vmcAstrometricInfo | Contains astrometric information that will be used in linking up epochs. This table is mainly for use by software to link up epochs efficiently |
vmcCepheidVariables | Contains details of Cepheid variables defined by the VMC team |
vmcDetection | Contains the individual VMC source detections for all science frame types in VMC including pawprints, tiles, and deeps. |
vmcEclipsingBinaryVariables | Contains details of Eclipsing Binary variables defined by the VMC team |
vmcMergeLog | Contains frame set details of merged VMC MultiframeDetector images. |
vmcPointings | List of field identifiers that VMC team use |
vmcPsfCatalogue | Contains PSF fitted photometry defined by the VMC team |
vmcSource | Contains merged sources from detections in vmcDetection. |
vmcSourceXSynopticSourceBestMatch | Links each unique source in vmcSource to each band-merged epoch in vmcSynopticSource |
vmcSynopticMergeLog | Contains details of the merged MultiframeDetector images for VMC merged to give contemporaneous or semi-contemporaneous colours |
vmcSynopticSource | Contains VMC merged sources from VMC detections in vmcDetection. |
vmcTilePawPrints | Contains tile<->paw-print paired detections from vmcDetection. |
vmcTileSet | Contains tile set details for VMC Multiframe paw-print images. |
vmcVarFrameSetInfo | Contains photometric and astrometric noise fitting information for each frameSet. |
vmcVariability | Contains statistical analysis of VMC primary sources. |
vmcVariablesType | Contains type of variable as defined by the VMC team |
Latest Revision: | 11189, 2016-05-30 14:15:45 (Mon, 30 May 2016) |