
Schema for stored functions, procedures, and ancillary tables.
Contains sql script to create all stored functions and procedures.

based on: sp_HTML

Pure HTM functions (working off HTM table) V1 June 2002, based on SkyServer design of Alex Szalay and Jim Gray; Jim Gray's performance monitoring stuff from


fDMS Convert declination in degrees to notation.
fDMSbase Base function to convert declination in degrees to notation.
fGreatCircleDist Returns float holding great circle distance between two points (ra1,dec1) & (ra2,dec2).
fHMS Convert right ascension in degrees to notation.
fHMSbase Base function to convert right ascension in degrees to notation.
fIAUNameGen Convert 3 letter survey, ra, dec in degrees to extended IAU name with a specified number of decimal places.
Latest Revision:13648, 2025-02-13 15:46:17 (Thu, 13 Feb 2025)