VMCv20181120 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P100.
- 20181101: Problems with Galactic Coordinates in some Value Added Tables (e.g. vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsSource,
vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsMergeLog), see known issues.
- VVVDR4 :
18th August 2018. The following tables were made public: vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsSource, vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsMergeLog vvvSourceXPsfDophotZYJHKsSource
and all vvvPsfDophotZYJHKsSourceX... neighbour tables. VVV PSF paper, J. Alonso-Garcia et al., arxiv:1808.06139
- VMCv20180702 :
7th July 2018. Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P99. A few new features: vmcPsfCatalogue has been removed and replaced with vmcPsfDetections and vmcPsfSource.
vmcPsfSource is seamless version with completeness. Both are available through crossID. There is a new ppErrBit code,
bit=26, which flags bright tile detections with no equivalent pawprint detections. These tend to
be some kind of artifact.
- VIKINGv20180115 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P98.
- VHSDR5 :
10th January 2018. Public release of the VHSv20161007 release (see below).
- VHSv20171207 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P98.
- VVVDR4 :
24th November 2017. New neighbour tables between VVVDR4 and VPHASDR3.
- VMCv20171101 :
Proprietary consortium release.
Includes data up to and including P98. Pre-December 2016 data is on CASU v1.3.
Post December 2016 data is on CASU v1.5
- VVVDR4 :
26th October 2017. The following tables were made public: vvvProperMotionCatalogue, vvvParallaxCatalogue, vvvSourceXProperMotionCatalogue and vvvSourceXParallaxCatalogue. arXiv:1710.08919
- VVVDR4 :
4th August 2017. Added in neighbour tables to Gaia DR1.
- VIKINGv20170717 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P97.
- VHSv20170630 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P97.
- VMCv20170411 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P97. Neighbour tables with GAIA DR1 have been included, the GAIA DR1 database does not
yet appear in the schema browser but will do so shortly.
23rd March 2017.Public release of the VMCv20160701 release. This contains 19 complete pointings:
LMC 3_5,4_2,4_3,5_5,6_4,6_6,7_3,8_3,8_8,9_3; SMC 3_3,3_5,4_3,5_2,5_4; BRIDGE 2_8,3_5; STREAM 1_1, 2_1
- VMCv20170109 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P96, and is a replacement for VMCv20160822. Tile data from Feb 2015 to March 2016
has been reprocessed by CASU to fix a grouting bug. These reprocessed frames are marked v1.3.1
- VIKINGv20161202 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P96. Tile data from Feb 2015 to March 2016
has been reprocesed by CASU to fix a grouting bug. These reprocessed frames are marked v1.3.1
- VHSv20161007 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P96.
- VHSDR4 :
11th November 2016. Public release of the VHSv20150407 release (see below).
- VMCv20160822 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P96. OGLE database and neighbour tables.
Includes updated team variability and PSF catalogues from last ESO release.
- VHSv20160507 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P95.
2nd May 2016. Public release of the VIDEOv20150521 release (see below).
- VIKINGv20160406 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P95.
- VVVDR4 : 30th March 2016
This is now public. See details below.
- VMCv20160311 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P95.
We have placed some P94 frames into a new table called ProblemFrames which includes the pointing coordinates
they should have had, since they are offset by ~12 arcmin from the correct pointings. Thus at the
source merging stage they are correctly associated, but we do not make deep stacks and tiles from
combinations of frames with such a large offset. Additionally, in an effort to improve source merging,
we have reversed the order of the bands from YJKs to KsJY.
- VHSv20160114 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P94.
- VIKINGv20151230 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P94. This release
has had an enhancement to the vikingSource and associated vikingMergeLog tables, to include
J, J_1 and J_2 measurements. The J measurement is as before - a deep measurement combined from both
epochs (or the only epoch if only one has been observed) and J_1 comes from the JHKs OB and J_2 from the ZYJ OB.
The SchemaBrowser has been enhanced to make this clear. Other tables in the SchemaBrowser include additional information too.
- VMCv20151218 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P94.
- VVVDR4: 29th October 2015
Currently proprietary release, containing v1.3 data up to end P91.
This has ~40 epochs in Ks (although variable from pointing to pointing) and contains 55 billion rows.
Some Ks band frames have been wrongly assigned in the vvvSynopticSource table see
known issues Fixed 17/12/2015.
Unfortunately the single passband values in vvvSynopticSource table after this fix were default. This bug was discovered
mid February and the newly fixed table finished uploading on March 2nd.
- VIDEOv20150521 :
22nd May 2015. Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including 20141231.
The deep mosaics were created by Boris Haussler at Oxford University.
- VIKINGv20150421 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P93
- VVVDR2 : 16th April 2015
Added in VVV Bulge 3D extinction map. See PDF
3D Extinction Maps usage examples.
10th April 2015. Public release of the VIDEOv20141027 release (see below).
10th April 2015.Public release of the VIKINGv20140530 release (see below).
- VHSDR3 :
10th April 2015.Public release of the VHSv20140517 release (see below).
