Quality Error Bit FlagsThis page details the quality error bit flags assigned during post processing. These flags appear as the ppErrBits attributes in the detection and source tables. The flags can be used to refine object samples extracted from the archive. Examples of this usage are given in the SQL cookbook. Bit flag design
The quality issues are listed in order of severity, such that a selection of sources can be easily filtered according to the level of quality the user desires. These quality issues are divided amongst the four bytes such that the least significant byte represents information about the source that is most probably harmless (such as it is a deblended source), the most significant byte contains bits that highlight some kind of severe warning about the quality of the source, and the two remaining bytes in the middle contain various warnings that could just possibly imply the source is spurious. For example, to select only those sources with absolutely no quality issues
the user can filter on Bit flag table
Quality issuesThe following different quality issues are implemented VSA public survey release databases: Source image is deblendedThis is determined from theaprof2 to aprof8
detection attributes, all of which should be -1 if the source image is
Bad pixel in default apertureThese sources have at least one bad pixel in the default aperture, so contain missing information. The total number of bad pixels in the default aperture is supplied in theerrBits attribute (for all surveys that use
VDFS-generated catalogues), which can be used to refine the criterion.
Low confidence in default apertureThese sources are from pixels with an overall low average confidence level within the default aperture. The level was arbitrarily set ataverageConf < 80
based on visual inspection of the distribution. (Only applied to v1.1 and newer VISTA data).
Lies within detector 16 region of a tileThese sources come from regions of the tile that includes data from detector 16, which is known to give poor photometric results. (Only applied to v1.1 and newer VISTA data).Saturated source imageSource image contains at least one pixel that is close to being saturated,
defined as having a count in ADU that is greater than 90% of the average
saturation level of the frame ( Photometric calibration probably subject to systematic errorThis flag is applied to VVV detections that come from multiframes with a
poor photometric calibration due to heavy and highly variable extinction in
Galactic centre fields. A detector level criterion is applied to all frames in
that multiframe:
Source lies within a dither offset of the frame boundarySource lies within a jitter + microstep offset of the stacked frame boundary with an additional safety margin of twice the default aperture radius to include all cases where the source image is incomplete. This is an important warning because all of these sources should certainly contain missing information - i.e. there may be partial sources and/or the source may not be present in all component images of the stack. For deep stacks we also consider any positional offsets in creating the final deep stack image from intermediate stacks. Source lies within the underexposed strip (or "ear") of a tileSource lies outside the fully exposed area of a tile defined by the dimensions provided at http://www.vista.ac.uk. Note that the x & y axes given at this website are the opposite way around to those in the real tiles.Source lies within an underexposed region of a tile due to missing detectorWhen constructing a deep tile some regions may not be of a consistent exposure due to the component deep pawprints losing detector frames through quality control. This flag is for detections in regions made from these underexposed deep stacks.Bright tile detection, but no detections in pawprintsDetections brighter than the 5-sigma detection limit of the frame are found in tiles, but not on the pawprints, and are therefore likely to be spurious. This flag was introduced because a nebulisation error produced a strange bright streak on a VMC tile in VMCv20171101. A small number of other weird sources were found that could be removed using this flag.Possible future flagsSource close to bright starBright star halos generate many spurious sources.Detection close to dither edgeEdge effects occur in images around the dither edge leading to spurious detections. This is a very low importance bit flag as there many sources close to the dither edge that are genuine, but it is still useful information to have. Therefore this could be the lowest significant bit.Diffraction spikeSpurious sources occur in lines along diffraction spikes.
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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, vsa-support@roe.ac.uk