
Schema file for VIKING neighbour and cross-neighbour tables NOTE: This schema is not part of the CreateTables set-up for the archive since the table definitions herein are created on-the-fly by the curation procedure (CU16). This file is parsed by CU16 to create the neighbour tables, and also for the web html documentation. For every entry in the table RequiredNeighbours, there should be a parsable table schema in this file.
vikingSourceNeighbours Neighbouring sources for each entry in vikingSource.
vikingSourceXDetection Cross-neighbours between master source list, vikingSource table, and the individual epoch detections, vikingDetection table.
vikingSourceXDR5lasSource Cross-neighbours between viking and lasSource.
vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObj Cross-neighbours between viking and PhotoObj.
vikingSourceXDR7PhotoObjAll Cross-neighbours between viking and PhotoObjAll.
vikingSourceXgrs_ngpSource Cross-neighbours between viking and grs_ngpSource.
vikingSourceXgrs_ranSource Cross-neighbours between viking and grs_ranSource.
vikingSourceXgrs_sgpSource Cross-neighbours between viking and grs_sgpSource.
vikingSourceXmgcDetection Cross-neighbours between viking and mgcDetection.
vikingSourceXSSASource Cross-neighbours between viking and Source.
vikingSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll Cross-neighbours between viking and PhotoObjAll.
vikingSourceXtwomass_psc Cross-neighbours between viking and twomass_psc.
vikingSourceXtwomass_xsc Cross-neighbours between viking and twomass_xsc.
vikingSourceXwise_allskysc Cross-neighbours between viking and wise_allskysc.
Latest Revision:10336, 2014-05-29 03:04:37 (Thu, 29 May 2014)