- VHSv20150407 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P93
- VIKINGv20150123 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P92
- VHSv20150108 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P92
- VMCv20141118 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P92,
as a replacement for VMCv20140903. There are two changes, one a fix for
the incorrect sky to pixel conversion and also a change to the band merging criterion, to change it from 2" to 1",
since 2" was picking up some nearby neighbours.
This includes many more PSF catalogues, with new completeness measurements, and binary-catalogue tables.
- VIDEOv20141027 : 29th October 2014
Team release of new VIDEO
mosaics created by VIDEO team matched to reprocessed (new sky subtraction!) v1.3.1 OB data (up to P92).
There are 3 regions: CDFS (3 pointings), ES1 (2 pointings), XMM (3 pointings).
- VVVDR2 : 29th October 2014
This is now public. See below for details.
- VMCDR3 : 29th October 2014
Third VMC world public data release consisting of fields
LMC 5_5, LMC 6_4, LMC 6_6, LMC 8_3, LMC 8_8 and SMC 3_3, SMC 3_5. This includes new Cepheid and Psf catalogues.
The data is processed like the VMCv20140428, but one deep tile was recreated (after tougher data quality
restrictions on the inputs) and the band-merging and reseaming and later products were recreated for the 7 fields only.
- VMCv20140903 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P92.
This includes many more PSF catalogues, with new completeness measurements, and binary-catalogue tables.
- VIKINGv20140530 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P91
- VHSv20140517 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P91
- VMCv20140428 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P91. 62 pointings,
50 multi-epoch YJKs and 12 single Ks epochs. 31.3 million unique sources.
- VHSv20140409 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P90
- VIKINGv20140402 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes v1.3 data up to and including P90
- VMCDR2 : 25th February 2014
Second VMC world public data release consisting of fields LMC 6_6 and LMC 8_8 from
the VMCv20121128 release (see below)
- VVVDR2 : 24th February 2014
Currently proprietary release, containing data up to end P87.
This has a significant changes to the vvvSynopticSource and vvvSynopticMergelog tables, see
cookbook section on contemporary colours.
- VHSDR2 : 24th February 2014
Second VHS world public data release, see VHSv20120417
entry for further details.
- VIKINGDR3 : 16th December 2013
Public VIKING release, see VIKINGv20121205 entry for further details.
- VMCv20130805 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P90.
Data from before 2013 is CASU processing v1.2 and in 2013 is CASU processing v1.3. The next release will
include all the earlier data processed to v1.3. The miscalculated ZP issue has been fixed, but some
deep tiles show a new photometric problem, which is probably related to extremely variable image quality of
the inputs (see known issues). This release
has 47 pointing, with 140 deep tiles. The source table includes 30 million sources (29.2 million unique).
- VIKINGv20130417 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P89
(Miscalculated zeropoint issue: see known issues)
- VHSv20130417 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P89
- VMCv20130304 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P89
(Miscalculated zeropoint issue: see known issues)
- VIKINGv20121205 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P88
(Miscalculated zeropoint issue: see known issues)
- VVVDR1 : 14th November 2012 - back online. The column values
relating to the Ks data originating from the bad deep Ks tiles
( see known issues)
have been reset to defaults in vvvSource and vvvDetection
eg in vvvSource KsAperMag3=-9.999999E8. The affected multiframes have been
deprecated with code 68 but still have entries in the metadata tables
eg multiframe, multiframeDetector
- VMCv20121128 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P88
(Miscalculated zeropoint issue: see known issues)
- VVVDR1 : 18th September 2012 - taken offline to fix/remove problem
with some of the deep stack tiles used in vvvSource see
known issues
- VVVDR1 : 29th May 2012
First VVV public data release.
All data in P85, including formerly broken catalogues.
This includes deep pawprints and tiles for the first time.
There is an issue with the Ks photometry in some deep tiles,
see see
known issues.
There is an issue
with the saturation flag in tiles, see known issues, which gives a large number
of false variables with Ks<13 in the vvvVariability table. We have made a view
of the vvvVariability table vvvVariabilityNotSaturated, which includes all
objects with ksMedianMag>13. Both the table and the view are available to the
team, but only the view is available in the public release. There is a problem
that some Ks band OB were incorrectly deprecated and are not included in
the Variability statistics, see known issues.
- VHSv20120417 :
Proprietary consortium release. Includes data up to and including P87
- VIDEODR2 : 28th March 2012
First VIDEO world public data release including external mosaics produced by Dave Bonfield at Hertfordshire and all data up to the end of P86.
- VIKINGDR2 : 28th March 2012
First VIKING world public data release, based on the VIKINGv20111019 release (see below) but limited to the following fields: 32,41,44,50,68,77-85,87-88,94-100,119,122-123,125-126,128,130-131,143-150,168-171,173-174,194,198-199
- VMCDR1 : 28th March 2012
First VMC world public data release consisting of fields LMC 6_6 and LMC 8_8 from the VMCv20110909 release (see below)
- VHSDR1 : 22nd February 2012
First VHS world public data release, see VHSv20110816
entry for further details.
