The VISTA Science Archive standard star calibration data is kept in databases named VISTACAL‹semester›. semester denotes the last semester included in the database from ??? onwards, eg. VISTACAL??? includes data from ??? up to ???. This is the set of data taken to calibrate VISTA. There are ?? pointings that cover ESO Touchstone Fields. The fields are observed when they are closest to the zenith and are observed in all VISTA PSPI filters: Z, Y, J, H, Ks, NB118. Each field is observed multiple times and the time between repeat observations in the same filter is much greater (typically one day) than the time to cycle through all filters (5-10 minutes) so the data are processed to give colours at each epoch through the SynopticSource table: a correlated multi-epoch data set.
The products include deep images and catalogues and multi-epoch variability selection.