vhsDetection | Contains the individual VHS source detections for each frame. |
vhsListRemeasurement | Contains the individual source remeasurements from VHS Multiframe sets. |
vhsMergeLog | Contains frame set details of merged VHS MultiframeDetector images. |
vhsSource | Contains merged sources from detections in vhsDetection. |
vhsSourceRemeasurement | Contains source remeasurements based on the merged source list for the VHS. |
vhsTilePawPrints | Contains tile<->paw-print paired detections from vhsDetection. |
vhsTileSet | Contains tile set details for VHS Multiframe paw-print images. |
Latest Revision: | 8543, 2011-08-02 14:14:37 (Tue, 2 Aug 2011) |