- VMCv20120126 :
Includes data up to and including P87
- VIDEOv20111208 :
Release of data up to and including P86.
This is the first release to include external mosaics produced by Dave Bonfield at Hertfordshire.
- VIKINGv20111019 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, data up to the end of March 2011 (P86).
- VVVv20110928 :
Same data range as VVVv20110718, but the vvvSource table has been reseamed, the
multi-epoch tables have been added in, the vvvDetection table has been included
and the vvvTilePawPrints has been completed and remade following the change
in schema.
- VHSv20111011 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to end March 2011 (P86).
- VMCv20110909 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to P86 (End of March 2011).
In this release, grouting has been applied to tile detections, which improves
the classification and photometry. The vmcDetection table now includes a
Modified Julian Date entry, which varies by position across each tile.
A vmcTilePawPrint table has been added so that users can compare detections
between the tiles and their constituent pawprints.
- VHSv20110816 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to end September 2010 (P85).
This is a replacement to the VHSv20110708 release which had an incorrect
vhsTilePawPrint table.
- VMCv20110816 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to 30th November 2010
(P85 + a bit of P86).
In this release, grouting has been applied to tile detections, which improves
the classification and photometry. The vmcDetection table now includes a
Modified Julian Date entry, which varies by position across each tile.
A vmcTilePawPrint table has been added so that users can compare detections
between the tiles and their constituent pawprints.
- VVVv20110718 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to end September 2010.
In this release, grouting has been applied to tile detections, which improves
the classification and photometry. The vvvSource table is unseamed at this
point, but a seamed version will be included shortly. The Ks-band frames that
are used for the vvvSource table are selected using the following algorithm:
select the Ks in same OB as J or H band image in the same pointing
If None: select the Ks-band frame without "-v" in the obsName
If None: select the Ks-band frame that minimises the absolute difference in mjdObs
between the frame and the mean of the other frames in the pointing.
The vvvSource table contains 420 million rows. The vvvSynopticSource, which
matches up colours for each epoch (with frames matched within 40 minutes)
contains 1.04 billion rows, and there are matches to several external
catalogues. The detection tables and multi-epoch tables will be released at a
later date.
- VIKINGv20110714 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to end September 2010.
In this release, grouting has been applied to tile detections, which improves
the classification and photometry. The vikingDetection table now includes a
Modified Julian Date entry, which varies by position across each tile.
A vikingTilePawPrint table has been added so that users can compare detections
between the tiles and their constituent pawprints. This release also includes
a vikingVariability and vikingVarFrameSetInfo table, which were missing last
- VHSv20110708 :
Version 1.1, tile based source table, date up to end September 2010.
In this release, grouting has been applied to tile detections, which improves
the classification and photometry. The vhsDetection table now includes a
Modified Julian Date entry, which varies by position across each tile.
A vhsTilePawPrint table has been added so that users can compare detections
between the tiles and their constituent pawprints.
- VHSv20110311 :
Version 1.0, tile based source table, date up to end September 2010.
- VMCv20110310 :
Version 1.0 full release, data up to end November 2010
- VMCv20110218 :
Version 1.0, 2 field release for ESO Phase 3, data up to end September 2010
- VHSv20101207 :
Version 1.0, pawprint based source table, date up to end September 2010.
- 30th Sep 2010 :
Version 1.0 database released for VMC. The band-merged Source table and multi-epoch data use pawprints only. This contains data from 15/10/2009 to 31/5/2010.
- 10th Sep 2010 :
Version 1.0 database released for VHS. This database contains both tile and pawprint products. The band-merged Source table and multi-epoch data use tiles only. This contains data from 3/11/2009 to 8/2/2010.
- 23rd Jun 2010 :
VMCv20100623 released. This is a rerelease of the 7th June version, which had some curation errors; inconsistent end dates.
- 7th Jun 2010 :
VMCv20100607 released
- 31st May 2010:
VVVv20100531 released
- 20th May 2010:
VIKINGv20100520 released
- 13th May 2010:
VIDEOv20100513 released
- 2nd May 2010 :
Version 0.8 databases released for VHS, svOrion and svNGC253
- 29th April 2010 :
Version 0.8 databases released for VMC, VIDEO, VIKING, ULTRAVISTA. Database names now include a date string (eg VMCv20100429) so that releases can be differentiated. The initial release v0.6 databases
will be renamed to reflect their release date (eg VMC to VMCv20100127).
Note that none of these project databases yet contain band merged products.
VHS, VVV, svOrion and svNGC253 are currently undergoing release curation and
will follow shortly.
New in these released databases
- Data are version 0.8 processed
- Basic QC has been applied to the multiframe/detectors and some frames will have been flagged with a deprecated code. However the deprecated frames still appear in the releases.
- Frame metadata from calibration observations are available in the released
databases so that the flat files can be accessed via the Archive Listing form
Minor changes to the table schema.
A small number of catalogues failed to ingest, these are currently being fixed and will appear in the next releases.
- 26th April 2010 :
Version 0.8 files available via archive listing form selecting VSA as database.
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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK