Contains GPS merged sources from GPS detections in gpsDetection. |
Prescription for the merging (from RequiredFilters) is: J,H,Kx2,H2. Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
sourceID | bigint | 8 | UID (unique over entire WSA via programme ID prefix) of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm | ID_MAIN | ||
cuEventID | int | 4 | UID of curation event giving rise to this record | REFER_CODE | ||
frameSetID | bigint | 8 | UID of the set of frames that this merged source comes from | REFER_CODE | ||
ra | float | 8 | Degrees | Celestial Right Ascension | POS_EQ_RA_MAIN | |
dec | float | 8 | Degrees | Celestial Declination | POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN | |
sigRa | real | 4 | Degrees | Uncertainty in RA | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
sigDec | real | 4 | Degrees | Uncertainty in Dec | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
epoch | float | 8 | Years | Epoch of position measurement | TIME_EPOCH | |
muRa | real | 4 | mas/yr | Proper motion in RA direction | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_PMRA |
muDec | real | 4 | mas/yr | Proper motion in Dec direction | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_PMDEC |
sigMuRa | real | 4 | mas/yr | Error on proper motion in RA direction | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
sigMuDec | real | 4 | mas/yr | Error on proper motion in Dec direction | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
chi2 | real | 4 | Chi-squared value of proper motion solution | -0.9999995e9 | FIT_CHI2 | |
nFrames | tinyint | 1 | No. of frames used for this proper motion measurement | 0 | NUMBER | |
cx | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | POS_EQ_X | ||
cy | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | POS_EQ_Y | ||
cz | float | 8 | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | POS_EQ_Z | ||
htmID | bigint | 8 | Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates | POS_GENERAL | ||
l | float | 8 | Degrees | Galactic longitude | POS_GAL_LON | |
b | float | 8 | Degrees | Galactic latitude | POS_GAL_LAT | |
lambda | float | 8 | Degrees | SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 1 | POS | |
eta | float | 8 | Degrees | SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 | POS | |
priOrSec | bigint | 8 | Seam code for a unique (=0) or duplicated (!=0) source (eg. flags overlap duplicates). | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
jmhPnt | real | 4 | mag | Point source colour J-H (using aperMag3) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_COLOR |
jmhPntErr | real | 4 | mag | Error on point source colour J-H | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
hmk_1Pnt | real | 4 | mag | Point source colour H-K (using aperMag3) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_COLOR |
hmk_1PntErr | real | 4 | mag | Error on point source colour H-K | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
h2mk_1Pnt | real | 4 | mag | Point source colour H2-K (using aperMag3) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_COLOR |
h2mk_1PntErr | real | 4 | mag | Error on point source colour H2-K | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
mergedClassStat | real | 4 | Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic | -0.9999995e9 | STAT_PROP | |
mergedClass | smallint | 2 | Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) | CODE_MISC | ||
pStar | real | 4 | Probability that the source is a star | STAT_PROP | ||
pGalaxy | real | 4 | Probability that the source is a galaxy | STAT_PROP | ||
pNoise | real | 4 | Probability that the source is noise | STAT_PROP | ||
pSaturated | real | 4 | Probability that the source is saturated | STAT_PROP | ||
jAperMag1 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source J aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
jAperMag1Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source J mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
jAperMag3 | real | 4 | mag | Default point/extended source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
jAperMag3Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in default point/extended source J mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
jAperMag4 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source J aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
jAperMag4Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source J mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
jGausig | real | 4 | pixels | RMS of axes of ellipse fit in J | -0.9999995e9 | MORPH_PARAM |
jEll | real | 4 | 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in J | -0.9999995e9 | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | |
jPA | real | 4 | Degrees | ellipse fit celestial orientation in J | -0.9999995e9 | POS_POS-ANG |
jErrBits | int | 4 | processing warning/error bitwise flags in J | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
jDeblend | int | 4 | placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in J | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
jClass | smallint | 2 | discrete image classification flag in J | -9999 | CLASS_MISC | |
jClassStat | real | 4 | S-Extractor classification statistic in J | -0.9999995e9 | STAT_PROP | |
jppErrBits | int | 4 | additional WFAU post-processing error bits in J | 0 | CODE_MISC | |
jSeqNum | int | 4 | the running number of the J detection | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
jObjID | bigint | 8 | DEPRECATED (do not use) | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
jXi | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of J detection from master position (+east/-west) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_RA_OFF |
jEta | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of J detection from master position (+north/-south) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_DEC_OFF |
hAperMag1 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source H aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
hAperMag1Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source H mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
hAperMag3 | real | 4 | mag | Default point/extended source H aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
hAperMag3Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in default point/extended source H mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
hAperMag4 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source H aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
hAperMag4Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source H mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
hGausig | real | 4 | pixels | RMS of axes of ellipse fit in H | -0.9999995e9 | MORPH_PARAM |
hEll | real | 4 | 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in H | -0.9999995e9 | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | |
hPA | real | 4 | Degrees | ellipse fit celestial orientation in H | -0.9999995e9 | POS_POS-ANG |
hErrBits | int | 4 | processing warning/error bitwise flags in H | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
hDeblend | int | 4 | placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in H | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
hClass | smallint | 2 | discrete image classification flag in H | -9999 | CLASS_MISC | |
hClassStat | real | 4 | S-Extractor classification statistic in H | -0.9999995e9 | STAT_PROP | |
hppErrBits | int | 4 | additional WFAU post-processing error bits in H | 0 | CODE_MISC | |
