
Database schema file for multiframe images, programme and filter data in the VISTA Science Archive. Contains sql scripts to create the relevant tables. NB: Tables are ordered by foreign key dependencies.
CurrentAstrometry Contains the current astrometric calibration coefficients.
EpochFrameStatus Contains details of which image(s) are used in epochs in mergelogs
MapCatalogueDetector Contains catalogue meta-data for each extension for MAP catalogues
MapFrameStatus Contains details of the processing status for each matched-aperture product frame
MapProvenance Describes the provenance of all averaged catalogues
Multiframe Contains details of all multiframes stored in the archive.
MultiframeDetector Contains details of individual detector frames that are part of a multiframe.
MultiframeDetectorEsoKeys Contains details of all hierarchical ESO attributes for secondary HDUs.
MultiframeEsoKeys Contains details of all hierarchical ESO attributes for the primary HDU.
PreviousMFDZP Contains previous zeropoints for each multiframe and detector combination.
ProblemFrames Contains details of problem multiframes.
ProgrammeFrame Contains details of which image(s) belong to which Programme(s)
Provenance Describes the provenance of all combined frames in the archive.
Latest Revision:12399, 2019-02-06 11:54:40 (Wed, 6 Feb 2019)