hSeqNum | int | 4 | the running number of the H detection | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
hObjID | bigint | 8 | DEPRECATED (do not use) | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
hXi | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of H detection from master position (+east/-west) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_RA_OFF |
hEta | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of H detection from master position (+north/-south) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_DEC_OFF |
k_1AperMag1 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source 1st epoch K aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
k_1AperMag1Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source 1st epoch K mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
k_1AperMag3 | real | 4 | mag | Default point/extended source 1st epoch K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
k_1AperMag3Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in default point/extended source 1st epoch K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
k_1AperMag4 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source 1st epoch K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
k_1AperMag4Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source 1st epoch K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
k_1Gausig | real | 4 | pixels | RMS of axes of ellipse fit in 1st epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | MORPH_PARAM |
k_1Ell | real | 4 | 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in 1st epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | |
k_1PA | real | 4 | Degrees | ellipse fit celestial orientation in 1st epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | POS_POS-ANG |
k_1ErrBits | int | 4 | processing warning/error bitwise flags in 1st epoch K | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
k_1Deblend | int | 4 | placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in 1st epoch K | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
k_1Class | smallint | 2 | discrete image classification flag in 1st epoch K | -9999 | CLASS_MISC | |
k_1ClassStat | real | 4 | S-Extractor classification statistic in 1st epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | STAT_PROP | |
k_1ppErrBits | int | 4 | additional WFAU post-processing error bits in 1st epoch K | 0 | CODE_MISC | |
k_1SeqNum | int | 4 | the running number of the 1st epoch K detection | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
k_1ObjID | bigint | 8 | DEPRECATED (do not use) | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
k_1Xi | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of 1st epoch K detection from master position (+east/-west) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_RA_OFF |
k_1Eta | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of 1st epoch K detection from master position (+north/-south) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_DEC_OFF |
k_2AperMag1 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source 2nd epoch K aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
k_2AperMag1Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source 2nd epoch K mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
k_2AperMag3 | real | 4 | mag | Default point/extended source 2nd epoch K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
k_2AperMag3Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in default point/extended source 2nd epoch K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
k_2AperMag4 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source 2nd epoch K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
k_2AperMag4Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source 2nd epoch K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
k_2Gausig | real | 4 | pixels | RMS of axes of ellipse fit in 2nd epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | MORPH_PARAM |
k_2Ell | real | 4 | 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in 2nd epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | |
k_2PA | real | 4 | Degrees | ellipse fit celestial orientation in 2nd epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | POS_POS-ANG |
k_2ErrBits | int | 4 | processing warning/error bitwise flags in 2nd epoch K | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
k_2Deblend | int | 4 | placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in 2nd epoch K | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
k_2Class | smallint | 2 | discrete image classification flag in 2nd epoch K | -9999 | CLASS_MISC | |
k_2ClassStat | real | 4 | S-Extractor classification statistic in 2nd epoch K | -0.9999995e9 | STAT_PROP | |
k_2ppErrBits | int | 4 | additional WFAU post-processing error bits in 2nd epoch K | 0 | CODE_MISC | |
k_2SeqNum | int | 4 | the running number of the 2nd epoch K detection | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
k_2ObjID | bigint | 8 | DEPRECATED (do not use) | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
k_2Xi | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of 2nd epoch K detection from master position (+east/-west) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_RA_OFF |
k_2Eta | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of 2nd epoch K detection from master position (+north/-south) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_DEC_OFF |
h2AperMag1 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source H2 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
h2AperMag1Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source H2 mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
h2AperMag3 | real | 4 | mag | Default point/extended source H2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
h2AperMag3Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in default point/extended source H2 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
h2AperMag4 | real | 4 | mag | Extended source H2 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | PHOT_MAG |
h2AperMag4Err | real | 4 | mag | Error in extended source H2 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter) | -0.9999995e9 | ERROR |
h2Gausig | real | 4 | pixels | RMS of axes of ellipse fit in H2 | -0.9999995e9 | MORPH_PARAM |
h2Ell | real | 4 | 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in H2 | -0.9999995e9 | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | |
h2PA | real | 4 | Degrees | ellipse fit celestial orientation in H2 | -0.9999995e9 | POS_POS-ANG |
h2ErrBits | int | 4 | processing warning/error bitwise flags in H2 | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
h2Deblend | int | 4 | placeholder flag indicating parent/child relation in H2 | -99999999 | CODE_MISC | |
h2Class | smallint | 2 | discrete image classification flag in H2 | -9999 | CLASS_MISC | |
h2ClassStat | real | 4 | S-Extractor classification statistic in H2 | -0.9999995e9 | STAT_PROP | |
h2ppErrBits | int | 4 | additional WFAU post-processing error bits in H2 | 0 | CODE_MISC | |
h2SeqNum | int | 4 | the running number of the H2 detection | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
h2ObjID | bigint | 8 | DEPRECATED (do not use) | -99999999 | ID_NUMBER | |
h2Xi | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of H2 detection from master position (+east/-west) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_RA_OFF |
h2Eta | real | 4 | arcsec | Offset of H2 detection from master position (+north/-south) | -0.9999995e9 | POS_EQ_DEC_OFF |
Total length | 561 |